My restaurant is closed

Who's going to pay my bills?

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they will unironically have to just open everything up in a couple of weeks and deal with the virus. Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, we are 3rd world tier.

You should still pay your bills they're your bills.

Stop being poor and America becomes a first world country.

>not having any savings


borrow with interest

It's OK user, you're just unemployed now. A lot of people are unemployed. Maybe try to learn a new trade or skill and look around for job wanted ads.

Imagine voluntarily having a job where you're constantly immersed in a perpetually churning sea of humanity.

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>lol stop being brown and America becomes first world again

the average McMerimutt IQ everyone

>It's OK user, you're just unemployed now.

A billion Chinese can transition to being unemployed and broke in an orderly way. I'm concerned not only about my bills but for all the niggers that are going to forming roaming teams of looters.

I'm pretty amazed by how quickly this seems to be getting out of hand. Still think the virus is being way oversold, but the fucking panic sure doesn't seem to be. Now I'm thinking we'll be seeing massive riots by mid-April. Maybe martial law before Summer. I sure hope LiveLeak stays up and running!

My starbucks is closed, where am I gonna get a blowjob?

Any Ohio or Illinois fags who want to support a White owned restaurant right now: Go offer them grocery store rates for their food inventory before it all rots.

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>there are people on this site that believe these insane economy destroying quarantine measures are a good thing
Morons everywhere. This will be the end of the middle class by the time they are done.

>Stop noticing statistics or the decline of America, goyim!

>Who will pay my bills
Who will collect? Do you understand how many blacks and spics will refuse to pay any bills? No one can collect. And the government won't allow them to when families are starving and on breadlines.

Would you rather have some extra poor people, or some extra intensive care unit people? ICUs only have so much space.

not closed for delivery service

Just use a few of your 5 weeks of paid leave.

It's all planned. Some people are getting rich off this shit betting against the markets, other people just don't give a fuck because they're not going to shut down the legislature or whatever they "do" for a living.

No one. You and millions of people are going to go bankrupt. Have fun.

Most Americans are children stumbling through life. Trump is not a parent that comforts them. Toss in a decade of racial propaganda, stinking desperation and drug epidemics. The fires will start this week. NYC schools are now closed. It's permanent summer vacation. Do TPTB want to this happen? Who knows.

learn to code

>Just use a few of your 5 weeks of paid leave.

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What I want is for you pathetic nanny-state lovers to fuck off. The govt. is not your mommy, they can never be your mommy, you shouldn't be ok with the fact that this group of people have the power to just shut down your place of work. Scared of the virus? Don't go to those places, but don't force it shut down. They are already struggling to stay in business because of this and now you want to them to have no chance of making it through this. You may not care because of some ridiculous commie shit about exploitation but it's the hard working taxpayers that are getting fucked, not the rich people.

>NYC schools are now closed.

Ohio and a few other states have no school either.
A middle class fag can bring his kids to office. Poorfags cannot bring their kids to most of the jobs poor people do.

The Coronavirus has its own Governor? And he can order bars to be closed in Ohio?

no one. Italy is considering some tax extempt. Please contac tyour local politcian and ask him/her/xir about the same. Thank you.

the free market, faggot

Agreed. The virus however bad it is, it's just a scapegoat for their malicious actions against us. Same deal as 2008. Drop the ball, let the panic destroy everything and then buy it all up for pennies, pretend it never happened. I'm not surprised they are doing this, but I am disappointed how average people are reacting.

>Who's going to pay my bills?
you naturally

They better think of something quick before there are bread riots

Get a decent job, cooking is for women


You, silly!

Oh wait, you're implying you wanted assistance because you'll have no business coming in? Oh sweaty, don't you get it - free money is for the (((banks))), not for the little people like you. Now kindly die quietly in the gutter.

>Who will pay my bills
>Who will collect? Do you understand how many blacks and spics will refuse to pay any bills?

The most important is the money to buy food.

>learn to code

I can't get a job coding because I have no college, no experience, and I'm 40. Nobody hires someone with no experience this old. I did a little freelancing for a friend and joined a BNI to get more business. The BNI cost $700 to join and the meetings are now cancelled because of the virus. I do have a little savings though. I mostly made the post because I know I'm somewhat worried even though I can last half a year with no job.

just call mike pence he said it was ok

white restaurants BTFO

I’m 23 and make 6 figures a year what’s your excuse for being poor? Stop being lazy and get a clue.

>what’s your excuse for being poor?

Neglect and abuse. Bad education. Depression.

Borrow @ 0%.

Lol Script Kiddy

It's like he WANTS Ohio to elect a democrat.

THEE Ohio state of emergency.

It's cool user. Once the rich mega kikes are done raping our 401k plans, they'll allow the serfs to return to work.

the free market will fix it

Just get a STEM degree and be 23. No excuse not to. Don't get student loan debt, though, because as an employer that's an automatic no-hire. Being over 23 is also a no-hire.

Yeah man, why don't poor people just, like, buy more money?

None of your excuses are going to be a reason to not have a work ethic. You always become educated with the internet, which you obviously have. Depression can be a tough dragon to fight, or it can be just you being a lazy bitch and being comfortable where youre at. It's not that you aren't capable, you just don't want to put in the work to do it. Putting off working your way up and saving is just going to make you more depressed. Gotta break the cycle.

i have impeccable work ethic trust fund baby :)

Many if not most Americans have less than 1k in savings.

Accept delivery orders.

>Still think the virus is being way oversold

How are you still this deluded?

because they're reacting to all the financial institutions failing not people getting sick
the repo market cracks showed fall of 2019 and just grew until they hit 1.5 trillion last week
thing are fucked, the banks are insolvent

Mine too. I told boss to consider delivery as it develops more. Gonna hole up with some vidya and a bit of savings and see what happens.

>Who's going to pay my bills?
You, with your savings that you kept in case of something like this happening.

How do you go about getting bjs at sbux

more importantly who is going to pay for his healthcare?

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You. Next question.

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And yet every single news station has been saying the virus is nothing to worry about since January, so how exactly is it being oversold at all? If anything it's being downplayed and treated as a joke, it's a case of nobody knows until everybody knows.

you can still do food delivery

just become neet