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Other urls found in this thread:

>Britain's coronavirus crisis 'could last until Spring 2021 with up to 8MILLION people - or 15% of the population - hospitalised, secret NHS briefing reveals' - as death toll leaps 14 in a day to 35

Attached: loved ones.jpg (693x632, 134.26K)

>self isolation
so this whole epidemic is just entertainment for /pol incels ?

>>I could die at age 80

who wants to be 80?

>with a sense of fulfillment in my life

you belive this hogwash?

humans are nothing more than tools, biological gears in a machine, you have a family to replace you when you wear out, you have maintenance in the form of food, sleep and entertainment.

you are nothing and you will be nothing

Actual doctor here.

From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.

If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-15 UK Home Daily Mail Online(2).png (996x1125, 1.14M)

>Isopropyl Alcohol 5 litres

Well don't you know, about the herd?
Everybody knows that the herds the word

Coofin herd

I too have a dictionary.

Do you look whenever you cross the road?

I bet you do, why would you if you're going to die at somepoint anyway


Yeah, are we fucked? I'm 25, no health issues, will i be okay?

Actual doctor here.

lhnsailnasuidha uio uiohaspdfiu uiph ouasyd piaush piuhwned piu piuh f;ebnl hwsvcef. uinefpiuhsne pocvhnuipsefbfiouef . weuinffuhv fn vsluinvvbayowgljknfgiuhvkmg. fweluihsfuyhsajbaluhduh. ihnsdlfuihfsdihsdflihsdbwubwuhbf, it's not unsual.

mnsdlfuhslutyebjnsdjkl;nfd;jknsdfugubnr5ikjmpoihsdyhg sdflkhf sdl; wgw3ubndfuy jdflisdfuig kmsdfjsdfhsdfsdfn ikjnfiuenf.


I got like varicose veins on me plums. Should i be worried?

Coronavirus will usher in a glorious age of forced Neetdom.


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Just thought do we have to opt out of organ donation now?
I don't really like the idea of dying and the NHS selling my kidneys to Israel.

>unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon
>mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic

this will make an amazing copypasta

0.2% chance you'll die if infected.

>Do you look whenever you cross the road?

i don't actually, life has no value. and notions that tell you this exist only to keep you in good mental condition so you function as a biological cog


Corona orgies incoming.
Join the herd user.

>0.2% chance you'll die if infected.

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It's time to come home lads.

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cool story bro

I always wondered what it was like to converse with someone who genuinely suffered from mental illness. Oh well.

I'm donating mine to fray bentos.

>when your existence makes mongs seethe
just black british things

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>life has no value
fedoras are awesome
>fedoras are awesome
fedoras are awesome
>fedoras are awesome (mine's better)
fedoras are awesome
>fedoras are awesome
fedoras are awesome
>fedoras are awesome (mine's iiiiiiinfinitely better)
fedoras are awesome
>fedoras are awesome
fedoras are awesome
>fedoras are awesome (mine's better)

Me on the right.

Attached: MV5BMTU3MTY5Njc2OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDMyMTYzNDM@._V1_SX1500_CR0,0,1500,999_AL_.jpg (1500x999, 121.53K)

So you googled it. Typical UK doctor.

Seethenonce with a lower than normal shit OP

based Daily Mail, monetizing everyone's panic.

BTW there were 16 million hospital admissions in 2016. the issue with CORVID is how big the spike in admissions is.

Nice evidence there my friend, really showed me.

Is this your first 4 chin thread?

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synthesize new mutagen formula

I order a bunch of their pies to half-heartedly prep, I hope your filthy kidneys aren't going to be in any of them.

>mental illness

i have no mental illness, these are facts humans serve no purpose and are a drain on the planet, this is an objective fact.

you are also nothing more than a biological machine, this is also a fact

Nigger got hit so hard he thinks he's a white guy.


i do not own a fedora, nor have i ever owned one

I want Sir Chris to knock stormzy out

Ffs are you spock?

Just vegan things
Just cyclist things
Just cross fitter things
Just tranny things
Just furry things
Just pedo things

Been self isolating for years mate

i was with you until this post it smells a little seethnoncey

It already it, retard. It's from reddit. How new are you?


Well not at the moment, but give it a few months.

Literally the only other suggestion is to keep everybody indoors and hope that every virus cell currently in the country dies either by the immune system of people who are infected, or that the infected person dies and can't spread it to other people.
Then when everybody in the UK is virus free, keep on stopping anybody from leaving or entering the country so that the virus cannot come back to the UK and infect the people who weren't infected the first time around. We must wait for everybody else in the world to do the same thing.
Until all the coronavirus cells in the world, die off

"purpose" and "meaning" are not objectively quantifiable terms, friend.

>are a drain on the planet
This is what people believe when they have a god complex. Almost all life was wiped out but the world recovered nicely; the planet is quite capable of dealing with us.

This shit better not kill me
>F1 2021 car changes
>ongoing trump is responsible for everything saga
>will labour ever recover from last election result
>will the norf rise up
>will Owen Jones get randomly attacked and it be a nog?
These are things I want to witness

I've been self-isolating my penis for decades.

why are there so many threads about the UK coronavirus? why not focus on their own countries?
Is it because we havent instantly shut everything down?

Yes they are.

don't give Farage any ideas lol

been ill for almost 2 weeks now, at first had 3 days off work because of temperature and shivering, felt better so went back to work for 5 days. now this weekend it seems i have a lung infection i can't stop coofing and wheezing. Why do i feel bad about calling in sick again!!. everyone is going to think i'm larping

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>tfw you behave more English than most English.

