Recognize this whole series of events for what it is: THE HAPPENING.


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Futures will be limit up by 6:01ET and the markets will be up minimum 15% tomorrow.

so the next fed meeting will be negative rates?
I don't think that will work in a country like the usa, with 24 trillion debt. but we will see, won't we.

END lock-downs
END travel restrictions
Follow Britain's strategy
Advise old people to stay home for 4 months.

Allow the young and healthy to get infected and become immune

MASS Produce ICU stations and ventilators and bio-hazard suits


the young and healthy will spread it to the old, effectively killing them

>the young and healthy will spread it to the old, effectively killing them
the old should self isolate. like I said. also give the old biohazard suits. why not? It would be easier to do that and is better than locking down the entire country.

>Allow the young and healthy to suffer crippling renal and respiratory damage
but you guys intensive care means you can get better right?

the young and healthy will get infected and in a couple days recover and be immune, this will prevent the virus from coming back in a second wave and killing even more people.

the virus is spreading so fast because tons of people have it and don't even show symptoms.

muh money! Fuck off.

Crash is coming again soon. Can't wait.

So does that mean now is becoming a decent time to try to get a mortgage for a house?

unremarkable in the face of the real happening: the tp drought

$1,500,000,000,000 / $25,000 = 60,000,000

The US government and Federal Reserve could have used the $1,500,000,000,000 to fund an aid package to benefit 60,000,000 families by giving them $25,000 each in managed accounts to be used to help improve their families lives. Instead the $1.5 trillion was wasted on the banks and corporations in an attempt to keep the stock market afloat

Imagine the overwhelming response by giving 60 million families aid rather than a few banks and corporations. Also, remember that $6.4 trillion ($6,400,000,000,000) has been wasted on wars in the Middle East since 2001

>INB4 Oy Vey!!! The money is for banks and corporations not the poor families goyim!!!

"Fed to Inject $1.5 Trillion in Bid to Prevent ‘Unusual Disruptions’ in Markets"

"America has spent $6.4 trillion on wars in the Middle East and Asia since 2001, a new study says"

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Nah, zero rate was priced in

Any suggestions to hedge inflation?

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>oh no the jew ponzi is crashing and burning

Physical silver

Friendly reminder that after 9/11, Greenspan slashed rates and fueled the housing bubble and associated crash.
The crash enabled oligarchs to buy up hard assets on the ultra cheap.
Crisis>slash rates/cheap money>asset bubble>asset bubble crash>recession>job losses> mass foreclosures>consolidation of hard assets by (((you-know-who)))

unironically this.

Chinks are laughing

They still have the money dumdum. But if you want them to give it away I want it all, for fairness

Gold is going to skyrocket.

Why dont you use your secret knowledge to get rich and to move out of mommy's basement

Chink economy is really sketchy right now too
They rely on everybody else to consoom and they NEED their investments to pay off.

>fed pumps fake and gay money into a fake and gay stock market during a crisis

Seems pretty normal to me.

I like Trump but I’m pretty sure this is Powell throwing up his hands and doing everything Trump told him to, now he’s gonna sit back and say “see how much good this does, you jackass”

>bongs need to shift course when people see the bodies start to pile up
>will be in full lockdown with a wrecked economy when other countries are exiting the epidemic stage

Powell is doing the only thing left, so he won’t be blamed for a recession.

can anyone explain what this means? does this mean I can borrow money at no interest? like just take a ton of debt and then say, well there's no juice on it so I'll just pay it back whenever, if I ever do?

If you haven’t realized that the vast majority of extremely poor people are poor because they make retarded life decisions, it’s because you must be retarded too. Giving dumbasses money doesnt make them suddenly start making wise financial decisions

>the old should self isolate for 4 months

I'm sure the average pensioner in England has a basement full of apocalypse prep right?

Or else they die when they need to get groceries because everyone is infected.

No! You'll immediately be underwater.

No, you can't.

Banks can.
Great system right?

Wouldn’t it be a great time to refinance?

are you a bank, no?
it'll attempt to pump stocks and make mortgage rates lower

What's this like vs 1929?

Expect drop of about 4000 tomorrow.

When are we getting negative rates?

The problem becomes the Fed itself

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So will the NPCs buy this shit again? Will the DJI rise to new heights this year? Black Monday tomorrow is probably canceled, but I can't believe that this shit is working again. However to be honest, I'm still not sure why it even worked the first time. All I can do is trying to understand the fundamentals, I seem to overestimate the intelligence of investment bankers time and time again.

futures tanking L O L

Depends how much equity you have, but you’ll still be fucked in the end when the value of your home plummets.

I’m no expert but it very well might be the best time to refinance, not purchase. Being able to borrow a lot of cash cheaply, especially when your home value is likely to plummet after this, is a valuable tool ASSUMING you are confident you can pay back the loan. You probably won’t be able to cash out nearly as much later if this really is the boomer apocalypse and all their suddenly vacant homes drop the value through the floor


You're on the wrong site, nigger. We want it to collapse.

Where are you getting the futures data?

