I warned everyone here

I warned everyone here.
It will require a teleological suspension of the ethical.
Italians are making that decision now.

Coronavirus is a bioweapon developed from C. auris.


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The Eskimos did it

Socialized medicine is so superior.

Just a flu bro

That's bullshit though

Little do you know; this usually also happens for the emergency physician, who arrives at an accident. Triage is fairly common outside of the clinic. It’s just not common in hospitals in the first world.

Elaborate please, my spaghetti bro

back during a real plague in 1348 thousands died per day in a single city.

now its all

Herd immunity has failed.

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fuck off boomer

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Actually it’s 350+ dead just today and growing every day

If we had zero healthcare like they did back then, we would be looking at a similar number of deaths.

more free space for 'refugees'

fuck off happenoomer.

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Honestly I'd say it's ethical.
80 year olds have already lived their life, that isn't a bad age at all.


that is some seriously autistic shit even for a fucking leaf

Obvious hoax is obvious
fuck off glowey. No one is buying it anymore. All panickers should be permabanned for ruining the board and running off the last remaining quality posters.

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We already deduced the average human lifespan without medical intervention at it's latest is 40. They got a good double, during the Golden years. Definitely a sad thing people are dying. However those that serve society, society should protect first.

low quality old meme

> (OP)
>Socialized medicine is so superior.
Compared to American medicine where people can't even afford to get tested. You're going to be worse off than anyone before this is over. Short-term anyway; all the dead boomers will be great for the economy in the long run.


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Pennies on the dollar compared to paying their pensions amirite

Most countries in Europe have shit testing as well you idiot

>excluding politicians, millitary personel and all their families ofc.

bro kill yourself now to avoid the complications later when you run out of supplies, better when you're comfy

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If you are in N. America or Europe, chances are your country is in the early stages of exponential COVID-19 infections. I hope you guys have prepared, take this seriously, and are also mentally prepared for self quarantine.

This is going to be a wild ride and you guys should all keep personal diaries. Good luck.

lol fuck you we do not even have test packs

Your countries will be next and it'll be worse than here.

Wait until it gets bad here boom boom. 90% of you old fucks don’t even believe it’s real and is a hoax to fuck with BLUMPF winning in 2020. I really hope you get what’s coming to you.

Triggered. Sorry you wasted your savings retard. Try not being such a fucking stupid cattle subhuman NPC next time. Shit was fucking obvious.

if you think the italians got it bad, hold onto your ass my fellow burger

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>me giving a shit about boomer lives when my own boomer parents tried to sell me a house they inherited from my grandfather at no expense, for more than it's worth, to bolster their retirement funds

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>C. auris.
Reminder that Garlic Kills all fungus & many viruses. Hope you guys stocked up.

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Fucking cuck.

>i-it's not bad like now but like uhhhh it.. it like WILL be bad later like yeah just wait and keep fearing...yeah whatever you do just remember to still be afraid
Not working glow faggots.

loading up and about to head to my parents house
God speed boys see you all on the otherside

Good i fucking Hope so. Death to worthless boomers

There isn't a herd immunity yet

You have it wrong though. Patients get admitted to ICU based on survival chances: if 80 yo has better chances than 30 yo he’ll get a place

Don't be bitter user. I care for you guys even tho you are too loud and noisy people. Stay save user.

so 2 countries with socialized medicaine (Italy and China) have failed to mitigate the disease, so therefore we should go to socialized medicine too?

>Dont believe its real
>Buy up all the toilet paper anyways.
Itll only be the old in places like NYC or Seattle.

This is how I feel. My wife is really worried about her parents and was going to send them her respirator. I thought she was crazy and said that our family comes first and we need to be around to protect our kids. Our parents had their good times and I honour them and would do almost anything for them, but I certainly wouldn’t die for them or risk my family’s well being. I wouldn’t expect my kids to do that for me, it’s not the point of having kids and older generations must always protect the younger generations, even if that means giving up medical care.

It sounds cold but it is a reality. To be honest, I’m so concerned about my family that I can’t even find much time to worry about my parents or anyone else. I do have a strong concern for protecting our community and country in general, which means self-isolating to protect our old folks.

god I can't wait for the dead mutts

it will be glorious

There are a limited number of tests and only the seriously ill will get tested over here so we know who to prioritize. It's far better then just blowing through all your tests because socialized medicine will pay to check little Timmy's cold because he's equally entitled to those tests as the dying.
Turns out putting a cost on important things is a great way to make sure only the genuinely needy consume those important things.

