You are murderers.
Why aren't you monsters self-quarantining?
They are acting on info disseminated by jew news.
Don't care. Free-will to do as I please. Fuck the government!
Why is he giving rides?
why contain it?
>they're not containing it!
>proceeds to work because he's a wage slave with no willpower to "do what is right" like he wants others to do.
Fuck off, fag.
Why is he allowed out and about but no one else is?
>pulled into the parking lot and sobbed
The soi is real.
Fucking hypocrite out giving rides
Fagget. Crying over another person's choice.
Stop watching the news, my dude.
He's driving plague rats all around town but they're killing people?
The dudes are finding scared sluts to fuck. I just have no idea how to do it. I too want to go to a bar to find scared young sluts to fuck.
>no one is quarantining you're so stupid
>no I won't quarantine either
>”Why aren’t people quarantining???”
>Still picks up strangers in his car
This is a retarded propaganda compaign. All these fuckers are liberals who hate trump and are happy about the thought of an economic downturn. They want everything to shut down. In their minds trump is bad and thus anything that is bad for trump is good, therefore wanting economic pain is good. To them the ends justify the means. These are the same kinds of people who think the end disqualifies the means; "A corporation did a good work for profits? That disqualifies the good work, it's no longer good!"
do men actually sob for something like that? i have a hard time imagining such a thing. am i some sort of sociopath?
but i am
>took my work vacation
>only going out for supplies
Onions nu-males sob over nothing.
Geez eat more impossible burgers you onions faggot
>Fucking sobbed
Cause im a first responder
I'm not going to change my behavior because strangers are panicking about nothing.
did you at least get a mask?
We have 4 self quarantined people in a city in austria
the city send someone to check if they are home, and they were not
They were fined 1500 euros
its not nothing, it kills old people, so ur killing old people
mentally ill wont survive the next 4 months.
Probably on 3 different anti depressants.
those fuck your mind
Ubers need to start lining their cars with plastic like the taxis in China. Making his entrants spray with Lysol or some shit. They’ll get the message.
This tweet, folks, is IRONY
>be confident
>be yourself
>most importanlt wear a bio suit and an ak47
>be john goodman
>Wahhh no one is quarantining
>Nevermind the fact I'm out here giving unecessary rides to people
This. Liberals want the worst to happen and are willing to help accelerate it so that they can be like "SEE! TRUMP SUCKS! WHY DIDNT YOU LISTEN" and then they die.
Oh no, the same people who were going to die anyway will die at home instead, the horror.
why are people on social media such crybaby faggots?
everything leads them to emotional breakdowns
I didn't sob when my Dad died, and barely for my dog. And this guy over an Uber.
Coronavirus couldn't damage testes any further.
Where is there a quarantine in effect?
I don't think anybody here cares about boomers.
don't you people have parents?
you're a fucking idiot if you think him or even 20% of drivers stopping would make a difference, and they need to survive. completely immature sub 30 year old brain thought. fuck off and die zoomer.
Nah, they are killing old and sick people. My mother is in her 60's, has COPD, and asthma. If she gets the virus she'll very likely die. She works as a hospice nurse...
what a fucking queer lmao can you imagine if that was a real tweet and not some bait account
Attention whoring through virtue signaling.
They lived a long life, if anyone deserves a rest, it's my old man. I'll die inside when he goes but the freedom of death comes to us all eventually.
Most people's parents here are gen x.
This has to be a parody account...right? No one could be this oblivious to their own hypocrisy.
if only the weak, and people holding back the system are dying is it really a big concern?
That guy at your workplace who has FMLA and only works 3 days a month making me half to do double the work is gone? Oh well lol
But I am.
>Remote working for (at least) the next two weeks
>spent the last 6 weeks filling my freezers and pantry with 4 months worth of food
I look forward to being a temporary shut-in.
>How dare you enjoy life! You should all be locked away in cages and giving into Despair Shmears run 24/7 by the corrupt media! WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY
Someone should tell this person how many traffic fatalities and injuries happen each year, then feel immense shame for his choice of work. Fuckers like this that just keep driving around make it so much more likely that they or someone else will die a horrible and violent death.
>they're not containing it!
This can't be contained.
I have to laugh, because I lived my life this way since forever.
I kill a deer, I store it in my freezer. I buy beef, it's in quarter or half cows, because it's cheaper.
I buy in bulk when the price is `right. I thought the entire world lived this way.
Now, I'm watching the world die.
I'm sorry Yas Forums, I don't want to see you suffer, any of you.
But what was normal for me, is now some "hardship" for you.
I never knew I was so different.
>accelerationism for me but not for thee
This. What a fag
Ironically the vast majority of pedestrian accidents are the fault of the pedestrian, even when the driver was impaired. A lot of those studies were done before the proliferation of smartphones and social media, too. That stat just keeps getting worse. It's the biggest roadblock to autonomous vehicles and we stopped enforcing jaywalking laws because it was raycis.
>meanwhile in china...
Wow what a massive faggot crying like a bitch. Weren't all these homosexuals dismissing the pandemic a few weeks ago? it gives me a massive urge to raid these retards
What the hell is schlomo telling the NPCs?
Shut up mutt. You don't even know his driving style.
ur dead bitch lol
>Joined February 2019
Get in the oven
>stay. the fuck. home.
He's a liberal phoneposting from his car in a parking lot, pretty sure you can figure out his driving style based on that (inattentive at best).