Wheres this panic?

Wheres this panic?

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2 more weeks

How hot are the girls in the BJ's section of that store?

>Wheres this panic?
right here

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Is that the one on Racho Road in Taylor?

It's happening little by little
>no toiletpaper
>no papertowels
>no ramen
>low soup
>almost no bread

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OP, where are you in the US?

guessing east coast somewhere since its Bjs

They're infecting the Midwest as well.

Oh nooooooooooooo, a bunch of rich people lost money that never existed in the first place, how awwwwwwwwwwful.

In my area all of the flour, hand soap, and disinfectant are gone. Medicines like paracetamol are also disappearing. Tinned fish is starting to get low. Plenty of toilet paper though. Toilet paper is always fully stocked.

Last night, we went to go buy alcohol. There was a line out the door, wrapped around the building, many broken bottles on the ground, and general pandemonium. Not to mention all the local shops have had their supplies obliterated.

It will affect poor people like your parents too

>Shitposter Nation
>Well stocked TP

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haha it hasnt effected me yet, surely things wont get any worse so what do I have to worry about

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Same thing here in south aus, and we have barely any sick and plenty of stores around for the number of people

If you live in the Middle of Nowhere you are not going to see panic, YET.



>rich people lost money
The rich will be fine.

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>no source or pics

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I went to both Sam's and Costco the other day and, while there were some people buying lots of stuff (including some morons with +20 toilet paper packs) there is no shortage of any kind of food. You couldn't find hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes, though.

This. I bought plenty of food while idiots stocked up on fucking toilet paper.

I don't know what the deal is with toiletpaper. Maybe it'll be the new form of currency

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Dude, only post pictures of empty shelves. What's wrong with you?


>>Well stocked TP
that's how you do it.

my store has no bread at all

Why not just eat cake?

>supplies are delivered on a schedule
>massive amount of fucking retard storm the stores for three days

fellow nova bro

it's an accidentally implanted meme. i've seen it said that in a major SHTF situation in which you would have to GO INNAWOODS, that yeah, toilet paper is hard to replace and you will want some

in your own home, ESPECIALLY with running water, it's a total non-issue. i'm positive people have seen the toilet paper thing about wilderness survival and just subconsciously stored it as "TP is needed for any sort of situation"

people are dumb. say one thing 5 years ago and find that half the world misheard and phone-gamed it all that time and now are attributing some horrible nonsense to you

go back in three days and take that picture again

Dunno about you, but Id be over in the BJ line.


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Meetup this weekend?

My parents live in North Dakota. I'm trapped in commiefornia because of work. Their stores are just fine (except for the hand sanitizer that was bought up by scalpers). The stores in commiefornia are a war zone. I told them to buy up everything they need now because it'll hit them in a week or two as well.

I just left my local shopping center

Entire shelves entirely cleaned out.
Hot ticket items:
>toilet paper!!! (even the kleenex was gone)
>certain random canned goods which
>bread was low, but not cleaned out entirely
The line for the store was immense. I had to park over on the next lot it was completely jam packed.

Yes, this is real. If it hasn't happened in your area, you better stock up now.

Truth. The retarded suburban Karen’s who believe anything on Facebook have already blown their lifesavings on toilet paper for the next 100 years. Once things restock it’s back to normal

Reporting from the middle of nowhere, stores here got hit hard this weekend, its happening guys.

Pretty sure a lot of it was because we were constantly getting raided by very specific ranges of faggots/queers/homos like the Obamaleaf and moot being analbootyblasted at the Great Australian Cuckening.

Confirming NoDak. It's "panic lite". Bottled water, shit paper, paper towels, and moving up into the packaged meats pasta beans rice etc.

