James Mason announced yesterday.
Atomwaffen Division Disbanded
Other urls found in this thread:
>Right wing group forms
>Gets infiltrated by feds
>multi-billion dollar hate organizations join forces to attack the new organization.
This happens so often.
Well you have to do that or you end up getting ass fucked even further. Especially something as tarnished as AWD.
Who cares about this glownigger op being shut down?
inauthentic and homosexual
Yeah man we should just stick to /ptg/ and happeningfag threads.
Get excited for next glownigger honeypot
Well Mason openly said to avoid any new groups in the last minute because they're glowniggers.
Hey, at least the multi-billion dollar hate organizations spend resources on it.
Who cares? What did they accomplish except a bit of flag waving, gay satanic rituals and taking pictures of themselves in camo gear? It's all a big LARP.
I meant to say, even since the groups inception it has been this way.
Well they're being declared an FTO this week so yeah.
But besides what I said I mean they revived SIEGE back into popular talk again. Though ironically after they accomplished that they disregarded the book and became Aryan Nations 2.0. Hence why Mason rails off on them as idiots in the last minute. Seems he found out what AWD has been up too.
>Well they're being declared an FTO this week so yeah.
Well my point is, why are they even mentioned here? They've done literally nothing except LARP in some camo gear as some paramilitary NatSoc 'resistance'. It's gay and does nothing except distract, confuse and prevent real racial consciousness. There are many groups like this.
How do they even disband?
They're a leaderless amorphous mess spread all over the globe.
>Well my point is, why are they even mentioned here?
Because it's news and I didn't feel like reposting Corona shit or other reposted to death topics.
Because the FBI arrested most of them and there are probably like 4 guys left.
what a tragedy
It's AI voice cloning:
nigger what?
that's the thing. we don't know.
nobody knows. they never were an organization. there are no member lists.
Notice how there's no video and they used a still from one of AWD's previous videos.
Couldn't have happened to nicer guys.
Yeah retard it's because it was an audio message released by James Mason's friend Ryan on soundcloud and it's my fucking video. I just used that image just because. Jesus Christ dude take your meds.
Atomwaffen was a real organization man. Like what the fuck are you on about? They had a website you could join on and everything.
>Because it's news
No it isn't, it's irrelevant.
OP is a fed faggot. This is a gotcha/pitty party thread by said glow faggot.
Couldn't possibly glow any harder.
>They had a website
All of these fucking cringy federal agents are going home good
I thought Trump said all federal workers would continue to get paid
>right wing
They were satanists who sacrificed animals and worshipped hippie cult leader Charles Manson, nothing right wing about it
Not surprising considering how much of a shit heap the group became. Their only real accomplishment was tracking down James Mason and getting him to do talks and write articles again.
>What did they accomplish
A couple of them converted to Islam and killed each other, so that’s something
Okay then don't post in the thread then if you dont like it then homo
Please hire me alphabet user. I already waste my time doing retarded shit but I also want to get paid and help our country while doing it.
Only to now disgust and disappoint him into making a public statement like this.
>James Mason
Literally a double-digit IQ, the type of genetic refuse I wouldn’t trust to walk my dog
But are you truly ready to sacrifice goats and post pictures of light scratches on morbidly obese women’s asses? Everybody wants to be a gangster til it’s time to do gangster shit
Mason's only real mistake was letting Atomwaffen talk him into endorsing their group. He would've been better off just being forgotten and enjoying his German memorabilia collection and exploiting every free service in Colorado.
This. You can hear the disappointment in the last minute explaining how retarded they were.
What was this group all about? Did they do the poway or christchurch shootings or something?
>it's my fucking video
Yeah it shows. It's too dissimilar from any of their previous messages. Why would they still be recruiting if they disbanded?
Basically think of those NS militias back in the 90s like Aryan Nations.
Technically, there is no right wing anything. It's just a silly label applied to things that self proclaimed leftists don't like. By "right wing" what I mean is "dissident"
There are no left wing dissident movements or organizations of note. Certainly not Antifa which is merely a tool of the elites to suppress working class White anger.
The left-right dichotomy is stupid and actually confuses matters
so do any of you glow niggers know when episode 9 of the bowl cast will drop?
bottom text
Good Nights Agent
Well considering their entire leadership got busted by the FBI a couple weeks ago yeah no.
Honestly that's what Rockwell said too. I remember him saying how 100 years before him he'd be considered a leftist and now he's considered right wing. It's all arbitrary as fuck and depends on the time.
Started as a militia that would prep for the apocalyptic race war then some of them started dabbling in satanism and Islam so it just rolled downhill from there.
>A couple of them converted to Islam and killed each other, so that’s something
>Okay then don't post in the thread then if you dont like it then homo
It's not just about this thread, it's about the constant spam of shit tier non-information about non-entities by rebbit homos like you, homo. Let me guess, you were in Atomfaggen and now you're upset you can't keep sucking your friends off in some gay ritual in the woods, homo.
So they didn't do shit then. Just sit around talking about racial struggles and how they are gonna fight as soon as the government starts taking their rights all while the government is currently taking their rights and feeding their white women to subhumans? That kind of group?
Thou hath attained the numerals of honesty.
(fucking spam filter. Checking gets is Yas Forums culture)
That sounds pretty stupid, desu
Atomwaffen is a glownigger cringe fest and Mason should have never interacted with them. I feel sorry for Mason, having these retards associated with him.
Yeah pretty much. Like I said just like Aryan Nations though at least AN had a cool compound though the SPLC used Lawfare to steal it in the 2000s and literally set it on fire.
>Feds forms group of larpers
Fixed that for ya. James Mason is a self admitted "Satanist", most of the elite that rule this world are "Satanists".
Satanism is a stupid fucking misunderstood meme cult. What they really are, are corrupt degenerates, pedophiles, murderers, thieves, and crooks. The blanket term of Satanism is designed to protect them, and their identity.
Corruption exists, and we exist to quell its influence.
Fake video put out by kikes using a still from AWD video entitled Nuclear Congress 2019 and AI voice cloning technology found here:
If it was a real AWD message it would be found here:
Yeah listening to the last minute of him just being dissapointed describing the stupidity is just sad.
make a sample audio
>James Mason is a self admitted "Satanist"
He's christian identity you fucking liar. He wrote a 5 part book series on it.
I thought the idea was that it was a leaderless group of "terrorist cells"
how can they disband it?
they always seemed like glowniggers to me, so no loss there
Like that’s gonna stop retards from going “friendship with mason ended, he’s a deradicalization agent, the Base is my new best friend”
>If it was a real AWD message it would be found here
Yeah and the people who run that website are literally in jail right now and have been since Feb 26 you fucking retard. Holy shit.
Oy vei
Good. They're cringe, satanic, and schizos.
Yeah but at least all these retards who do nothing but bring fed attention will leave him alone and quit using his book now. That's good.
Are there any groups actually action oriented?
I am not sure that he claimed that he was a Satanist but I am no Mason expert.
Personally, I believe that AWD was cringy and larpish but I do not believe that they were all feds.
I think Siege will still be passed around for awhile but it'll just be supplementary reading if you've already finished Rockwell and Pierce.
Make your own local group with friends you trust. Avoid big groups.