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Who cares?

You do obviously Hasbara faggot. Yair and all his minions won't be able to shill on Yas Forums anymore. Get fucked.


Somebody is gonna get murdered. Hope it’s ——-


"oh look Iran cooking up shit at the same time-"

Gantz is basically an Israeli Clinton
>Has the same platform as Likud
>Makes pact with leftists and communists
>Makes election promises to not stand with the Joint List
>Stands with Arabs anyway
This is like Trump derangement syndrome, except towards Netanyahu, the bastard sells his soul just to oust someone who he dislikes.

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All you Likud shills are gonna die.

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Same with Lieberman, actually
>These terrorists should be buried in the Dead Sea.
>The Messianists are political rivals, but the Joint Lists are enemies to Israel.
>We will form a new government and take care of you [the Joint List]."

>Oy vey I gotta stand with the Joint List, the religious Jews don't wanna work on Saturday!

Blue and White and Lieberman could stick it to the Haredim if they didn't have Netanyahu derangement syndrome, a B&W, Yisrael Beiteinu, Likud, and Yamina pact would have a very easy majority.

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>"fake Jew"
>Makes pact with terrorists who want to destroy Israel
Okay goyim

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finally he will be getting the death penalty

Kek 2020 is the year your country ends.

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You said that about Erdogan's "army of Islam" which ended up being a joke, and then Iran which ended up being pussies and crying in response to the U.S. attack. What's the excuse for Israel's so-called "destruction" this time?

They're propping up Gantz cause he'd be better friends with Biden than Bibi would be. Either way, they both view the Americans as their lapdogs

>he thinks it's over

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Clinton literally campaigned in Israel in the 90's to sway the election against Netanyahu, which failed miserably. Israelis up until Sharon's death had an endemic fear of an American betrayal, combined with a martyr complex.

>On 15 January 2020, an Asia Times report cited an Israeli foreign ministry as stating that Russia expected Israeli diplomatic assistance in ending Western sanctions on the Syrian government in return for permitting the continuation of Israeli airstrikes in Syria.
Seethe, because Putin and Trump are both pro-Israel. The rest of those minor power nations can't do shit.

Israel will be tolerant and accept migrants?

Breaking: Benny Gantz announces that Israel can not survive without 6 million more African immigrants. "Many jewish men are gay, and jewish women need BBC," Benny said.

Can someone fill me in on this, someone was saying it that the other day. Why Yair ?

I mean, kikes are still going to be kikes - they won't be any less subversive regardless of the administration in power.

Cuz he's a bitch


this Gantz be happening!

I hope he will lose his freedom too and goes to prison, that greedy criminal.

well that's informative



He still needs to form a government. If he does it with help of the arabs, it will be riots in the streets.

If Jews have back door control over the US surely they have the same control over Israel. Based BiBI followers will keep the status quo. Arabs still get fucked and that land is getting annexed.

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>He still needs to form a government. If he does it with help of the arabs, it will be riots in the streets.
Good. Israel deserves to collapse.

Because kike bastards, my dear. It would be "anti-semitic" to question it, so stop right now.


Fuck that, just transfer the fifth columnists to their own Arab shithole in the West Bank. I'd rather recall the settlements at this fucking point.

I dont fucking care.
Is he obsessed with Iran, too?
If not, then good.

Why? It’s very attainable if done slowly. The fact that it makes others mad is even better. They won’t do shit. Internationals have no power over the settlements.

If trump’s plan is implemented, the joint 5th column will lose 60% of their voting base.

>done slowly
That's the problem, because the retards are voting for the foreseeable future, until Umm al-Fahm and the other terrorists are transferred.

Israel can't do shit about these terrorists until there's a world war where getting away with warcrimes can be overlooked.

All I know is that I want to coom inside Ayalet

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Dude literally has videos of himself jacking off and inserting a buttplug on his cracked phone.

Plz share.

>tfw no cute genocidal milf gf who views me as subhuman filth

Why even live bros?