Silver linings to the corona virus:
Americans learned that we are dependent on China for 90% of our generic medicines
We see how much of our economy has been outsourced
Forces older Americans to realize how unhealthy they are
It is revealed just how fragile the financial sector's Ponzi house of cards really is
Shines a light on China’s horrific animal abuse
Highlights how useless professional sports are
Brought awareness to how many really die during flu season
Exposes politicians that politicize public health and the scam artists that price gouge
Forces people to stay home and to take stock of their emergency preparedness
Correction of the stock market/price discovery
Decrease in gas prices

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what do you think, union job pension funds are invested in? university endowments? etc.

like it or not stock market affects more than you think

>a bunch of rich people lost money
That's not allowed.
You and your loved ones will foot the bill

still no arse paper
everything else seemed fine tough.

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Yes there was crazy lines and shortages yesterday at the costco i went to yesterday, but its just the initial flush. In MA. With that being said, the outbreak is not peaked yet and its going to get worse. The death toll is going to peak later, after people go back to norma. Then we’ll see the real civil unrest

you won't want to leave your home in a couple weeks.

We're in for at least a week more of this as people that missed out on the first round of panic buying get in early on the 2nd round

In socal cities it's absolutely fucked. Even health food stores are emptying out. Trader joe's gets restocked everyday, empty by closing, but apparently their warehouses are starting to empty out entirely too. Same with Aldi/costco etc. Lines are 1-3 hours most places, and stock's totally empty on a lot of shit. Nyquil is sparse out here and like 50 bucks for a few bottles on amazon now. If stores look like that stock up to avoid all this retarded shit. There's no reason not to. Otherwise you'll inevitably need groceries normally at some point and have to wait in line and have shitty stuff to pick from.

double edged sword. a lot of shit gets posted by memeflaggots but country flags detract from what people say e.g. "leaf flag - opinion discarded" "nice opinion, bong/mutt/turkroach" etc

I am very happy to have a producing garden and laying hens at the moment.

im going back to costco on wednesday
hopefully there won't be 5000 people in the store this time

If only there was some kind of system that could reuse this empty space later. I for one think it is quite stupid to only stock up these shelves once

im a new so dont get this
>Obamaleaf and moot being analbootyblasted at the Great Australian Cuckening.
very much btw

Poorly setup stingray in waldorf
Theyre hunting me

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west coast area

all grocery stores, warehouse stores, dollar stores, pharmacy's, they are out of bottled water, tissues, paper towels, bread, milk, eggs, meats, pasta, pasta sauces, beef jerky, rubbing alcohol, lysol, gloves, masks etc. Running out of OTC medication, canned goods.

People are lining up 3 hours before these stores are opening for a chance to get items. All people talk about in stores are the virus and the smug, narcissistic fucks criticizing people intelligent enough to prep.

Almost forgot the homeless woman who said she'll prep when the wine runs out.

It feels wrong to watch movies with story lines about the apocalypse while its actually happening.

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>Wheres this panic?
at the disco.

yeah it sucks that stores will never have anything again

Two types of places aren’t getting hit: those where people are too poor to stock up, and those where they are too rich to care.

Hail satan.

>oh no muh manipulated jew money laundering machine

I live in a place where most people already have essentially weeks worth of food stashed in their homes and still the mince meat and all the bread run out last Friday in all four stores I visited after work, the bread especially was a head scratcher because they're usually so much a very sizable fraction expires on the shelves despite half off price stickers

my local Fiesta (mexican grocery) hasn't really run out of anything yet. Based spics I guess.

Ignore OP's pic

THIS pic is the reality

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Sure looks like it. I didn't feel like driving down to BJs to check, but if it is, then pretty much everywhere else in the surrounding areas looks like they've been through a zombie apocalypse and has a bunch of fat mexican women yelling some shit in their devil language while they ransack the shelves. I went to two stores looking for ground beef, which was sold out except for a couple packs of the expensive grass-fed stuff, and just got the fuck out of there.

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can confirm, we are on no bread phase here, but shop owners are getting sale fever and shelves are fuller than ever.

I only worry about quarantine or panic shop closures

That's more of a blue state thing.

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