Am I gonna make it?
Am I gonna make it?
>Maker's Mark
>sour patch kids
You're fucked. I went with the twizzler nibs. Those fuckers will last just because they are so tough to eat.
>candy, small amount of alcohol, meme knife.
Sorry user I have bad news
gimme a donette
>silicone-based instead of water-based
Disgusting degenerate
Lube Life and packets of goyfeed. LOSER LOSER FAGGOT.
What's the knife for, faggot?
>calling the k-bar a meme knife
I infer you have the gay
The knife has excellent nutritional value.
Try Buffalo Trace bourbon it's better.
>one fun size Snickers
RIP in peace.
makers and coke is one of the finest drinks known to man. Fuck off.
Lube does prevent bleeding. Small but important survival gear for a faggot of OP's proportion
Sillicone is bad for anal, OP for once it seems is strictly into beating off
The things you learn on a survival thread
I rarely buy donuts, but carrot cake is my favorite, am not disapoint.
Live in the us
Dont have Guns
Have potato knife instead
You dont deserve to be american
If it was me i would have military base at home
this. chad uses water-based
As a prepper, No
As a raider, Maybe if you work with others and they carry you
As a scavenger, Perhaps
>Dont have Guns
assuming shit again ehh
Good luck living in your bunker with a hundred guns and no friends, user.
what are you gonna use to chop off you leg due to diabetes: the knife, machete or a tomahawk?
I literally wouldn't eat any of that except as a last resort. Pure chemical garbage.
>he ain't gonna fuck like mad during the apocalypse
>he resorts to faggotry and gay projections
You are good to go op, till tuesday at least
>Maker's Mark
makers is good shit. idkwtf you and juan are talking about.
the tomahawk, knife and machete are gonna be a problem but I think the rest fits in your ass with the help of your lubricant.
I cut myself sharpening a 1080 high carbon blade. It is literally indestructible hardened steel. It takes months to sharpen because of its hardness. Now this thing is like a razor and cannot be dulled. Yes I can literally shave with it. WTF are you retards doing?
It's too harsh and the bottle is stupid. Knob Creek is my favorite bourbon.
Laughing at you because you are a Leaf
>too harsh
clearly you have never drank woodford reserve..
You need more of this
>no meat snack sticks or jerky
ngmi fren
I haven't. Because I stuck with what I like.
Yes, you're well on the way to type 2
I have probably 1500lbs of canned foods.
not even a prepper, just shop with purpose and have for decades.
Makers is fine, you like what you like and I'll do the same.
t. Kentuckyanon
you aren't going to make it user
Join the hidden Yas Forums discord, discord gg MDkm72t
We are currently talking about the Coronavirus and the markets
Americans have crunch bars with exactly the same packaging? Never knew that. Thought it was quintessentially British.
Woodford Reserve is good. I highly recommend Elijah Craig.
>Join the hidden Yas Forums discord, discord gg MDkm72t
sure thing user, can I just give you my ip and let you nmap before I go?? or maybe I could just list my OS, installed patches and libraries as well as any running services to save you the trouble.
Never tried it but might. I rarely drink but a mixed drink or 3 from time to time is nice. 77's are good and I love a makers and coke, those are my go to mixers.
I'm surprised no one has asked whats in the quarts, lol.
That looks infected. Better amputate before it spreads.
>mixing your bourbon with syrup water
wtf is wrong with you fatass
Rate my stack
You can always use your blades to purchase more supplies,user.
You are going to make it as long as your targets are disarmed
wheel guns make me chub...
>Been prepping since birth.
I'm good
Pretty sweet.
>americans need LUBE to stroke their dry mutilated jew dick
Jesus OP sharpen that Ontario machete it’s got the park down to the secondary bevel
it is, 8 3/8" 29-2 I would love to find a nice set of n frame burl wood grips.
Like these on the right, hnnnng
>no jelly beans
You gon'ged'raped boy.
>makers mark
Yes. You're obviously very much our superior with your intact chode.
We are truly envious of the French.
Please, have some pity on us.
Is it like, scientifically impossible for Americans to eat healthy food?
Participating in the prep thread.
Any traps want to come over? Asians only.
the knife is so he can cut off his left arm and grill that up
Yes, we are all unhealthy losers who eat nothing but candy.
You're right to look down upon us.
Please make more smug and arrogant comments demeaning Americans.
It's very original.
We don't get enough of that.
What the fuck is that? Yams?
Pretty good. A bit overboard on the toiletries.
How far do you think you could hurl that bullet user?
>Am I gonna make it?
no guns
> N O P E
You deserve what you get. Good or bad.
what is she making
On the rocks or neat is the only way to drink whiskey. Those guys prob have hypertension and will die within the week.
Literally every survival food storage pic I've seen so far from Americans is just potato chips and junk food. Why?
The bible says to aid thy neighbor. If they need some, I will have enough.
This. Nothing is a bigger turn on for the ladies than having a tiny elephant trunk between your legs.
Why so much prep?
What's worth saving in your life? Does the world need you?
over a mile.
>not getting the sour patch kids watermelon slices
you're fucked, nigger.
It's to defend his stash, obviously.
nice intellimouse explorer. i need one of those.
You plan throwing that cartridge?
That must be why your own mom did let a stranger cut parts of your genitals when you were just a little baby.
Great motherly instinct there.