7.9 Million Brits to Require Hospitalisation Leaked Government Document Reveals


>The document, seen by the Guardian, is a briefing for senior NHS officials and also reveals UK officials believe the deadly virus could last until Spring 2021. It states as many as 80 percent of Britons could become infected with the coronavirus, with as many as 7.9million requiring hospitalisation. The dossier states: “As many as 80% of the population are expected to be infected with Covid-19 in the next 12 months, and up to 15% (7.9m people) may require hospitalisation.”

Lads... I'm really getting scared, I thought this was a nothingburger? Please don't let us die on this island, we're trapped, there's nowhere to run, no wilderness to escape to. Once the food runs out we'll start eating eachother. Please help us America, we need you now more than we have ever done in the past.

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Kek fuck off Amerimutt with Brit proxy

>Please help us America,

bro your gov has lost it
we should refuse every single uk citizens asap

>implying burgerstan will in any way be capable of helping itself let alone anyone else.
On the bright side it might spell the end of Israel

>Please help us America
Ok this is almost cute.

I still can't believe that the UK response is to say "lol just die" to their own people. I mean sure that is the basic idea of mass immigration, but in this case it's even more transparent.

lmao you dead bongoloid

>I'm really getting scared, I thought this was a nothingburger
Pathetic. Yas Forums has said that shit will be bad since january. With evidence and everything. If you aren't prepared by now you can only blame yourself.

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I've got severe asthma
I'm literally going to just fucking die.

For a long time in the modern world we haven’t had to face realities like this. It’s pointless debating now, this disease is going to fuck us up, things are going to get really bad. Loved ones may die, we may die. In our comfortable lives we often don’t have to think about these things but I think we have to now. There is a decent chance many peoples parents won’t get through this, it’s a horrible thing to have to say but it’s true. I really wish this wasn’t as bad as it is. At least we have one another on here, and in the coming months can share our grief together. I suggest people begin to make right with God, whatever God is, and make peace with the possibility of death and grief.

You guys were going extinct anyway, what did you expect? You keep voting for people who let rapefugees groom your children and fuck over your job security with a flood of pajeets.

This is punishment from God.


Herd immunity is the only way. Boris is right

big yikes from this post

Walk along the coast at low tide. Pick up crabs and oysters and clams. Pick nettles and edible berries and shrooms and roots. Enjoy.
Also there are vast swathes of country side in the north, especially Scotland.
This is the time to start memorising how to make traps and shelters and drinkable water.

Ongeniman temprian duguð [corona] worms êow must frum leahtrian dôð [imbalance] râd êower [Choleric] ofersittan, duguð scilfor gealla to dôð landbegenga. [Simply] tôstingan hlêg n¯ædl innan êower [abdomen] bâm f¯æle ðrîe to bûc [lengths] ðigen sûgan witodlic a lîf ge adverbial phrases.

Balance your yellow humours good friend.

Attached: Me.jpg (568x566, 114.21K)

So much for flock immunity...

Just like Germany

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-15 Up to 70% of Germany could contract virus - Merkel.png (659x1143, 537.4K)

misleading tittle.

This is a speculation.

How many fat juicy crabs and oysters are there going to be when 40 million people head to the coasts to fish. Every leaf will be eaten, every squirrel, bird and rat cokked.
Do you literally think fucking berries and leaves will feed the UK you braindead mongoloid? We import vast amounts of our food.

>herd immunity
>0.7% mortality rate
bruh, we're fucked

Attached: mortalityrate.png (695x504, 51.48K)

Why is everyone a complete fucking retard? I hate the internet.

>herd/cattle immunity
>coronavirus is the source of our power
>coronavirus is enrichment

cope more sheep herd bongs

I think that your leaders where just looking for an excuse for pop. control and it just happened that they found it. May D'us have piety of your souls.


Attached: OscA-YpJ_400x400.jpg (595x425, 74.05K)

Think of the herd.

Only Norway (and Iceland) can feed themselves 20 times over from the sea.

the death rate will be much higher if you don't flatten the curve.

You will becme like Italy right now, having to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't.

0,7% = flatten curve
6% = high curve

The PEOPLE know it's a ruse to kill the elderly and lessen the financial burden to the government. Only the GOVERNMENT seems to believe this herd immunity bullshit.

Fucking GED spastic.

The mass majority of people won’t know to go to the coasts. Whole sale warehouses and supermarkets will be raided first, then other peoples homes. Maybe some farms will be targeted but most people will die in the cities they won’t take a risk to go out when they don’t know where to go or what to look for. The few savvy people will be quietly chilling in Cumbria or Northumberland or the highlands etc.

The UK government literally wants you to die, that's what's so insane. They won't even try to help.

I'll steal a few highland cows with my mates.
They eat grass right?

And the US wants the same for you, don’t deny it you clip dicked hypocrite.

well, shit

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it's just the flu bro

>As many as 80% of the population are expected to be infected with Covid-19 in the next 12 months
Deagel has for years predicted a 78% decline in British population by 2025. Whoever is behind this site knew Coronavirus was coming.

Honestly couldn't give a fuck.

it was good knowing you lads

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survival of the fittest now lads

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lost to rats, lost to virus
cope harder

It's over

How old are you?

>20,000 hospitalizations a day
>every day for a year
Bongs, I..

I think i might already have it
think i have a light cough

>This kills the nhs

There are bothies in Scotland, in the highlands.

judges and police chiefs


what about that herd immunity boris

Give us your big-brained solution for "flattening the curve".

What is this website desu

Its the same shit everywhere, UK government is just being more honest about it. Le magic lockdown isn't going to make the virus just disappear

I knew this was bad when I saw what happened in China and I knew it was going to get bad here but now it’s actually happening it doesn’t seem real ,rather than close the borders early on and nip it in the bud the uk gov waited too long and has now given up trying to contain it ,we are fucked

Both the Black Death and corona exist today in the USA.
The same cannot be said for the UK.
Maybe you can shoot the virus?

me too, gonna coof on everyone and everything at work tomorrow

If no new infections happen where is the virus going to reappear from exactly? It's not le magic virus that can reactivate itself.

I'm not exactly sure apart from the obvious which is that it's some kind of military entity with inside knowledge. Maybe for US or other government. It's been around for years but no one knows anything about it. They do have a youtube but its not been used for years.

>up to 15% (7.9m people) may require hospitalisation
>up to
Classic msm fearmongering

The one person out of 70 million who slips the net and restarts the whole cycle again. Every country is going to have this shit for like a year, you need to get to the point where most people have had it and recovered

Pakis, poles and pajeets must leave the UK now or die from the virus.

Govenremnt agencies write this shit to justify the billions they piss away every year. When wrong they will just shrug and say well at least we warned you of the worst case. This is complete rubbish. Likely most of the world is already over this cold.

>Emily Ferguson
Am I the only one who completely disregards any article written by a female? It's not even because i think the virus is a nothingburger, i just automatically doubt everything written if i see a woman's name

If you are young you will be fine.

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Many may die but the Herd will Survive

My grandmother died few days ago. She was 71 years old It's not a joke. She survive to the seasonal flu. This is not just a flu... She was coughing blood