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It's Sunday, dude, calm down, FED never pulled a stunt lite that.


source: trust me

Priced in sweetie

Jesus fucking Christ, just let it dip already. It'll happen anyway.

Well, fuck me. Guess there's a first to everything.
Is it possible for Dow to go negative? Because I think that's where we're going tomorrow.

Its real

is this good or bad?

This is ridiculous. Why are they so desperate to keep the bubble inflated instead of using the virus crisis to let it deflate?

Some (((people))) are still in the game

DEpends who you're asking, but I don't think it will help anything but uncertainty, so we go sub 20,000 tomorrow.

It's bad.

Return to gold standard imminent, buy xrp if you aren't a retard and can do your research.

Good, I shorted that shit on friday peak


i’m thinking it’s because of corporate debt and liquidity

Funny how a rate cut would have prompted massive raise before, and now it's just like the FED is pressing the Panic button.



This is not a sustainable approach. Not for much longer, in any case.

>0% interest rate

Literally no excuse to be poor now. You can literally loan money for no interest and build a business.

buying mortgage backed securities?

Brainlett here. What is the interest rates?

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What does this mean?

finance brainlet here, will someone tell me what this means?

listen to the romanian bros, unironically

Interest at 0% is what it should have been at all along.
Interest makes a pyramid scheme out of the financial system. Only the kikes benefit from it.

>and ease banking rules to encourage lending
Absolutely nothing can go wrong


It means you can borrow money, buy silver or short the NASDAQ and repay the bank exactly what you borrowed with no interest


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Powell is such a pussy; every time Trump tweets about him he folds and does whatever dumb move to pump the markets Trump asks for. Well now there are no moves left to make.

people's saving accounts get 0% interest too

Yes, and?

ELI5 fellow 'tors

That's a fucking trap just like negative interest you are tempted to take more risks but you still have to pay back the loan. It's a jew strategy to enslave more people

Fed sets a rate that is perceived as risk free. As long as the US doesn't fall apart, you can get an x% return guaranteed. This level spills over into all of the other lending markets. Two example consequences of lowering rates:
1. People will buy more stocks, because bonds are now a worse alternative.
2. Banks get worse returns on bonds, and so are willing to lower their own interest rates (mortgages, credit cards) to chase returns (albeit more risky ones). So, interest rates at all financial institutions will lower in reaction.

pic related

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So? Why should idiots who just hoard money get anything for it? If you want to profit invest. Interest rates should always be 0. It encourages entrepreneurship

This is the exact reasoning that created the 08 crisis


Jews created it retard. Forever goy.

How will this affect my everyday life?


money printer go brrrrrrrr

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it encourages corporate raiders

explain to someone immune to kike usury what this means

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Interest rates are just a way of protecting idiots who don't know what to do with their money

Yes in a 0 interest rate environment things get more risky and volatile but so what. Smart people will profit. Retards will lose.

To those who don't know this is for purchasing government bonds. A negative interest rate of say 2% would mean someone would pay 2% of their money to store the rest in government bonds. A lot of people would be willing to pay 2% or whatever if it meant they would get the rest back. Imagine leaving your money in stocks and losing 50% or more, or say you leave your money in the bank and it fails and you're only insured up to $200k by the FDIC.

Richfags will buy bonds at a negative interest rate if they're really scared everything else is fucked because, as we all know, the money printer goes brrrr and the US government will inflate everything to shit. What would be interesting is if hyperinflation sets in and everyone tries to sell their bonds so they can spend their cash while it's still worth anything, so stocks and the bond markets and crypto and even precious metals crash and everyone runs on the banks.

the whole economy is fucked anyway they need to buy time and hope for the best

it encourages entrepreneurship but succesful entreprises won't be magically higher. People are going to not pay back banks, banks will get bankrupt and have to be saved by governments again

It's happening.

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I'm retarded someone explain what this means.

>How will this affect my everyday life?
for YOU
you'll have to work 2 extra shifts as a spooge squeegie boy

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Loans are 1:1

In theory it means stocks will go up....

uhh guys...what happens if the market takes another downturn? what else can they do if this doesn't work and a bad day blows through all the breakers?

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How can I take a loan like that? I would like one to start my own business.

Banks that can't manage their risk should go bankrupt and the state shouldn't bail them out.


Does this mean that it's going to be a decent time to buy a house soon?

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Do basically we just resorted to the last possible "fix" that will more than likely trigger the next recession/depression? Wonderful

But this way they won't make any profit. Or am I retarded?

well..I don't like debt even without usury

I'll never have to work another day in my life. Thanks for asking wagie...

My question was how this changes anything for anyone outside of richfag bankers.

over priced stocks will be even more over priced

>what else can they do if this doesn't work and a bad day blows through all the breakers?
start a war with someone

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bad bad

another currency devaulation. another multiple bubble stimulater. another decade of chaos in its wake.

Just take the money, goy.


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It also means banks are in panic mode.

We'll see because it's dumping again tomorrow regardless.

>Does this mean that it's going to be a decent time to buy a house soon?

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>I'll never have to work another day in my life.
mommy & daddy aren't going to live forever, neet

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They're giving the equivalent of 2k per person every day to the banks to try to stop this decline. Now this.
Theres no stopping it!

its good

I have had 0 interest for that shit since day one, you didn't make threads about it.

