WTF is this insanity, they're actually considering letting people get infected for "herd immunity"?

WTF is this insanity, they're actually considering letting people get infected for "herd immunity"?
>Sir Patrick Vallance told Sky News around 60% of the UK population would need to contract the deadly COVID-19 in order for society to develop “herd immunity” from future outbreaks.
Except reinfection is a thing, or being discharged while still infected.
A growing number of discharged coronavirus patients in China and elsewhere are testing positive after recovering, sometimes weeks after being allowed to leave the hospital, which could make the epidemic harder to eradicate.

On Wednesday, the Osaka prefectural government in Japan said a woman working as a tour-bus guide had tested positive for the coronavirus for a second time. This followed reports in China that discharged patients throughout the country were testing positive after their release from the hospital.

An official at China’s National Health Commission said on Friday that such patients have not been found to be infectious.

Experts say there are several ways discharged patients could fall ill with the virus again. Convalescing patients might not build up enough antibodies to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2, and are being infected again. The virus also could be “biphasic”, meaning it lies dormant before creating new symptoms.

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what exactly you expect from a country that drinks tea with milk?

UK is going full tilt. They get hit harder first, but then have a chance to come out on top while other nations are suffering the second waves. Big gambles.

People are going to watch their parents and grandparents die, millions of them, if this goes through

yeap and all of that just on a gamble of a retard

meant to reply to

wondered who the fuck is he
>From 2012 to 2018 he served as president of research and development (R&D) at the multinational pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).[4][5][6][7]
That's fucked up, heard bad things about this GlaxoSmithKline

Some things:

>getting ill because the tv told you to
nah i'm alright ta, good luck tho lad

>contract the deadly COVID-19
common cold is deadly to


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I don't want any of you in my herd anyway

humans developed a herd immunity system for the flu after thousands of years

early reports of it came from the persians

to say that we can develop a herd immunity for such a new virus (for us) in mere days is stupid
but then again we are arguing about the brits

no matter what we do, this is going to happen

>we are arguing about the brits
you certainly are :)

Listen to the boomers, drink the fluoride, buy your overpriced housing.

Normies are fucked.
I also suspect alot of leftist woman might die off, they can't stop talking and they constantly have to be surrounded by people or animals.

I can't wait for you to regret all the amounts of smug when you start drowning on your own bloody mucus.

This is called long-term thinking. There is no doubt that this virus will be back again next year even if it subsides in a while. You can't trust the third world to keep it gone and clean up fully.

Every similar virus ever comes back and comes back worse. Making sure that many people get it, but at a controlled pace that the country can deal with and controlling a herd immunity means that in two or three years when there is a worse outbreak, life in the UK will be very much as normal and there will be minimal impact. Meanwhile, the rest of the world shuts down again. It's a great strategy and one that is supported by every leading scientist and disease expert.

You take the hit now, and the country is far more protected in the future.

Countries protecting hardcore now will only have to repeat this phase over and over, meaning that many more will die and it will have a larger economic impact.

Most countries now think that the majority of the population is going to be infected. The UK's approach is to quarantine the elderly and other at-risk groups during the early stages to keep them safe while the rest of the population with a comparatively minimal risk catches it. The standard approach from other countries is reliant on the initial quarantine actually working to stop the spread of the virus, otherwise it's liable to come back in the winter and fuck the country even harder.

If you believe that the virus is infectious enough for us to be this concerned, the UK approach is the best approach.

>letting people get infected
It's already widespread. They can't stop it.

>every similiar virus

SARS got contained quickly

MERS also got contained quickly

covid while being the same shit wasnt contained to the slightest by the same eu countries that managed to contain MERS

It's absolutely retarded.
If you want herd immunity, quarantine and wait for a vaccine or even a retroviral to be developed.
If they're not taking any measures to contain it, their healthcare system will be overwhelmed and they'll be forced to triage patients and only treat those with the best chances for survival, like Italy is doing right now because they don't have enough ICU and other healthcare resources.
But that's what having a socialist death panel healthcare system gets you, lol. They're probably doing it intentionally to kill at risk people and stop those healthcare expenditures as well as elderly people so they don't have to pay pensions, all so that they can afford to import more brown shitskinned new British

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it's an illness you cum guzzling bicycle rider, there are fucking loads of them. id ask you to stop being a hysterical woman but we both know that's not the scandi way

What about all of the people who are dying in Italy? Isn’t that waht mass infection if the population looks like?

More likely is that come the winter, you will be overwhelmed with cases at a point in time when hospitals are already at their busiest. Taking the brunt in the summer is the way to go. Hospitals everywhere are 400% busier in the winter and under far more pressure than in the coming spring and summer. Take it like a champ now, and minimise the damage when it comes back hard in December.

Mass infection is inevitable. Your choice is who gets infected, and when.

