Why cant democracy ever work in Russia?

why cant democracy ever work in Russia?

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Гopники и вoдкa

democracy is a garbage sham. it only worked in athens because it was gay little tiny city


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Did you mean
>why can't democracy ever work

This, and the franchise was limited to the elites.

> why don't Russians switch over to perpetual motion generators like all the other modern countries

This is what you sound like to me.

Because Slavs are white niggers and Russians only feel well, when they have an iron fist to grind them. Also: the Bolsheviks whiped out their entire ruling and intellectual class. Most of them ethnic Germans. Now only Gopnik remain for Jewtin and Chabad to herd as cattle.

Also: all fucking commies must fucking hang!

Even Athens had to resort to dictatorship multiple times. Republican Rome as well.

Russia isn't faggoty enough.
Thomas Paine convinced Amerilards to abandon their King, and he was also a fucking faggot who blamed the Atlantic slave trade for Africa's barbarity.
If you support democracy you support cocksucking retards.

>If you support democracy you support cocksucking retards.

are you an elitist?

we had slavery just ~80 years ago

chill the fuck out hans. focus on your daughters not fucking ahmed and tyrone from next door.

Too many jews.

Democracy = commie
Your nation never went democratic without commies involved, and whenever them and the Jews were on the run, what did your race do? Total autocracy. Democracy is just a state communists create to allow them brainwash peasants away from loving their nations. Democracy is the HIV to communism's AIDS. Fighting communism with democracy is fighting cancer with asbestos.

for how much nazis raped russians and soviet army raped germans technically we are brothers


watch this

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I believe in nothing but annihilating our problems, and one of our problems is believing "democracy" is one of the goals of our lives.

Surprisingly based for a kraut.

kek, you, I like you

From one son of a bastard to another! Death to America of course.

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okay? so vlad and his boys just get to pillage whoever they want to. democracy is shit but at least it keeps power hungry men from living their whole lives on the backs of people.

Because it never works anywhere.

Because nothing ever works in Russia except their guns. Not Demoncracy, not Authoritarianism, nothing. Its just a shitshow. But again, cool guns, shame no one except chekists can own them.
Source: A Russian guy i got drunk with 3 years ago

oh boy not this autistic shit again.

Who fucking cares about that? A man in a position of power lives well? That's a universal, how is Amerilard democracy any different? Bezos lives very well. Should Putin have to operate a forklift in a warehouse to "contribute"? Dumb.
If "muh power = unfair" then why shouldn't the West be dismantled to solve fatphobia, to help Africa reach parity with us, to end slutshaming, etc.?

Maybe you just don't get to be the King, and you should worry about whether your King has your best interest in mind instead of how mad you are about the size of his castle. America's Kings have big castles and are destroying the race that built the nation, but at least they're allowed to operate that way by grace of a constitution upheld by elected representatives?

what are you trying to say? putin saved russia for his own clan not for russians. if putin actually cared about the ethnostate he would throw out the chinks and churkas coming in at the border and stop paying tribute to chechens to not chimp out.

And the issue here is a lack of American style "democracy", if only Russia was more "democratic", because certainly the world's democracies keep immigration low, faggots and commies in check, women chaste, and subject races subservient.

If your problem is with Putin then don't complain about "lack of democracy", complain about Putin's policies. If Russia were "more democratic" it'd just be cold America but with more vengeful and angry Jewish rulers because of muh pogrom.

Democracy is a joke and never work ever.

There are only a few places where it worked. And it's uncertain whether it'll keep working there.

>democracy bad because i cant be a racist
kys cletus, also stop voting for retards like drumpf and against your own economic interests and you too will enjoy democracy, you stupid bastard fuck

because they're serfs and they're drunkards

russia spends billions on elections and putin always gets almost 100% of the vote. it's a very wise cost saving measure.

Things are simpler in Russia. Might is right.

yeah, you like the compliment that a shitskin such as yourself is a german. you're a disgusting animal and you smell like shit

Democracy is shit

russians know that voting for asshole A vs asshole B isnt going to change anything

i dont think they have a choice



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>Things are simpler in Russia. Might is right.
Kike is right...

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Got a link?

True. Thats why you should migrate to north korea.

Greeks also invented the Tyrants to purge the political class when they got too corrupt.

Geography and Demography.

Also they just don't want it.

Different ideas of power. Ruthenia was more in the tradition of patrimonial monarchy, while Europe had this period of autonomies, rights, charters, privileges etc.


bro have you ever picked up a russian history book?

Democracy doesn’t work anywhere.

>why cant democracy ever work in Russia?
Because they've been brainwashed that it can't work and they need a dear leader.
Just like the Amerimutts are brainwashed that it's impossible to have normal healthcare and paid leave.

>why cant democracy ever work in Russia?

because russia wants to survive next 100 years.

If your culture never produced democracy on its own it'll never work. It's like planting a banana tree in the Arctic circle. It simply doesn't take.

Because it does not work.



Well as soon as you show them a working case of democracy I'm sure they'll give it a try.

Doesn't work anywhere if we're being honest.

Cuz democracy is obviously for faggot countries look at greece they fucked boys in the ass now they’re in the ass same with USA literally a cucked country

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who are being paid to proxy shill agaisnt democracy? is it russians?

I'm guessing Russia has good gun control. Without a way to enforce voting results, you're fucked.

Because the Russians don't want it. They want Czarism. Their country. Their choice. Oppressing faggots is one of the smartest decisions they've ever made.

spotted the faggot

>Oppressing faggots
except faggots cant and couldnt do shit anyway, their economy is garbage, their governance is garbage, gay rights or no gay rights wouldnt change anything
spotted the non argument

Look up Russian history. The geography has made them creatures of tragedy.

democracy dosent work anywhere in europe,most continental europeans are naturally authoritarian

Brainfucked by commies for century walkin deads

only the retarded ones, like russians

Boo hoo more like comedy

and the french,italians , germans ,spanish

Russia right now is doing miles better than every other corporate oligarchy in Europe (read: democracy) How many cases of Chinese Cringe AIDS do they even have?

Based Russia. They are following the superior Chinese model. Good for them. May the Sino-Russian alliance grow stronger.

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Stalling only really works if you delay the onset of epidemic close to the wide production of a cure or vaccine.

>Russia right now is doing miles better than every other corporate oligarchy in Europe
you can stop proxy jumping ivan

>delay the onset of epidemic close
What are you trying to imply? That the UK strategy of "just inhale the virus, goy" is better?
Oh piss off I don't even like Russia, it's just the truth.

>That the UK strategy of "just inhale the virus, goy" is better?
yes, it will solve the boomer problem