they are superior to cowtits, but not my preference
Easton Richardson
This guy got the virus, he's on a ventilator.
Elijah Davis
who doesn't m8.
Luke Diaz
> disgusting botox and fake everything Do you fags even know what botox is? > a venom injection to paralize some muscles in order to make the forehead look smoother It is not "lip injections" homos
>a venom injection to paralize some muscles in order to make the forehead look smoother exactly >admitting she has lip injections too disgusting >likes cowtits your degenerate incest fantasies are also disgusting
Reminder during this time of shortage to use Nair™ for Men and make your nether regions silky smooth. You will just have to wipe once, and will save valuable toilet paper.
After 72 hours you're golden, after that it is just getting by the anger of smoking withdrawal. At least it's how it went for me and I smoke since my teens.
John Hill
Nobody wants Bernie to be president.
Chase Hernandez
With everyone stuck at home, how many white births are we going to see in nine months?
>only 250 million will die from this no meat in the bun burger. Where did this meme came from?
Jackson Thompson
Screaming weasel
Nathan Bell
Nope. It's just the media talking about it non-stop in order to use it as a red herring so you don't notice what's happening in the Greek-Turkish border meanwhile.
Yep, I got that notification too. Must be good to have the reach that Google does. They can send out messages to every phone on the planet. Surely they are always using that power for good.
He’s fucked. The older Dems are his bigger block. They don’t want to get in these lines.
The young don’t give a shit because they aren’t likely to get seriously sick. The problem is all the young vote for Bernie or they stay at home
Josiah Diaz
There is a serious effort across politics and media in the US and Europe to defend the pandemic spreading Chinese and an attempt to muddy the origins of the pandemic coming from China. Not a surprise at all that the US and European government and media are attacking the citizens of the US and Europe while defending the disease spreading Chinese
> Or is Brasillian so different? Brazilian "dialect" It is more different from mainland portuguese than American English is from British english. More than that: they have "subdialects" for pretty much every state and subregion in their country, many times not even intelligible for their own citizen. A Northeasterner speaking their local variation with another local wouldn't be understood either by a Brazilian Southerner of by a Portuguese, and vice versa, and vice versa for all combinations
> He believes the deathrate Not the deathrate user, just the body count. Wake me up when the coronaflu kills at least ten thousand, then it will almost catch up with THIS SEASON'S FLU
Samuel Myers
I hope those stores won't let them return it.
Kayden Price
yep if america is good at one thing. its ramping up production during times of distress.
Yet more proof that this is just a nothingburger and all the panic is leftist media-induced to impose more socialism upon us.
Joseph Parker
Gavin Cox
Hope looks like a hot 40yo so makes sense
Gabriel Russell
My dad and I have been joking all week corona is just a scam invented by the toilet paper mafia, imagine the kind of money those companies must be rolling in right now.
Chase Thomas
>"Today, President Donald J. Trump held a telephone call with more than two dozen grocery store and supply chain executives from across the country. The President thanked them for the work they have already done to meet the needs of the public and for their continued commitment to the communities they serve. All of the executives are working hand-in-hand with the Federal Government, as well as State and local leaders, to ensure food and essentials are constantly available. The President reminded the participants that this is an all-of-America approach and each of their stores and the stores they support can help Americans feel calm and safe when shelves are stocked with the items they need. Supply chains in the United States are strong, and it is unnecessary for the American public to hoard daily essentials. The President thanked the executives for their close partnership and pledged to stay in close communication."
Do you know what a hospital system is? So you know what a surge is? The problem is 20% of people that get Coronavirus need medical attention. They completely clog up the medical system and prevent literally anyone else from getting care. I want you to consider what you have done once out medical system is collapsing (temporarily) and people are dying because they can’t get help.
I want you to consider what you did here.
Jonathan Phillips
Next thread I'll get "big gay" ID and take the title from dumkot
Jaxson Long
And this isn't the people's republic of gofuckyourselfistan, its America, where last I heard a man could invest his own money into his own enterprises and turn a profit on it without having to ask safety Sally for permission first.
Flynn deserves it, the FBI admitted to lying about multiple steps of their case
Evan Reed
When can we expect the hundreds of followup tweets? Hey, can you make a pixel thing of pic related? Make the text say "Don't pipe me. This is a threat".