>i am unable to discern between facts and bullshit

this is far more infectious and serious than any of those, they may all be respiratory but they are not similar diseases in the way that they work or survive

Its really the only thing that will stop it. We do it at a slower rate in an attempt to not overload the hospitals. Its this or a vaccine thats a year away...

Wtf user. Teal should be with milk. infact the best tea is one completely with full cream milk and with no water.

says the guy who eats the face off a lamb and the head of just about anything with 20 eyes from the sea then wonders why he has food poisoning every month

literally no different from the chinks, kostas

>jamal gonzalez o'connor weighs in with his 40IQ take
nigger, i know you're hopped up on high fructose corn syrup and cheeseburgers to form rational thoughts but unlike the united states of wendy's this country can actually afford to provide healthcare free at the point of use, largely because we're not dedicated to the ongoing life's work of the USA of creating and/or importing as many morbidly obese uruk-hai as we can. calls to mind the following, which i know you wont read:

>One is never sure which of two characteristics is more prominent in the American national character and therefore of the greater significance: naivete or a superiority complex. When for example they say things about our region, our surprise at their ignorance is surpassed only by annoyance at their stupid insolence. The less they know about a matter, the more confidently they speak. They really believe that Europeans are eagerly waiting to hear from them and heed their advice. They took our strategic decision not to discuss their shallow culture before the war as a sign of admiration...


How do you have the time and energy to post this narrative in every thread? I've seen you do it in other threads, and when I come back you're still at it. Are you unironically paid to do it? Because it's scary to think someone would post this ass-kissing, boot-licking rubbish for free on their own time. Let's just hope the virus kills you and your family.


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Based. Angl*s doing the right thing for once.

This is the first thread that I've posted in. It's not uncommon for two people to share an opinion. E.g. myself and Wait until the winter and we will see what transpires. It's nice of you wish death on those who support tactics that will save lives in the long term, though. I really don't understand the aggression. You've got you saying this and saying that. It's almost as if only angry imbeciles question top scientists and the worlds leading experts on disease.

It'll just be old people dying anyway.

Corona got you spooked huh.
Geratricide is a necessary thing. 90 year olds not being able to shit on their own swallowing 45 pills a day to survive is not natural

Oh, I see, this is in fact a government shill campaign. Disgusting tbqh.

Stfu and pay your debt mutt

These deluded self loathing leftists have been displacing their own population and culture by importing the 3rd world, so it's of no suprise to me with these cucks.

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I doubt they really mean it, they're just supporting a dumbass plan because it will help decrease the transition time to the new inhabitants of Britain being in the majority. After that they can stop pretending.

lol pussies scared about the flu get fucked

Says the one who drinks cow piss, namefaggot street shitter

There is no immunity. Survivors don't develop antibodies. It Is a bioweapon. They want it to spread. They want you to die.

calm down you daft sod, why are you so worked up at what another country does? are mainlanders this obsessed?

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You're fucking retarded. The virus causes scars in the lung tissue that can't be repaired. If it doesn't kill most people then it'll greatly shorten the lifespans of those who survive. You're fucking insane, you're government literally wants to kill you and you're taking it up the ass.

You've spent far too much time in this shithole. Go outside.

Cope and dilate harder bongoloid
You know I'm right
NHS is gonna kill your mum, dad, grandma and grandpa so they can afford more Muhammads

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You're canadian literally shut the fuck up dude lmao

>16k testing capacity in USA for 330,000,000 citizens
>10k for 60,000,000 bongs
mr. trump sure cares about you josé!

(((UK Govt))) = everyone should infect everyone now

Translation = (((we))) want you all dead now.

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He does care about me I literally shook his hand in 2016 he knows I exist and my country will fucking live while yours burns because of your ZOG

In the meantime, half the COVID patients in intensive care in your hospitals are not old, the youngest is 16. The initially presumed closest to patient zero victim in Italy was a healthy and athletic 38-year-old who spent about three weeks in intensive care before recovering.

Also, showing such levels of disrespect for old people is a sign of decadence, selfishness, and rootlessness. I guess you're on board with mindless globalist consumerism. I'll quote Cardinal Sarah:
>On my continent, an old man is not considered a problem because it is necessary to care for him and feed him when he no longer produces anything. The old people assure the transmission of culture. They are our archives, our libraries, and the guardians of our traditions. Without them, peoples become orphans, without affiliation, without origin, without memory, without history, without culture, without tradition. If we do not honor our old people, we cannot love our fatherlands. The latter confer our identity on us. They shape us by their languages, their customs, their history, and their culture. We owe them honor and affection.

Obviously. You wouldn't believe how much I'm being paid to have an independent opinion when clearly, everyone should share yours and only yours.

Remember the Chink doctor who realised what was going on and tried to warn people? Yeah, they just called him a bunch of names too, instead of respecting the fact that he was an expert in his field and knew what he was doing.

