This is my first time posting and I’m a little scared but i HAVE to ask...did anyone else feel something i can’t describe other than warm when we began that prayer last thread?
>babies killed each day through abortion ww ~60,000 (~32,000 white/european, over 53%) >95% reduction in abortions ~57,000 babies saved everyday (~30,210 white babies) if the whole world is put under complete lockdown >COVID-19 deaths after 3 MONTHS ~6,400
That's a net gain of more than 56,000 lives per day. And that's obviously not taking into consideration other lives that would be saved: less car accidents, less homicides, etc.
David Brown
He looks Nordic, is he a Swedecuck?
Lucas Harris
yeah we did it through 4chins and twatter tho
Landon Smith
> did anyone else feel something i can’t describe other than warm when we began that prayer last thread? You mean the Junko prayer? I got myself some lulz and I can only assume despair was spread. Is that what you mean?
>Trump is tough on China and strong on border security that is why Trump allowed pandemic spreading Chinese into the US and put the health of the US population at risk Idiots
that's the Holy Ghost saying hello Let Him in your Heart
Nolan Williams
no, it was can i describe this without coming across as cliche...warm fuzzies? it felt like warm fuzzies all over at 2 pm. nothing like pissing myself LOL that would feel gross.
Alexander Anderson
Trump's greatest advantage was us laying waste to social media and memeing him into office. Truly Yas Forums's most significant feat to date.
Mama mia! Italy was also fugged because it has so many chinkoids in it. Clothes "Made in Italy" might be made there but they are not made by Mario and Luigi.
>tfw no post featured on a major media outlet or CNN
Joseph Nguyen
I think you meant ebaumsworld, Yas Forums did nothing
Thomas Lee
it was diabetes inducing for sure but that song is very much an ear worm (a lot of the comments also said it was osu hell, i really need to play that some day) IOSYS is very good at those things that get into your head that is, when they aren't making meme videos
One less to steal secrets, research and patents. Based.
Samuel Bell
> it was diabetes inducing for sure It was very good and, yes, fucking catchy as fuck. Keep the recommendations coming, if I'll be here I might as well get some good suggestions out of it
Imagine working for the Dept. of the Interior yet you hate the Interior. I think we should abolish DC, split the land between Maryland and Virginia and move every federal department randomly across the country.
>despite how cool it would be, nothing is going to happen due to coronavirus >despite literally nothing happening, qtards will qontinue to qeep postinq
bros I never actually thought that I would see "Fortress America" in my lifetime, but it looks like it's coming foreign travel banned and national efforts to build and make everything within the USA again
Stop posting this stupid stat. We know no one has died yet and more people die from the flu. The flu has a 0.1% desth rate compared to 1% for coronavirus. That means instead of 40,000 people dieing now 400,000 people die. Now imagine how many people would need to be hospitalized, millions. If those people got sick all at once we'd be fucked.
Easton Watson
>just like "Goy", it's become an antisemitic term to demonize Jews >Goy is now antisemitic
How else will Chinks and globohomos altogether speculate on your markets with the help of the MSM? The saying used to go "when there's blood on the streets...", now there's not even the need of blood, just some Chink sneezing...
Brody Evans
And it would never be enough. There can never be enough dead Chinks. I know that feel too much. They never include me in the cap. All journalniggers must hang harder for this injustice. is it hysterical if everyone says it’s calming? That makes no sense; I’ve been to services where there was a certain...hysteria in the air and I believe I know what you’re speaking of... this feeling was calming, soothing, almost reassuring. Do you know what I mean?
Andrew Barnes
He’s retarded user. He thinks that because only 62 have died in the US so far, we can go back to licking handrails and wandering around crowded Walmarts for no good reason.
He seems to forget this virus is much more infectious and much more deadly
Adrian Hall
Noticing you aren't a nose tribe member means you notice the nose tribe. Being aware of basic things is anti ethiopian jewnigger
The hardest hit states are the ones with millions of fucking dirty chinks.
Bentley Phillips
Sorry to ask for a spoon feed, but do you have the timestamp in that CBS "report" for that screen?
Justin Lopez
Reminder that locusts are just grasshoppers that chimp out when they're overpopulated and there's not enough food locally. So they get big and aggressive and swarm everywhere. Calling city dwellers "bugmen" is an insult to bugs, not even fucking insects like overpopulation. Chinese people and people that live in San Fran and NYC are literally lower than bugs, they're not even real animals.
Wyatt Gonzalez
>Fu Manchu's Wuhan Flu is slaying the chankoros >locusts are exterminating negroids and Iranians >European Union is falling apart >Mexico has become the wall Hallo, ist das die Basiertabteilung? Ich habe eine Nachscricht fur der Basenfuhrer.
Doomers are desperate for any kind of happening, and as usual none will come. The ultimate doompill is the realization that life is boring.
Nicholas Cook
Wasn't Pelosi just a few weeks ago doing this stunt on Chinatown? Saying it was all safe and nice to hang around Chinks?
Benjamin Perez
Mindful meditation practice above a certain degree of skill lets you control things like stress responses, heart rate, and entering a religious experience trance like what you described. I'm not at a level I can do that all reliably but I know people who can.
Christopher Parker
>only kills boomers and nonwhites Are you helping coronachan purge the world by becoming a based COOFER?
Hudson Baker
Yes, and Christian's claim to feel the same, it's literally why you hear all the time about sending prayers, or see those groups of prayers after big happenings
Isaiah Nelson
Not even joking, I swear my friend burns a couch every time they celebrate and he's not the only one. Couch shortages are a thing there, look it up.
its the number based off spanish flu. and 3.6% kill rate, which is pretty well established now. basically if 1/3 of the world is infected and it kills 3.6% of those. 250 million dead.
Tyler Perry
>if if if if if if if kill yourself you pansy-ass faggots
>tfw OP shown on news and university papers >tfw my pastebin is all over the place >seen by millions live and more on screenshots/news sites talking about the issue >no one even reads it tho life is suffering
religion isn't a meme, there's a reason Globalists push atheism on the goyim while taking part in satanic rituals and other ancient religious practices