Who cares, they should just all be glassed. They're kikes for fucks sake

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A lot of talk about Jews is about them being subversive, but even Herzl said that the economic conditions of medieval and early capitalistic times, due to laws preventing Jews from going into certain industries, made the primary success for Jews being to become merchants and moneylenders, or later stockbrokers and bankers, which made them hated from

Then what he called the "mediocre intellectuals", and the unskilled and unsuccessful joined the "revolutionary parties" and socialists out of thinking they had nothing to lose. Part of his belief in Zionism was getting the fuck out of a class war where there were Jews on both sides that would get quashed.

Mommy Khazar milkers

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>people hate jews because europeans let them be bankers in the middle ages
No. The Jews have been like this since the time of Christ. I dont care, the Jews have proven time and time again they are subversive parasites that need to be shot into the sun

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So how come it took until the creation of Israel for people to think that Jews are "subversive parasites"? Should we start gassing Arabs because the Israeli Arabs poll as wanting to stay in Israel by 87%, but also 87% vote for anti-Israeli, pro-terrorist parties, basically asserting themselves as fifth columnists? Shall we nuke Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon etc. because Palestinian Arabs are subversive?

>So how come it took until the creation of Israel for people to think that Jews are "subversive parasites"?
Because it didnt? People hate Jews since way before 1947. What the fuck are you even saying?

>why are they Voting to stay in their homeland
Fuck out of my country and theirs kikoid

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There was a group in France that was over-represented in the burgeoning upper class, and even nobles had begun converting into this group. There was a Crown Prince that ascribe to this group, but he had to reconvert to Catholicism to accept the Crown. These people were the subject of massacres, and many fled to other countries.
What group is this?

your leader is going to change

Gantz was a good read when i was a teenager

You're literally retarded, the plan is a changing of borders that would put these cities under the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank. No one would have to move an inch.

Wow. These loathsome jew is not so much different from the average american mutt by the looks of this thread.

>giving Arabs the vote in your ethnostate.
OH how the turns table.

You don't believe your own words and arguments at all in any way.
Can one take the survival of the human species for granted?

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Netanyahu is one of the planet’s most unpleasant characters. Maybe the new guy won’t be such a massive cunt but we’ll have to wait and see on that.

Protestants. Huguenots.

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Yes I do. The Calvinists, AKA the Huguenots, were the group I mentioned. They were over-represented among the wealthy, and largely massacred on St. Bartholomew's day massacre, with 50k killed during the massacre.

You got the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire: Over-represented among the business classes, especially in trading and exports, then a bulk of them were killed in forced transfers. The Armenians who were in Russia even before Armenia taken over when the Soviet Union invaded Armenia and Georgia to help the Turkroaches were about 1% of the population, and as equally over-represented on the Soviet Politburo as the Jews were

Blood libel threats against Jews were rampant in the medieval times, when Christians were forbidden from committing usury. The advent of Italian banking meant there was no blood libel against Jews from between 1400 to the late 1800's, where the Jews were targeted again after Syndicalists assassinated a Tsar, and his son and successor cancelled Easter celebration. By this time, the bulk of Jews lived in the "Pale of Settlements" of Poland and Ukraine.

There is a direct correlation between Jews as class and the hatred against them by either envious peasants, or competing middle class men. The nobles and Kings found Jewish banking and merchants useful, however, and so the Jews weren't massacred the way that the economically uninteresting Pagans were.

>Le Haredim pedoz
The Haredim are Welfare Kangz, as much as I loathe Lieberman and Gantz reneging their promises to not sit with the ragheads, the Haredim can fuck off, join the army, and get a job.

>jews jew a jew.

Wow! Such news!

So, they've become that desperate to move Bibi on?

You just said people didnt start hating Jews until Israel was created in 1947. That is demonstrably false, Jews have been hated since the time of Christ. Hoe fucking dumb are you to say no one started hating Jews until 1947, yet Hitler was alive just a few years before that? You have no argument, you are just babbling. Jews are subversive parasites, thats the end of it

I was referring to all your arguments, not only the specific argument you made. And you are well aware of that. And you don't believe your arguments and words in this comment as well.
Again, can one take the survival of the human species for granted?

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No, I said there were no legitimate views of Jews being "subversive" until Israel, as nations are naturally subversive, thanks to Mossad, the CIA, MI6, etc.

Merchants, and thus Jews or more accurately for this time perioud, Hebrews were hated long before Christ the Stickman, do you think people weren't envious of rich merchants in Greece and the other Hellenic nations?