Leave the scientists to the science. The scientists from a leading country in this department, a country that has produced scientists who have saved more lives than were lost in every battle and war ever waged in the history of the world by curing smallpox alone. The country that invented antibiotics and has been at the forefront of disease control ever since. These men know what they are doing.

To go all in now with keeping EVERYBODY at home is suicide come winter. In the winter, hospitals are under incredible duress. Many more lives are lost and many more people grow ill. In the summer, it's a stretch but we can cope a hell of a lot better. Control who catches it now and we are fifty times as prepared for the hard season when it comes. And it will come.

There's no way that this disease will be wiped out worldwide before the winter comes. There's no way that all countries will keep their borders closed and travel shut down for years without collapsing entirely. This means that it WILL be back in the winter, there WILL be a patient zero again even if Italy/France/Spain remove the virus. Everyone WILL be hit very, very hard.

Everyone except those who already took the hardest hit in the months where their systems are best poised to save the lives of the people who contract the disease.

As I said, you've spent far too much time in this shithole. I wouldn't even be here if 8pol hadn't been shut down for months. I need to stop coming here, everyone is fucking retarded.

>c-cope! d-d-dilate usa number one!!!
lmao at how hard you're trying to land one on us but just hitting fresh air every time (something you should probably get a bit more of)

UK is overpopulated they are trying to kill you all

Don't mention that place

None of the scientists working for the government have a background in coronavirus-related immunology, dickhead. Everything you just mashed out on your keyboard is moot.

I only hope there’s a horde of orcs ready to take my place afterwards.

Based UK willingly sacrificing themselves as human guinea pigs for the rest of the world's survival.

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>you're government literally wants to kill you and you're taking it up the ass

Oh yeah, you're right man. The government wants to kill me. The government made up of random citizens who decide to stand in local elections usually for reasons of dissatisfaction and including my own MP cousin want to kill me. The government whose wages I pay and whose lifestyles my taxes finance want to kill me so they can be poorer. It all makes sense now.

You WILL join the Herd.

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I didn't even read your post. I'm sorry. Please try to get out of europe while you still can brother. The spirit of Odin is with you.

Most people here are not virus experts and don't have a clue what approach is best in light of so many complicated variables.
But I respect an approach which is similar to ripping the bandaid off. Delaying pain in life usually leads to bigger problems. If you can make a quick decision and take a short term hit, it often ends up better.
The thing I wouldn't trust is the UK having government-run medicine. If big problems come quickly and healthcare has to be triaged in a systemic way, they're literally going to have something akin to government death panels. Young people that are too costly are going to be abandoned. Old people who fought for their country and never took a dime in public funds are going to be fucked over.
But Ahmed and his goats are going to get priority access to the best ventilators and medicine.

no, this will collapse everything there. this is unbelievably stupid

Notice how this idea is only entertained in left-wing countries where only old people vote for the right

lads im just nipping out to the shop does anyone want owt

Does anyone have a loicense to contract this virus?

>everyone should share yours and only yours
Never said that. I'm just against the mindless and inhuman sacrifice of millions (and without even knowing the long-term health consequences to the general population since we have no data on it) at the altar of expediency.

As for why I suspect you to be paid, it's just that the whole rhetoric and sudden energetic and somewhat condescending shilling for your narrative is very conspicuous and seems to have popped out of nowhere and happens to fall in line awfully conveniently with the "strategy" of your leaders.

Yes mass infection is inevitable but do you not realize that the problem with this strategy is that not trying to contain it at all is going to collapse the entire healthcare system?
It is not just people above 70 who are dealing with this, if it was all old people in the ICU then why have parts of Italy set the cap at age 40 to start turning people away from hospital for treatment to prioritize those younger?
Just letting everyone get sick all at once is going to kill so many people and deny care to those who could have survived if it had tried to be contained.

>(((we))) want you all dead now.

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Not one world leading or renowned expert on disease has spoken out against the strategy, while several have stated that it is the best way forward to save lives in the future. A couple of nobodies who did womens studies on the side from local metropolitan universities are predictably outraged. Shrug.

>WTF is this insanity, they're actually considering letting people get infected for "herd immunity"?
yes it is the right policy, let the virus spread among the young and healthy, who will develop immunity from it, and make it harder to spread.

then order the elderly to self isolate for 4 months.

Locking down the entire country is INSANE and SUICIDE.

and also notice how this will kill off liberal voters

>Scarce resources aren't scarce because I say so!
Ok britoid
No one has enough ICU and other critical care resources for this but especially not socialized systems like the NHS
Keep seething though

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Galaxy-brained Boris is just hedging his bets, getting ready to make the all-according-to-plan argument when the country collapses into disease.

Ready to die for queen and country

Britain is intentionally killing off their elderly population. After brexit their pension funds would become insolvent, so a disease that will wipe out a bunch of pensioners will allow them to push back that crisis for a while longer.