>where'd you work?
>when did you lose your job?
>how bad is it ?
I like it when peoples names applies to them. Mike DeWine just dewined the great state of Ohio.
honda of america manufacturing reporting in
plan to be put out of work soon enough
Supplierfag here. Shut the fuck down already so I can NEET for a few weeks.
cope peasant you are my bitch
Literally just got hired at KFC at 4 PM, now they're not gonna hire me "until it's lifted," who knows when that will happen
I live literally 10 minutes from your work
Procter and Gamble of Lima told their Managerial and office staff to work from home until the end of the month, the techs still have to be there.
Is anyone else in Ohio's phone calls getting cut like 2-3 seconds in?
Fucking Hondroids get the rope.
get on your knees and start sucking bubs, i mean if you want that next contract
Working at kfc the great poorest mutt dream. Hoping for some free nuggz you absolute nigger.
4 dead in Ohio
Call center ops manager here
Still employed
Frontline employees think they are getting free unemployment
This has been in the plan all week. Next it will be day care, factories and then probably call centers. Who knows but Ohio is leading the way in terms or what other states will deal with
Post hog :3
Retail user reporting in. Toilet paper, Clorox and hand sanatizer are gone.
My dad works for the railroad and said things may shut down since they aren't moving products or raw materials. He also said that employees would be punished if they get sick from the virus.
fellow 614fag can confirm.
Avon cabellas is all out of 5.56/.223. Just drove to erie to buy the last couple boxes they had at field and stream.
I riot if they close liquor stores
My mom just complained about the restaurants closing and said "there are only 36 confirmed cases in Ohio"
I'm doomed.
Supplier fag here. What's the inside news? Are they seriously gonna close down?
Why did you faggots wait till now to have supplies? I've had 10s of thousands of rounds for multiple caliber for years now along with the food I rotate a 1-2 year supply of. And that's not including the cheap ass tuna can Russia 762 I have lining the walls of my work shop. Also have more medicine, IV fluids and medical equipment than anyone I've ever met. Nigga I got a full case of asthma inhalers(both compressed and powder inhalers) for my wife that's a enough for the rest of her life and enough for my sister.
You faggots are being punished for putting faith in the government and people you never met.
im in plastics, and its specialty wiring
get fucked everyone else
if KFC closes, then nignogs will riot on the streets
That legal? Considering fmla and shit
How do they intend to handle the people who didn't have the means or didn't bother to stock food? Are they going to do it like Italy where they only let a few at a time into grocery stores on a weekly rotation?
This summer I hear the drumming..
If the supply chain from Japan keeps getting disrupted its a possibility. Don't forget we shutdown 2nd shift b line because accord sales are slowing because no one wants cars anymore
but we're still selling crv's like hotcakes
I don’t get why this retard is literally shutting everything down
Yes and I specifically was disagreeing with DeWine on the phone
937 here
Well fuggg.
Me either bro.
Apparently. They have been so against them taking days off in general that a lot of those guys have fmla and even use it for non-emergencies. It has been this bad for a couple of years now.
>Why Duh-Whine is shutting it down
Good question. Ohioan here, I can confirm that stores are empty and people are sperging out. Lots of le panic. The wait at the gun store was 3+ hours yesterday, and guns were flying off the shelves.
Fortunately I've been ready for years. Eating tendies and enjoying this habbeding tbqh senpai. Just hoping it doesn't turn into the big igloo.
when she dies don't waste any time mourning
>Just hoping it doesn't turn into the big igloo.
you are prepared so why not?
God dammit jim its boogaloo. Glad to hear you didn't have it
War is hell, that's why.
I drive a refrigerator truck so my job isn't going anywhere. Sometimes I help unload but they don't want me doing that anymore, otherwise not much has changed on my end. If anything it's easier since the places I'm going to are closed outright when I turn up.
I called my parents earlier today (like every Sunday) and it went through fine.
Have family in Ohio, can confirm cellular calls are dropping constantly
No phone problems here NE OH
It's probably just because people are panicking and constantly trying to call in and the system is being overwhelmed. The same thing happens when there's a tornado or hurricane.
yes. i just reset my phone and seems to be working now
Working from home writing for a company in Canada. Hopefully we dont get travel banned cause all work and no play makes jack a dull boi
>You guys shouldn't trust the government
>That's why I'll post my prep list on a alphabet agency infested website
That reminds me I need 1 more roll of toilet paper, fuck I'm so unprepared
>He doesn't know about the swat team executing a young adult posting about the boogerboo
32/M/Dayton reporting in. Krogers still had lots of food on the shelves, though canned goods and ramens were pretty empty. No TP or baby wipes, no hand-sani or bleach. Abundance of milk, still.
Any femanons in the 937 need a man to protect them through the panic?
Get yourself a Charmin Monster Roll like based anons did months ago. Will last a whole year.
Can confirm internet connection in Ohio is getting spotty. It’s getting grim around here lads, not sure how much more of this we can take.
Dayton here. I need protection from my transphobic brother who beats me daily and is over twice my size. I have psoriasis all over my body from the stress, plz help.
Don't lie to the goyim. Everything here is pretty much fine besides things being closed.
Fuck Ohio
Four million on breathers and another thousand dead in Ohio.
www gofundme com/f/greater-cincinnati-artist-relief-fund?utm_source=customer
Some local musicians in Cincinnati
made a gofundme for gibme's to cover 'lost gig wages', basically saying 'give us money because we pay bills playing acoustic guitar at shitty bars'
Feel free to apply for your free gibme's negros
Also felt like clarifying that i'm a kencuckian, just across the river from Cincinnati. Used to work at a really popular brewery that regularly hosted Planned Parenthood benefit shows. The local music scene is pure shit, performative wokeness and cancel-culture.
I haven't prepped at all and now I'm fucked. Is fast food still going to be open? I was planning on just grabbing Wendies tonight. Don't know what I am going to do tomorrow.
>where'd you work?
University Hospitals, Cleveland
>when did you lose your job?
Not gonna happen
>how bad is it ?
We're gearing up for the worst
Ohio has only 26 cases and ZERO deaths in a state of ~ 12 million.
For that, this fucking idiot decides to put +100,000's out of work.
There are already calls for his recall.
Kick this fucking (((catholic))) off the damn planet!