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Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty sure I’ve got it. Just been walking about like normal though, can’t change fate.

You are literally a sub human virus husk now, doing the virus' bidding like a zombie.

Make sure to cough on any small children or people who like they have strong lungs. It's your patriotic duty

Lol guess this is what they learned from the black plague

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Britbong boomers vote for the anti-EU party. Get their way. Celebrate.

Anti-EU party catches wind of a disease that wipes out boomers. Lets them die.

I read somewhere that this virus likes to reinfect even after you've recovered.

So, can you really become immune?

39600000*3.74% mortality = 1,481,040
where the fuck do they get 0.7%
UK DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!

I welcome our virus overlords.

The rest of the world will find out after our sacrifice.

Pretty funny to see 277k projected deaths on the screen and being OK with it.
Do they have a plan to spread it among immigrants or something?

This is literally the only long term plan for fighting it.
What the fuck do you think is going to happen to the locked down countries when they come out of lockdown? It only takes one person still infected to restart the whole cycle.

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the 39600000 infected will be mostly healthy people, dingus

>dude just die!

Brits are literal lemmings

i know the british hate themselves but this is next level.

holy fuck are you a dumb cunt?
go back and think about your comment for a second

Sure. Lets just infect all of London and solve that problem as well.


oh wait hang on...


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>acting surprised that Brits are such big cucks they are unironically letting their citizens die vs taking action to stop a virus

Checked, it's the only logical end to this mess. Just let everyone have COVID-19. It's already unstoppable.

rest in hell

our government deserve to rot in hell but them dying of corona is a nice second choice. selfish cunts

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>durr what's a vaccine

>British Empire died for this

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I think the issue is about the "all at once" thing. Provincial government here kept some places open and closed other, not to stop propagation but slow it down to a manageable level.

Could have avoided the whole thing 2 months and a half ago like Tapei and surrounding, but better than Brits are doing.

Unironically based, remember to spread it to London.

based nassim

Go to your local hookah bar

A long term solution.

Checked based and reality pilled

Nassim doesn't realize the plan is the exact opposite. The government is getting the proles to get sick so they don't have to

>0,7 mortality rate

>be bong
>go to clinic and get spit on
>go home and live or die

wow you are more fucked in the head than we are

> Italy currently over 7%

>just let a quarter of a million of you die, goy
>no, don't even try to secure you're borders, that's for Israel
I can't wait for the total reordering of Western politics that will occur when whites realize ZOG doesn't give a shit about them. They will straight up deliberately let you die of a plague, while Israel keeps all newcomers in 3 week quarantine and gets the vaccine first


I love this.

I think just laying down and accepting this virus is probably the best thing. A global shutdown will be way worse since everybody isn't a prepper. Our bodies dont have a baseline immunity against this, its virtually alien but not crazy lethal.

The news won't tell us to catch it cause they tell us what we want to hear. But the truth is there is no getting away from the virus, its global now.

they think this is going to work

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Our own goverment flunkies are so stupid they want to cull the weak and kill us all as they are protected in their bunkers. Now is the time for a revolution. We need to storm the Houses of Parliament now and take over. Now is the time. Revolution, Revolution, Revolution.

lets be honest, it will be a mild sniffle for the ast majority of us. for the ones who do some bucket kicking, it will be the weak and the old so no great loss and will releive pressure on the NHS. don't see an issue here

Merkel suggested the same for us, so...

It will be very funny when they realize reinfection is possible and theres no sight of vaccines.

The point of lockdown is to even out the spread in time. Some retards are still reckless during lockdown, but if most people are careful, it's manageable.

the truth lies in the proles

Yes exactly. Get it now before it powers up. I'm sure it's got enough points to unlock something lethal.

I coughed all over the halal meat section in tescos earlier.

It's hard to say. There have been cases where people have been given the all clear and then fallen ill again, but that could also be down to faulty testing methods (which have been well-documented during the outbreak). People typically get better before getting worse again, and because the length of infection varies so wildly from person to person it's almost impossible to know when someone is definitively "recovered".

No thanks. Why don't you go ahead and infect yourself instead? I'll try to prevent getting infected instead and take my chances.

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It the lowest mortality rate reported (from South Korea) however their case is unique because they took it extremely serious and tested everyone before it went out of control. Their hospitals were never overloaded.

No way any country who doesn't have it under control is going to achieve a 0.7% mortality rate.

Problem is the younger generations are less white. Millions of old people kicking it will drastically affect the ethnicity demographics and in turn affect the outcome of future votes.

Walk around Brixton and spread it.

It's simple, anyone who has family that dies, just kill the politicians in the name of justice.

Checked and based

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>Eternal Anglo goes BREXIT and infects its entire population with SUPERAIDS
>Murica will implode under civil war over toilet paper stashes
It's almost as if you are baiting us to take over the world this time.

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You’ll only end up getting the super strain that it mutates into for next summer. This year is just the warm up.

that's a hate crime user.

Holy shit atleast London and Birmingham are majority non English. hopefully they take the brunt of this.

You still haven't given a valid objective as to how you will be able to lift lockdown without the virus reemerging. There simply isn't any way of preventing it from happening again, only prolonging the inevitable. Herd immunity might be a gamble, but at least there's an actual PLAN at work.

Well that's one way to keep the NHS funded, kill all the most susceptible people in a plague that is out of your control

just a flesh wound

Coof in a jewish deli

old people btfo

Can someone explain me why the dumbest policies ever created come from bongland?

COVID-19 only kills old people, and immigrants in Europe are younger on average than the general population.

Imagine when this shit hits multi cultural london and the hospitals fill up with 50 thousand critically ill ethnics all with sons and grandsons aged 18-45..