Wrong lmfao wronggggg. Horrible subprime loans released en masse with low standards for approval and high interest.

Still better than losing money because stocks are tank bottom

Depends if you didn't notice the 2008 financial crysis or not. If you didn't you won't notice now.

The most trusted name in news.

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Seriously though, the housing market has been bubbled all to fuck for a decade. I've got a few thousand saved up. 0% interest + a declining market seems like it adds up to people dumping shit real estate within the next six months but I could be wrong.


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I predict a drop of by about 4k points tomorrow. The end of the week will be -10k easily. Better buy up what you can and get your guns oiled.

They're so desperate right now.

So many fucking illiterate idiots in this thread. 0 interest rates is good. 2008 crash was caused by idiot banksters approving to many high risk loans. Had nothing to fucking do with the interest rates.

>buy what you can
>stocks can still go down furthermore

Banks that exist by virtue of interest existing should not exist at all.
Say there's only a 100 bucks in the world.
The bank loans out that 100 bucks to you, but you have to pay it back with interest. You are now forever in debt to the bank.
That's the fundamental problem. They create nonexistent money by charging interest, putting people into very real debt. It's a completely unfair situation.
Not that there shouldn't be some form of compensation for lending out money at all, but the way it works now is fucked.

define a BETTER environment to B-U-Y
> brainlet

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>its real
its fucking over...we're going to see negative rates everywhere outside the US, which will follow shortly. US negatives rates will make most of the world turn into a mad max prequel right quick.

How come you niggers find out about this now? We were told yesterday about this. Did the kikes in America want to push for 1 more day to make a little more interesterinos?

Y'all gone need to sell your puts or lose your shirt.

Exactly. Loan as much as you can goy, the interest won't go up in a few months, listen to a Romanian, they're experts when it comes to money.

Feels like the gubment is using this as an excuse to hit the reset button

Lending money is a service. They sell you the time you needed to do whatever you want. Interest is very logical, The big problem is sometimes, banks lend to people who can't payback and they know it. They also know governments will bail them out.That's the main issue.

thank you, based FED

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>take out 500k loan
>create a business
>business goes shit
>you're now 500k in debt
Literally no excuse to be poor, because if you think smarts and start a business it will work out bro
just b urself

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Anyone looking at futures?

quit shitting up the board with no-effort threads you faggot
here's how it's fucking done:
>WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Reserve took emergency action Sunday and slashed its benchmark interest rate by a full percentage point to nearly zero and announced it would purchase more Treasury securities to encourage lending to try to offset the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. The central bank said the effects of the outbreak will weigh on economic activity in the near term and pose risks to the economic outlook. The central bank said it will keep rates at nearly zero until it feels confident the economy has weathered recent events.

more at

it took all of 3 fucking mouseclicks. faggot

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you wat m8, negative interest rates are already common in Japan and Europe

Why aren't my interest rates at 0%?

N-O-T H-A-V-I-N-G A H-O-U-S-E A-L-R-E-A-D-Y you fucking ding dong

All the dumb orange nigger had to do was ban travel into the United States.
Now retirement accounts are in the trash and so are the banks
Bravo you Orange Bastard

negative interest rates next

dow futures already down 200

>offset the impact of the coronavirus outbreak
imagine being dumb enough to believe this

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Weimar republic everywhere.

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buy the DIP, dip

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don't be retarded. This pump is THE EXIT for those who missed in the slide. Who the fuck thinks 2 birds in the bush is better than 1 in the hand. Funds and the big players are just going to use government money to exit with lower losses to their client. THIS GOVT/FED PUMP IS THE STIMULUS COVERING THE BANKS' ASSES.

That's the risk you take faggot.

it's hard to conceptualize, but it's actually not *that* bad, as it sits. We've lost all the gains of Trump's presidency, which means the valuation is now what it was circa 2016.
For you and me, this means very little until businesses start to fold. Unless you weren't smart enough to get out of the market, I which case.... remember down the street not across the road.

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So basically just delaying the inevitable. Thanks

>not waiting for negative interest rates
>having banks beg and pay you to take their money
>building your credit with the bank's money
>take bigger loan to have them pay you even more
>being paid to get paid
>take it all out before foreclosing on yourself
>exchange your dollars for toilet papers, the only currency that matters anymore

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FED loans money to your bank at 0%, your bank charges 2-3% to loan you money.

>The president
Pfffft what would he know about the feds

just temporary of course!


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The 08 crisis never ended, change my mind.

Wtf they just cured coronavirus with the banks we can open borders and start consooming again

>your bank
it's not my bank
>your bank charges 2-3% to loan you money
why not loan me at 0%?

Did the market not just dip to the lowest it's been in half a decade?

Are you unfamiliar with the jewish race?

> no
> shit
back-to-back diminishing GDP quarters without all this artificial pumping

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because you're a filthy goy

The only problem with low interest rates is dumb NPCs who use it as an excuse to borrow money for dumb shit like a new car or a new TV. This is a problem the banks have to deal with and they have to stop being such greedy niggers and not approve every dumb loan.

if 99999, jews did corona

So it was the Chinamen afterall