A-well-a everybody's heard about the herd! Herd herd herd, h-herd's the word A-well-a herd herd herd, herd is the word A-well-a herd herd herd, well-a herd is the word A-well-a herd herd herd, h-herd's the word
A-well-a don't you know, about the herd? Well, everybody knows that the herd is the word! A-well-a herd, herd, h-herd's the herd
Lads... what if we just die lol? Based boris this will trigger the libs! Just a flu- keep calm and bloody well carry on! Sorry lazy millennials, you’re still going to work! It’s just a cough, I WONT let it impede my life! Come on lads, let’s carry on as usual for the sake of the economy! Long live the British government!
>There is no immunity for the common cold or the flu. you got it wrong, there is, but what happens is the common cold and flue keeps changing every year. so this virus will come back every year. and be different. but by that time we will have a vaccine for it.
William Rogers
BASED Nothing lying suffocating to death to own the libs xD
Samuel Baker
the virus has not been contained, so it cannot be contained. the only thing which can be contained is the people. and we're not going to stand for that. simple as
They are trying to kill off the native British people.
Jace Wilson
Yea hwell hwat are you going to do abhout it?
Noah Cox
Absolute cringe. You should be put to death for posting this.
Lincoln Watson
Italy isn't trying to infect absolutely everyone.
Cooper Scott
>Greeks are major power in Europe, empire dissolves and they are bred out of existence >Romans are major power in Europe, empire dissolves and they are bred out of existence >Anglos are major power in Europe, empire dissolves and-
Colton Richardson
I guess nothing drunko sit here and hoard my toilet paper.
Caleb Fisher
I literally can't wait to catch it, get over it like I did the H1N1 and then get on with my life. The internet has turned too many faggots into "lel The Happenings!!!"
Dylan Turner
This unironically, everyone is a pussy these days, what happened to the British spirit?
Jason Peterson
You still have nukes, faggot. Don't go down with a whimper.
Mason Peterson
The same spirit that sent all your young men off to die in the trenches of WWI?
no you made the perfect choice. this crisis is going to cost us 50 to 500 billion euros. and for what? a bunch of grannies with dementia? fucking laughable.
Gabriel Johnson
So let me get this straight, your plan is just to let everyone get it?
Nicholas Bailey
Is it good or bad to not get infected? I'm trying to be one of the 30-40% who don't contract the virus but if super corona-chan comes back 6 months from now would it be better to have had it already or not?
Mason Jenkins
We always were, doesn't matter the government response, its a nasty pandemic.
Jordan Gutierrez
This guy would be the perfect cast for a live action Atlantis movie
Asher Fisher
>super corona-chan you mean a different serotype? no in such the immunity you are achieving wouldn't work and you would get sick.
>t. almost doctor
Noah Adams
So if you were in a /herd/ country would you try your best to not become infected? Disregarding money/job etc just purely for health, is it a good idea to try to not get infected if possible?
Camden Cox
yes. but you must keep in mind that if you are under 40 you'll be more or less fine anyways
Thanks almost Dr. I'm 29 so I'll be fine but I'm a NEET who lives with my parents who are retired so we can all chill out and not get sick hopefully. I hope it will be comfy and no mass death and chaos but we will see
Ian Cook
> parents who are retired in such case yes if you can you should avoid any contact not for you but for them. you should do the shopping instead of them, let your clothes outside before coming back in your apartment, and buy sanitizing gel.