Riots incoming, racist government will get the blame, labour will inflame the situation by pointing the finger at tory cuts.

Giger was a faggot obsessed with being sodomised by space aliens, btw

Except other countries expect the same percentages. France expects 50%, Germany 70%. The Western European countries know this is going to happen, the UK government is the only one brave enough to admit it

The phrase "it's a marathon not a sprint" applies perfectly to pandemic management.
Second wave is going to hit lockdown countries hard.

when you gotta coof you gonna coof

There is no immunity lol

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then we send in the army, what's a few more bodies

based imbecile remover

Based and science/logic-pilled post
How can other Yas Forums plebs compete with our intellects?

>Satan posting

Also wasn't this the plot to V? Big plague, tons of riots, England goes fascist?

based nassim is based yet again

Thanks mate X

No one knows if it will reemerge or not, it may be here to stay for all we know.

The point is to flatten the curve to minimize damage.

E.g having 10 000 people in need of ICU at once is much worse than having 25 000 in need of ICU over a longer period of time.

I will be wearing the hazmat suit then too. And watching while everyone drops from the new lungburster super strain then look for a dog because apocalypse survivors apparently get a free dog at some point.

Sayonara bongland

Yeah, but white people are probably more careful at first and won't be infected in the worst time possible. Also it's harder for smokers.

They care more about keeping the economy going and borders open than the lives of their own people.

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Thy will be done, o Dark Lord aka Sir Winston Churchill

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Maybe it'll kill off the shitskins if they're lucky?

this 'herd immunity' strategy worked so well during the Spanish flu as well, great plan uk ! oh wait...........

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If you don’t let the virus infect you, it wins.

the disease isnt even that deadly, they act like its a guaranteed think that if you let it spread it will infect literally everyone, no it won't, it'll basically do what its doing now


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I love you.

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You got your decontamination shower/powder installed yet? Hermetically sealed your house, leaving only a filtered ventilation system? Your producing your own food and water from safe sources too I assume? What’s the efficiency on your generator like?

But it’s true though. He’s stating a fact. What are you, a fucking liberal? Triggered by facts are you, you fucking cunt? kys

You are dumber than a box of niggers.

and what do you suggest burger?

I don't want fucking chinknigger viruses in me or my family's bodies.

>this kills the continental
Reminder that ALL western countries are following essentially the same plan. The UK is about a week behind Germany and France in terms of numbers, and will follow the same precautions as them when the same time comes.

>What the fuck do you think is going to happen to the locked down countries when they come out of lockdown?
We have lockdown to have a controlled rate of infection until herd immunity is reached.

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Enjoy your slow death, then. Fucking herd immunity lmao. I know there are plenty of morons that will go along with this because "muh government will protect us." Fucking retards, I swear.

Today in Italy there were ~3600 new confirmed cases and ~370 deaths. That's more than 10% now.

>no other country is suggesting this
no one asked me

Yeah. And I'm even growing my own potatoes and baking my own bread too.

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Survivors don't develop immunity. You need to take 2grams of liposomal Vitamin C and 1gram of Chaga mushroom daily.

The british Government is ordering high risk people to self isolate for 4 months

>infecting more people will flatten the curve
Is this what the brits really believe? Their plan is to effectively do nothing

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Go to a car park and cough on everyone's door handles. It's government sanctioned.

Did you know that the event which propulsed Britain to the position of world super power and technological and scientific innovator extraordinaire was the plague? The plague decimates the population, culling all the low IQ subhumans AKA normalfags and NPCs. The result is that you are left with only the intellectual and physical cream, and given masses of lebensraum and material they are able to create a new paradise.

All you prepper types are included in that elite. Prepare for Britain's renaissance. British super power and Empire v2.0 incoming. Rule Britannia!

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Coofing and death. Britain probably has the right idea, since we're far beyond liquidating the quarantined infected-- which, if preservation of life was the primary goal, is what should have been done.

Look mate if its retarded but it works it aint retarded right?

>, and will follow the same precautions as them when the same time comes
This The bongs are just infection enough, so herd immunity is reached during lockdown, in stead of stopping the virus.

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But you literally aren’t doing any of those things in reality. You’re still opening the freshly licked envelopes you receive posted through your door every morning. You’re still handling money and pressing chip and pin reader buttons and rimming strange men’s arseholes. There is no escape.

Can't get infected if you're dead

Hat the fuck do you think ‘option 3’is on that graph? That’s literally the point. If you lock down now, you risk overshooting capacity later. UK government is trying to do option 2.

Whichever way you cut it, most European countries are going to have bigger fractional infection rates than China. We’re not communally altruistic enough to stop the spread like they did. How we distribute those cases so as to minimise deaths is another matter.

retard plan especially as if young people who live with older parents / relatives with underlying health issues have to still go out, they will get the virus and end up giving it to their isolated boomer parents when they come home from work LOL !

this is actually the redpilled plan. if left alone the population is anti-fragile and will benefit from the stressor. the tough part is that it means letting people die
>if he dies he dies

>Also it's harder for smokers.
Good, Smokers get the bullet too.

Embrace it, fellow bongs.
This is Boris' plan to keep the foreigners out.

the perfidious anglo

>This is literally the only long term plan for fighting it.
>What the fuck do you think is going to happen to the locked down countries when they come out of lockdown? It only takes one person still infected to restart the whole cycle.

Honestly they should keep the population locked down long enough for people who didn't prep to starve to death.

This is will fix more than IQ

india already has the cure. its good news for people in rural areas, bad news for city people.

Did you even look at that image? UK gov plan is option 2, not option 1.