Are bongs absolutely fucking retarded?
Are bongs absolutely fucking retarded?
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Wow, every white in London must be in that photo
>Wow, every white in London must be in that photo
They had to bus some whites in from other areas
one would think it's good to stay away from gatherings of people when there's a pandemic of a virus transmitted through air.
UKIP rally?
Wtf is a gael?
Well it's not anywhere near London for a start
>global pandemic is shutting down everything
>some literal brainlet is wondering why its a bad idea to hang around people as much as possible
Weimerica is fucking doomed there's simply too many retards here
we are out dying china
i'm scared, Yas Forums
'If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.'
General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett.
We are completely insane, and always have been. Stiff upper lip!
>global pandemic
As opposed to a local pandemic?
It's pretty much the whole country the way things are going
You gotta remember that the WHO tried to pupil its way out of calling Corona Chan a global thing so there's actual fucking normies running around for a while not knowing what certain words mean
All numbers from China are fake.
With that flag you ask that question?
Pandemic = sustained spread in multiple nations
Global Pandemic is …. global
My point was just that a pandemic is inherently global, an epidemic is local. Just thought your redundency was funny.
Numbers from china are all bullshit.
Also, our numbers are bullshit because we aren't even trying to count infections anymore.
Not counting infections = reported number not increasing as quickly
>deaths continue to be counted accurately
so the ratio will tip regardless of the actual death rate
Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun. We aren't really that fussed about catching this sniffle, especially if ine is healthy enough to partake in a half marathon.
A strong wind
yes, and they're running away from non-white London which is coming round the bend of the road in the background
Yes, but at least they don't have to live in Petržalka, Juraj.
Very nice
that hooknose
the fact that we're barely out-dying China's fake numbers is fucking inspiring if you ask me.
I try to laugh too but there's actual room temperature normies on Yas Forums these days that have to be spoonfed everything
jogging is basically an all-white past-time except at the very highest levels of competition. same with camping, national parks, barbecuing, lawn care, yoga... this is quintessential white culture
half a bat with hoi sin sauce is what they're racing for
Chinas lying, they've had at least 40 industrial corpses burning continously for 2.5 months.
We're just going to take coronavirus on the chin. Build up some herd immunity, that's the plan.
Did anyone really expect us to behave like the over-emotional mainlanders and mutts?
Whatever will be will be. Those of us that go out can be proud they didn't go out like an hysterical mutt or baguette faggot.
Acting like a 12 year old at an N-Sync concert has never been our thing.
Does it even need to be asked anymore?... They used to rule 2/3 of the world before the term "Superpower" was even invented... Look where they were, look at them now.. Isn't it obvious?
>just keep touching people and hanging around large crowds as much as possible during black plague 2.0
Charles Darwin wrote a book called on the origin of species and in that book there's a section about natural selection. You should read it sometime
>40 corpses burning continuously for 2.5 months
probably americans
*industrial ininerators
my mistake
We'll all still be here at the end of this and we'll all remember you shit the bed and we didn't. Get back to me with your famous scientists when an actual happening is occurring you soft, hysterical pansy. To translate in to mutt...Faggot.
Keep calm and carry on innit
Facebook full of people stating they were brave...
shitskins usually don't engage in civilizational activities
>keep calm and drink tea while england is getting ground into mulch
There's a difference between panicking and not being a dipshit. Have fun using your spoons to fend off roaving muslim rape gangs. I'll just be sitting on my dragon's treasure pile of supplies and bullets waiting for somebody to kick in my door. You used to own the world nigel what the hell happened? I guess churchill got into too much jew debt and wanted to sell off your entire empire fighting germany
>Those of us that go out can be proud they didn't go out like an hysterical mutt or baguette faggot
I dont know in whay baguette you are talking about, but its not my country.
In France it seems people took advantage of the quarantine to all go out, parks and bars are overcrowded, its on all social medias.
Fucking retards, it makes me so fucking angry
If normalfags weren't braindead they would make every city and public place look like the beginning of 28 days later
>frere what shall we doo dooring quarantin?
>see all of our amis in za park!
Every single person in that video is to blame for diversity. They will all die soon
friday concert in the uk for the stereophonics, imbeciles
london is way whiter than any city in america
Gael, Gaelic, Irish.
Fucking American education lol
No we are just not pussies. Probably why we took over half the planet and you're speaking our language.
Where is isis when we need them
the greeks are not behind though photo from the beach saturday in athens
Millions will die
Agree with the rest though
Running for pleasure is mostly a white activity.
and another
they closed public beaches today
so they all went to the mountains for pic nics
you cant mess with stupid
I'm an endurance runner but never ran an organized marathon. I really don't see the point.
> What is stoicism
> What is critical thinking
It is called CoronaHoax for a reason. It is bullshit and we all know it.
Wrong. Billions are alive, billions will die.
Of what, by what is the question.
Skiing is the most redpilled past-time activity.
Marathon it is our Culture. Not niggers nor kikes.
stoicism asks you to objectively look at things and take a course of action not influenced by emotion.
which in this case means not panicking, but also taking necessary and proportionate measures to reduce impact.
Your stoic ass should realise that there is a small chance of this being an issue and not run a fucking marathon with thousands of other people.
Only mad dogs and Englishmen...
If you're young/fit enough to run a marathon, then you're fit enough to survive the virus. This is exactly where the herd immunity shit comes into play– infect those who will recover and develop immunity from it, in order to protect those who may not be able to.
(here's hoping it actually isn't transmittable after recovery, but who knows?)
They just need a coofer...and its perfect
For the most part, yes.
White people don't get infected by Corona.
If they do, it's because they are Mutts.
Many people do it for charity.
Skiing is for grown-ups, not perpetual toddlers who use terms like "red-pilled".
>It is called CoronaHoax for a reason. It is bullshit and we all know it.
You think it's a hoax? As in, there is not such a virus and no one has actually died from it? All the deaths are just old people dying of normal flu?
Based and NAP-pilled. Just throw your recreational McNukes at them if they aren't deterred.
This, thinking at your pleasure and going out is epicurian as fuck.
Stoic do what they have to.
>yoga is white culture
that's cultural appropriation
The pic is from Bath - they don't have the London one anymore because some people were stealing the water that was left for the runners.
There may be causalities but as long as Jim is OK we will be fi... They did what... No!
Another thing indicative of White Culture.
"Fucking idiots!" -Arthur Schopenhauer
And swimming, and cycling, hell any endurance event. Take Ironman for example.
It's part of the white psyche and why white societies lead the world. We seem to be compelled to challenge ourselves to see what we're capable of doing intellectually and physically. The other races seem content with themselves but whites aren't needing to forever chase that unreachable horizon.
It's still retarded.
>I'll give you monies if you run this marathon
>you didn't run it so I won't give you the monies
>you didn't run it but ill give monies anyway
Why not just donate the money in the first place? Virtue signalling. That's why.
Well how are you going to get herd immunity if you don't herd?
Black culture is bullet proof gas stations.
>some people
.>Many people do it for charity.
So to appeal to their Messiah complex. Another thing indicative of white culture.
"Look at me and the pain and suffering I put myself through for your benefit. Your welcome BTW."