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nah, i nether seethe or nonce, i can understand maybe not the best post


whats a spock?

do you mean spook?

>the planet is quite capable of dealing with us.

this is correct but it will still be better of with out us

>F1 2021 car changes
They need to get rid of half the regulations so it stops being shit. Would love to watch it again but what's point when same shit happens everytime.

How many of those were icu admissions?

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They are in fear and look to daddy for hope and to vent their anger.

reminder that boris is a traitor

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Same reason they do for gun laws and tv licenses and immigration when most European countries have the same.
It’s a combination of our media being written in a language that they all understand and having to punch upwards. Weak men hate their superiors.

New York City - 33% white
Los Angeles - 28% white
Washington D.C. - 34% white
Boston - 43% white
Chicago - 31% white
New Orleans - 30% white
San Francisco - 41% white
Las Vegas - 47% white
Houston - 25% white
Phoenix - 46% white
Philadelphia - 34% white
Atlanta - 41% white
Oklahoma City - 56% white

Attached: gif_willem_dafoe.gif (220x189, 261.84K)

BREXIT off the table once again.
No ones there to negotiate.

Boris manged to create two memes in a single sentence.

>this is correct but it will still be better of with out us
Then kill yourself.


Terrible logic. The English people are the only people who can act English, if he is doing something different to them then he isn’t being more like them than themselves is he you fucking retard.

They're intimidated by us

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He is a Jew Turk after all

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you're meant to keep self-isolating for 7 days after your symptoms end, you madman you'll kill us all!

Oh dear oh dear

That Las Vegas number is literally 100% boomer too

it's because we're going to transform into the sick man of the world within the coming month. to them it's an unbelievable spectacle.

now you should post about how society isn't integrated enough and multi-culturalism has failed, for maximum dissonance.

this copypasta, kek

no questions thanks. please do continue wanking.

>boris is a traitor to the country and has left us to die

On the radio 5live now by some women whose grandad died

NEW for when the jannies glass this wank thread


>Then kill yourself.

i'm planning to, just got a few more loses ends to tie up

Better than letting the NHS steal them and flogging them on to the kikes or the chinks.

i'll give him a call

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looks like a biology paper to me lol

didnt go on Yas Forums until 10pm today lads
trying to stop spending so much time on the internet to get myself prepared for the constant power failures

the terrified look to the strong.

oh dear god this aged poorly

Aye, surge capacity, i dont even know how many ICU beds we have and when the threshold for saturation of the resources would happen.

2 weeks from now, 4 weeks from now, 8 weeks from now? the NHS already seems to be falling apart, i wonder if this will kill it for good..imo its only a matter of time till they start turning say over 65s away from the hospital.

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>whats a spock

Srsly? The pointy eared gimp from star trek. Mr fucking logic.

she's not wrong

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what did you do with your time?

what about the rain of frogs and the Thames turning to blood? you better have a plan for that or we're all dead.


Let's assume for a moment that the UK's strategy for dealing with this thing pays off, and that we are more or less the only country that comes out the other side in the medium to long term and that most other countries' economies and public health services are shitting the bed

What do we do? We rely heavily on imports for things like food and fuel. Would we rapidly start trying to become self-sufficient, or would we essentially go British Empire 2.0 and begin invading other countries under the pretext of protecting our national interests?

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because they secretly know the plan is intelligent and they want it to be done in their country too. Because they can't have it, they say 'well the plan must be shit then, I didn't want it anyway'

UK is currently undergoing mass-euthanasia action and nobody fucking cares.
Their inbred prime minister told that people will die and they choose to let them die because of the economy.

And nobody fucking cares, no mass protests. Jesus Christ.

>Literally the only other suggestion is to keep everybody indoors and hope that every virus cell currently in the country dies either by the immune system of people who are infected, or that the infected person dies and can't spread it to other people.

I think thats exactly what the chinese did by force, then lied about the real death statistics.

Why would I when both of those are good things. Integration is impossible, a black man can never be part of English culture or blood and multiculturalism has no positives outcome. It only serves to destroy.

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We fix the world. Again.

>star trek

never seen it

fuck off

>the NHS already seems to be falling apart

it's a postcode lottery like everything else. I've literally never had a problem with either the transport or healthcare systems in the midlands but London is probably fucked.

>full of BBC threads
fucking traitor

Look at that greasy monkey.
Like a wet shit.

They should let the virus run wild throughout the Norf.

>greer's prediction on the next boomer suicide cult

things won't run out, we'll just have a great negotiating position. EU entirely our bitches and collapsing at that point.

IE fuck, our models show this will infect 500 million and kill 25 million... but if we lock everything down now and let the sick die in situ it will burn out and the figures will be 5 million infected and 200thousand dead.

how's our economy going to deal with flaking out and sending everyone home for weeks to months, plus something like 2 million dead?

>acting English

Walking around in tracksuits smoking weed, listening to rap and talking like Ali G.
Our culture has been subverted and burgerfied in the name of globo-homo niggerdom.

You're obviously a Welsh doctor.

superior approach

hitchens ever spoken about female vicars?

nice sunny day tomorrow going to go on a long bike ride
if the schools are closed and there are kids all over my comfy path i'll be fuming

wunt do owt m8 wed fukin smash it

we reinvade Europe and take back our historical fiefdoms in France.

Chris would cripple that fake ass nigga

hopefully this will toughen up the NHS. During the outbreak, staff are going to be stress-tested. The fat slags who make up the core of NHS staff will finally learn some skills in efficiency.

this post reminded me to check what reddit are saying about this.