I hope you'll volunteer to commit suicide at an appropriate age. And make sure you kill your parents.

Italy has more ICU beds than the USA. Same thing will happen here, and your private health insurance won't save you.

>I warned everyone here.
You mean you spammed habbening threads on our already fucked up board? Thanks leaf.

C. auris is a species of fungus

Pic related never happened

Reminder this means the 80 y/o Italians who worked hard and contributed to the system all their life will be left to die while 25 y/o Muhammad who hopped off a boat 6 months ago is given the ICU bed instead.

US health care is just another strain of trash. they almost killed my uncle due to ineptitude. released him after a surgery without any antibiotics or even blood work. he went septic and flat-lined for 2 minutes. only person in the facility that could do CPR was a male nurse that ran all the way from the other side of the building. all the female "nurses" just stood there with their hands over their mouths. late stage capitalism is a meme.

>Italy has more ICU beds than the USA. Same thing will happen here, and your private health insurance won't save you.

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You are seriously fucking retarded man. You boomers have normalcy bias to an extreme level due to just sleepwalking through life in the perfect time and place in history with literally no hardship. Work at the factory and buy a house with no college required. Do you know what extrapolating data is old man? How about considering the actions of the nations that were infected? Small homogenous high IQ countries like Korea and japan immediately shut down early and took precautions because they aren’t retards and it’s all but slowed down completely there. Meanwhile in the west where MY FREDDUMBS overrule everything and people think they are invincible, it maintains rapid growth. Should have been in mass quarantine a week ago to have a chance. Now fuck off to your trump Facebook page old man.


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George Washington lived to be 67

its 40 for all the babies and kids dying. If you lived into adulthood you could easily make it to 50-60 without medicine. In medieval Europe some people even managed to live into their 80's.

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Italian hospitals can't really refuse anyone.
You Hospitals will just leave you to die like dogs in the street once they hit capacity, and some 87 year old boomer will recieve medical care while you choke on your own lungs

It IS bad now. Infections will double every few days now, assuming tests can keep up. I don’t know how people can be in denial after seeing Italy. This is coming friend, and we are literally at the cusp of the exponential growth. This isn’t panicking or overreacting, it’s simply the reality we will face for sometime.

Good luck, I mean that with all sincerity. If you aren’t infected now and you have supplies, you should be fine if you self-isolate accordingly. Remember that you are living during a historical occasion, this really is unprecedented, so document your daily thoughts and how things are developing. This will be something that will change the current generations for a long time and we’ll never forget it. Good luck!

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Where's the original one you stupid fucking leaf

Are you that OP that got his PhD at EPFL?

At this point I can’t wait either. This isn’t a nation at all, it’s just a mystery meat free for all jew playground with 0 culture and nothing going for it. I seriously hope it kills millions here to make retards realize that we live in real life. I’d say 90% of people and 99% of humans still aren’t convinced that anything is wrong.

By next week, it will be over 75.
Then next week, over 70.
It's like it's tending.

Why do people think there were no white haired old men in the middle ages? Like no one ever saw an old person?

>he doesn’t know that you can carry with no symptoms for over two weeks
Hope you die boomer.

>Triage is fairly common outside of the clinic
there is rarely ever an occasion where it is needed

I welcome it, I hope it kills as many as possible so we wake up to a brighter future without NPCs and Boomers tying us down

How many people do you think thought like "us" during the black death and other cullings?

>t. never been or saw an accident
nigger you ever saw how many people get send to a fucking scene?
that's why they ask about HOW MANY people are involved to respond properly and send enough EMTs to the scene
quit being a dumb nigger

People took it seriously because of no mass media. They just were told by locals that fuckers were dying in the streets everywhere and would soon by dying here too. If you mean happy about it? None. Back then there wasn’t depression because we didn’t have all of these vices and social structures that literally make you inhuman.

Yeah man, countries the world over are pissing away trillions of dollars in total economic shutdown because of "just the flu bro".

Unironically kill yourself before your idiocy puts someone else's life at risk.