At the end of the day, is there really anything wrong with being a simp?

At the end of the day, is there really anything wrong with being a simp?

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Kill Israelis like OP


If you use the definition of Yas Forums of being a simp which is any man who treats a woman nicely and isn’t an asshole to her then there’s literally nothing wrong with being a simp.

Nope. Fuck all this simp shaming.

Simping is king shit

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There's a difference between being nice and polite with people and being a little boi that is thristy for female contact.
So, yes. It's bad and probably you should kys, don't forget to stream it.

Universal latina girlfriends when?

Genuine care is okay...

Manipulation needs to be cancelled.

yes and you will be the first thrown out of the chopper.

stop posting this ugly mutt.

all fields

Yeah she just wants her beta bux.

>is there really anything wrong with being a simp?
Is there anything wrong with inflating women's egos and teaching them that men are only there to be exploited?

Simps are Gimps

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> i.e. implants

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She was on twitch yesterday grifting HARD. She's really desperate to cash in on her burnout fame.

>those hips

mein gott brehs

Wtf is a simp?

Oh shit of fuck Im gonna

Found the boomer

>smart enough to use roast filters when uploading a cocktease vid
>not smart enough to lie about having a boyfriend until she cashes out
Done in by her own stupidity, into the trash she goes

Merlo has weird nose holes.

>She was on twitch yesterday
What the fuck does she do on twitch?
I thought that's where people streamed themselves playing vidya
Does she just sit there and talk to the chat?
And then people give her money?

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Just not a murrican.
I don't keep up with your retarded twitter drama etc.

Found the simp

Yeah. Lotta simps out there.

Its the modern day carnie, wrestler works you out of your money.

someone who is nice to women

Admitted to buying fake tits


She talks and jokes, she’s really sweet though. I got a thank you email after I bought her stuff on her amazon wishlist. People here have her all wrong. She’s cool.

Suckas idolizing mediocre pussy

Civilisation is essentially a simp.

She is more wealthy than you and you buy her stuff? There’s one born every minute.

Being a cuck and/or a simp is 100% a choice, a bad one at that but nobody can stop you from being a beta.

what zoomers call beta males

desu once they get over an internalized misogynistic aversion to oral sex, they're all freaks - but are ceaselessly loyal.

So beta soibois basically.
What even is the point of this thread?

The only reason you should adore a woman and do stuff for her for free is if she is your wife and the mother of your children. Isn't that blatantly obvious?

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>She talks and jokes
I have never met a woman that was funny
>she’s really sweet though
she's just trying to get your money retard
>I bought her stuff on her amazon wishlist
Why? What did you buy her?

So many people on twitch don't even stream games now

Yes you stupid fucking faggot

>Found the boomer
Anybody who hasn't eaten enough tide pods to get the secret decoder ring to translate my new babytalk words must be over 70 years old.

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Kill all women

We need more women like Elvira...

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>The only reason you should adore a woman and do stuff for her for free
>t. simp

>Isn't that blatantly obvious?
There's so many emotionally starved men out there doing outrageous shit that outclasses normal orbiters and soifags

So what do they do then?
I've only bothered to watch one twitch streamer but I only watch the stuff he puts on youtube

Same, dropped about $500 on her wish list cause of hard times. Also got a thank you email but no reply to that. She's busy, so understandable.

A simp is a person who accepts authority without question, and toots the party line. A simp never questions, and never acts, but is rather acted upon. A simp thinks the western narrative (if he/she is western) is obviously true.

>saving Tik Tok Thot shit

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Give me one reason why you shouldn't adore your wife and treat her nicely you fucking retard.

tiktok is cancer and all it's users and everyone involved in creating it should be gassed

LMAO imagine simping for a woman in her 30's

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He's never even had a gf he wouldn't understand

she reminds me of janice griffith

no hyperbole. you are legitimately responsible for the fall of civilization due to enabling whores to engage in their base instincts without repercussions or restraint

She's 22. That's just a bad picture.

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>girls deserve to be worshipped
Miss me with that 3rd wave Feminisim bullshit.

Neither have I, yet I still get it.
My mother and father love each other and treat each other nicely. I guess people who don't get that basic gist of a loving relationship come from broken families or something.

Oh she's got a cute bimbo voice and is a narcissistic idiot. Nice.

Fuck you simps.

I prefer submissive women - the spanking scene has served me well. Take the real redpill bitches

I too get my politics from whores.

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Yeah, forgot about that, she did it in the most niggerish way, too

The irony is if Bernie drops out she'll probably vote Trump out of spite.

Fuck you I will worship her if I want.

Unironically makes it better. My sweet, innocent, airheaded bimbo.

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This. But if you talk about it, you have to post images about it, otherwise shut the fuck up. It's equivalent to TITS of GTFO.

>I guess people who don't get that basic gist of a loving relationship come from broken families or something
I think a lot of them have mommy issues tbqh

she has a boyfriend and an appartment
even in your pic she looks all wrinkly

Look in the mirror and smile. The skin around your eyes folds when you do that, idiot.

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>white knighting this hard
lol faggot


This picture is shit, do another take, and no socks, feet pointed at the camera.

>is there really anything wrong with being a simp?


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I would appreciate it if you used a better format than webm, as it can not be displayed on quality electronic equipment from Apple. Thanks!

placing women on a pedestal is wrong.

why place anyone or anything above your own being? or above god?

You are inflating a woman's ego so much, a woman that won't do anything for society, that will never be able to form a healthy relationship, that visually prostitutes herself for money.
These women deserve nothing. Simps are creating a societal disease.

why do whores want to have hair that looks like my grandma's?

All simps should be publicly castrated with broken glass.

Who the fuck is this girl even?
Why the fuck is this thread on Yas Forums?
Go to Yas Forums you fucking ethot obsessed retards.

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Yeah it definitely turns me on, especially when girls like that aren't nearly as smart as they think they are. Their transparent attempts at manipulation are cute and easy to deal with in a way that gratifies them. Definitely not good people though. In the long run I'd still rather have a girl who's good at playing the bimbo than actually being one.