You’ll be able to borrow at low, not zero interest. The government wants people borrowing money and buying products to keep the economy going, at least that’s the hypothesis

my broker. wait five more minutes and youll be able to get the lag data from google

>He thinks people are poor by choice
Kill yourself, boomer. Oh wait Corona-chan will do it.

I’ve known plenty of poor people and lived near them. They drive cars that cost more than their house and have jewelry, rims, and go out drinking and partying every weekend. You’re the stupidest faggot on the planet if you think handing them 100 grand will do anything other than give them one wild bender and that’s it

im poor and 100 grand i could do a lot with and live a vastly different life. Last thing on my mind would be going on a bender. Maybe a spending spree of like 5k, but the rest would go to gold, assets, and then investment.

So close, but have a (you)

>the rest would go to gold, assets, and then investment.
No it wouldn’t you faggot. You’d buy out all of the local liquor store’s of their entire stock of Tito’s, get an eight-ball and visit the strip club. One and done.

there is no immunity, you get reinfected...

>there is no immunity, you get reinfected...
no proof of that. just bad tests. thousands of people have recovered from it and are ok now. it sticks around for a while, that's for sure.

I meant "down" sorry for the typo

how do i make a bank?

And all the plan trusters keep saying it's a nothing burger and won't stay home. My boomer boss is traveling two states away for vacation in a week and was joking about being locked down. Says there's nothing to worry about and Orange faggot "the best president ever" is doing a great job. In his mind its just "fake media scare tactics".

>how do i make a bank?
Are you Jewish?

It's not working.
Futures down 4.5%.
Need more brrrrr.

>oy vey save the economy

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what does this mean for average retard like me?

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The fed is FINALLY listening to the God Emperor!!!!!!! WWG1WGA!!!

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Also zero proof of how it afects anyone in the long term. Fuck that guinea pig bullshit.

Also zero proof of how it affects anyone in the long term. Fuck that guinea pig bullshit.

Futures market on DOW down nearly 1000 points right now

Damn, it took a world-wide crisis to make you guys do this? We did it a couple years ago, heck you can even get short-term mortgages here for -0.25%

So, best stock trading app? TD Ameritrade seems the least Jewed.

So can I borrow low-interest loans to pay off my credit card debt?

Step one is to be Jewish.

These are short term loans, yeah its shit that they get a cheap loan so they can buy bonds and keep the profit, but it's not like they get to keep the 1.5 Trillion, they have to pay it back with interest.

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Actually you probably will be able to, which will save you money

If you think that you're probably white.

>So, best stock trading app?

Why not just give me your money instead of giving it to Jews?

E*TRADE works alright.

There have been other coronavirus that don’t have long term effects.

So instead, give it to them in an investment portfolio they can't sell. They get the dividends instead.

>Recognize this whole series of events for what it is: THE HAPPENING.
I've been on Yas Forums since 2009, and this is genuinely the first happening that really felt like one. I think the illness itself is not the thing to be scared about. If you're young, fit, and healthy, you WILL survive it. The worrying part is the reaction. People panicking, and the markets falling in the way they are will cause far more wide spread damage then a few thousand dead boomers will. The worst part is that this will continue for months, at the very least. This epidemic has just started. If it's like this already, imagine where we'll be in August, or September. This is going to fuck over the western world in a way nothing has since the great depression.

If you aren't lying, then you are the exception, not the rule


There no proof of longterm immunity either.

You government is risking millions of lives on a hunch.

Well, loans are complicated for interest rates. The answer for your question is yes, and you should probably do that regardless.

Thing about those interest rates is that they're tied to the FED rate, but also need to be higher than the rate of inflation to actually make money. So, variable rate loans can easily take off during an inflationary period unless the government slams its huge dick against it.

Thus, if you have fixed rate loans, and the inflation rate skyrockets, congrats, you can now pay off your loan with worthless money. The catch is that if the inflation doesn't set in, and interest rates are low your rate of interest will be higher than the market rate. Keep in mind, banks aren't retarded and will adjust and make fixed rate loans harder to obtain at reasonable interest rates.

Invest in real state, endure the poverty for a while

Crash is already here.

the worrying part is a healthsystem fully privatized for shareholders gain, cut down the barenaked essentials to maximaze gains meeting peak virus madness soon

don't be so dramatic, potato

Because Shlomo needs his new yacht you anti-semite.

That the fed and government have exhausted all real options.
The shock from the virus is going to be what it is. Nobody really knows at this point.

Very likely inflation and surging unemployment in the short term, the economy is basically grinding to a halt.

It started in November and will end in June, unless you are in the southern Hemisphere.

What the fuck is wrong with these dumbass investors?!

Good time to refinance the entire national deficit.

>You government is risking millions of lives on a hunch.
there is no way to stop the virus. lockdowns don't work. the moment you end the lockdown, the virus will come back.

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>futures halted

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Please short the market on Monday. I want to be rich for once in my life!!!

Please let the market crash. When I’m rich I will make America a better place. No more foreign wars, no more debt.

Sell sell sell!! Short short short tomorrow.

Trump is trying to pump up the markets with this reckless move. He's going to cause an inflationary collapse