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wait until tomorrow
this train has no breaks

Or brakes.

Haha money printer go brrrrrrrrr

What does this mean? Shouldn't the Dow Jones go up by 3000 points tomorrow?

lmao you're in for a ride breh

unchanged to green DOW on Monday

>jun 20

Under normal conditions, yes. But under current conditions, there is a growing loss of faith in the basic competence of America's political and economic leaders.

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>China sells futures on illiquid Sunday night into a halt
Decent idea, won't work

after the speak Pence gave I'm surprised it didn't hit the breaker yet.

Japan down 5%

>putting money into a dead world economy

don't buy the dip yet fren china just had a second outbreak

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opinion immediately disregarded, shillfag

yeah if you live in australia
it will go up

>china just had a second outbreak

hyperinflation. trump baiting them into crashing their own system. mega lulz incoming

Hey guys, very low IQ leaf here with little understanding of the markets. Why does it go up and down like this?

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Heh, see you at below $20k tomorrow lads. Once SHTF GLHF

This isn't free market capitalism, if they can halt trading whenever "they" lose.

>low IQ id
>usoing 'breh' unironically
you'll get what you deserve

Ok Trump cultist. Now that stonks are gone Trump can only brag about one thing: Israel

What the fuck? Why would Trump keep forcing the Fed to lower the interest rates? Is there something he know that we don't?

Nah, that’s just you trannies.

Some of you guys are alright, don’t come the the stock market tomorrow

lol your country is fucked

Attached: 13-trump-signed-stock-market-chart-coronavirus.w700.h467.jpg (656x438, 47.36K)

Stay mad bullnigger

Corona-Chan and stock market crash.
Boomers get finally what they deserve for importing massive amounts of niggers

Attached: we sacrified space colonization to feed niggers that in return commit disproportionally crime, drain the welfare state and still hate us. thanks boomers 2.jpg (500x668, 154.33K)

sit back, relax and enjoy the show. plebs have no idea what's coming. it will be glorious

More like blazed

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Check it

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number go up

Reminder that "Coronavirus will kill Trump's chances at reelection" has been proven to be an artificial narrative paid to be spread by kikes. No human actually believes this.

checked based and redpilled

What does MIGA have to do with it? This is an effect of a chink bioweapon.

He's done a lot on Immigration and China dumbass shill. You can't be this stupid

Holy shit monday is going to be a bloodbath

Well its not like the US is full of humans


Just print some more monopoly money. Socialism for the banks

Brainlet here, what does that mean

>we're hitting larping levels that shouldn't even be possible

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Trump is a kike you dumb newfag

It is far more likely we cancel the election and simply give him another term than it is that he would lose to whatever candidate they put up for whatever reason you could imagine.

This Virus/disease is breddy bad dough.

Depends. If he handles this well, it will confirm a re-election. If he doesn't, a lot of his boomer base will die and the rest is a mystery.

holy shit

>If he handles this well

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Reminder that Trump is a controlled opposition kike, as is this faggot.

At least I'm not alone

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At this point, I don't give a shit anymore after the market was up almost 2000 points because I have no idea what to expect. It's extremely volatile now and I won't be surprised if it goes down 2000 tomorrow.


patience young padawan

>$1.5 trillion dollars gone in one week

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Why do you care about Trump so much? What did he do to make you so frustrated? Was it because he beat Hillary even though all of your polls told you she was going to win? Is it because no matter what you throw at him nothing seems to work?

Better hope this stock downturn translates into real economic damage or else you're going to have a really tough November trying to run Ol' Joe against Trump.

Most Americans care more about the embassy moving to Jerusalem than about the economy, discord tranny.

Actually this is true. People are losing faith fast in markets and dollars. Hence gold and bitcoin just jumping!

What is this about?

it never existed in the first place, and you are talking about a debt that never gets repaid with anything but betrayal and murder regardless.

Nesara? Can I get a QRD?

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Everyone take a moment to laugh at Trump cultists

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How long has futures trading been halted? Four, maybe five minutes? lmao

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Yeah it's been almost 10 fucking minutes. I think they're probably discussing just halting trading for the day

Nice meme Ahmed

A kike would have left our borders wide open like Boris Johnson and Trudeau. Trump is pissing off the kikes in the media doing thisn

I thought futures halted automatically, like the circuit breakers for the S&P, except at 5% instead of 7%?

Yeah they do, but they probably sense the way this is going and are considering just shutting it down entirely.

Nice meme Tyrone

Wouldn't exactly surprise me.


We don't know. If we were not in the midst of a social and financial meltdown it would stand to reason zero interest rates would cause the stock indexes to rise. But we are in an unprecedented situation. This move could easily be interpreted as an admission the fed is panicking and so much of our system is built on trust it could spook the already highly agitated markets and cause a headlong rush for the door. We will find out in less than 24 hours.

It means you better go to your ATM and get SOME if not ALL of your cash out. you have been warned.

OP is fake, why would we laugh at Trump over a fake post you fell for?