How fucked is the half of Americans who have fewer than $500 in savings?

How fucked is the half of Americans who have fewer than $500 in savings?

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They have to hitchhike back to guatemala

I think it's based, removing themselves from the gene pool like that. It's even more based that they're spending all that money on toilet paper instead of food.

They will just do what they have always done: Open multiple lines of credit and never pay it back. Nothing will fundamentally change.

>have fewer than $500 in savings?
How did you manage to be such a retard?

Maybe they shouldn't have blown it all on cheap liquor and lottery tickets, or toilet paper instead of food

I actually have just about $50k saved. Most people are fucked though.

>be american
>have $0 in savings
>max out credit card buying toilet paper
>forget to buy food

all part of the plan. there's a reason they don't teach proper money management in high school. hell, even in college, you'll be lucky to get more than a once a year seminar about credit/interest that most students will forget before they graduate.

>MFW my teachers told me about the compounding interest formula

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Between 0,2% and 20% fucked depending on age. Maybe more.

Colleges grads who don’t understand the time value of money blows my mind. It shouldn’t be possible.

Completely fucked

Anyone have a recipe for toilet paper soup? Isn't the cellulose a nutrient? Can you infuse toilet paper with nutrients? Bet you could make tp into like mashed potatoes.

Coronachan is a based virus and a blessing on the world. Boomers are going to die off, poor people are going to die off. The leeches of society that suck government money will be removed.

Breathe in the blessing of coronachan, if she deems you worthy, you will survive. Hail coronachan, Based goddess.

LOL. look at Mr. moneybags over here!! Watch out guys!!! This badass has 50 grand!!! Woahh!!

>Isn't the cellulose a nutrient
Not for us, unfortunately.

No but the economy is doing great, powerful consumer, in debt up to their fucking eyeballs and living pay cheque to pay cheque.

Who cares. they're poor they deserve to die.

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>you get what you fucking deserve

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>Health care costs "cheaper" than europoors
>"lowertax" than europoors
Idk, probably means half of amerifatts are retards.

Savings? LOL nigger, this currency is fiat, I just spend my savings on food, water, cleaning supplies, etc.
Spend your savings on the prep, pull it out of the banks ASAP, there will for sure be bank collapses in the next few weeks
Buy whatever you think will hold value if the US dollar tanks, toilet paper, gold, whatever

My point was that user was wrong I was being self referential.

Should I take my savings out of the bank? Serious question. Obviously it's just a number on a screen as of now.

Pretty fucked. Just think what's going to happen once millions of parents drop out of the work force because their kids school got canceled and they can't afford childcare. Hard times soon friends.

I have 30k saved and work in a field where I am outside, far away from people.
Literally laughing at all my friends who couldn't wait to be financially stable to start a family now whining and begging the government for handouts because one small emergency has them choosing between feeding their kids or keeping the lights on.
Fucking lol.

The FDIC will save me ...right? RIGHT?

Why is he courting $1s, a whole brick of those is like $200 at most

Grow oyster mushrooms on the tp. Complete protien and tasty.

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Wouldnt that open up alot of jobs then?

>half of Americans who have fewer than $500 in savings?
Niggers, beaners, and other sub humans need to be removed from our lands.

if it doesn't any public trust the banks still have will be permanently lost, and then the shit will really hit the fan

Pretty based ngl. Fuck creditors.

Theyre reconnecting everyone's power, water, and gas here and halting shut-offs. Whites BTFO again for being stupid enough to be responsible and pay their bills. Groids dancing in streets cause they have money to buy weed and alcohol.

Learn to code and get some cash

I have $6k in my checking. Should I try to get it all out in cash, or trust that the banks won't go under and hold our money?

We're all fucked user at this point just watch the madness unfold and try not to let it get to you head.

If you can't withdraw your cash or get FDIC insurance our problems will be much bigger than you can imagine. Your 6k will be meaningless.

This. If we get a point where people CAN"T get their money we're all kinds of newly fucked.

You mean the half of the Americans who are now at least a few thousand in debt?

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Screenshot your bank accounts anons! Have proof of what money you have before the (((bank))) conveniently loses it or (((makes a banking error))) after all this shit is said and done.

if the banks go under, you cant pay bills by check or electronically, and you can already see how people are trying to scalp each other over toilet paper.
in a SHTF scenario, cash would only help until people scalp prices into hyperinflation

6k in checking are you actually retarded?

This is true download your bank statements now and back them up. Mostly because if a bank goes under this would be how you can guarantee you get your money. But like I said earlier if you really can never get your money we are talking major regime changes and a collapse of the government.

I wouldn't. The banking system for the amount you're working with is insured by the FDIC. If the FDIC for some reason can't actually insure these deposits, it's essentially the end of the US government and your monopoly money isn't worth anything.

I took out £500 today. Time to turn those computer digits into physical cash and precious metal lads.

What if you have a 6k expense

It's the ones who won't have anything to lose. They'll roam the wasteland naked while scream-chanting la cucaracha while everyone else hides in the sewers clutching their shiny coins.

I grew lots of oysters on barley straw in laundry baskets. Then I got bronchitis from the spores and had to stop.

Actually interesting idea. Based and mycologypilled.

>He doesn't have at least 10k in cash
Never going to make it.

But seriously, if the markets are shitting themselves. You really should just store cash in a high interest account and call it.

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I have money but am planning to do the same. Why should I be broke when banks get free money?

>Not having minimum 10k in savings.
I'm in my early 20's and I have managed this.

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if there were high interest savings accounts anymore most people wouldnt have gotten into the stock market in the first place

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, you dirty mammon worshipping retards. [though KJV is heretical burnable translation]

Sure, whatever. Point is 1.5-2% interest is better than the potential for 30% loss.

If you use a chrome browser, right click and inspect element then change your account balance number (only changes your side) to whatever number you want. So if the banks crash just show them you had 50k instead of 30k in your bank account ;)

How you semolinaniggers holding up over there?

Mortgage: $2000
Two car payments: $500
Car insurance: $100
Gas: $100
Cell plan for family: :$100
Internet: $50
Electric: $150
Water/trash/etc: $50
Grocery for 4: $800
Student loans: $250
Clothes/home repairs/toys/etc: $200
$4400 monthly is easy enough to achieve
>inb4 faggoty nitpicking of $100 here and there
These aren’t my exact bills just an average family in the burbs


>making payments on a shitty a to b car
How about you just save up 1,500 or 2k and buy a shitty a to b car like a dodge neon, honda civic, ect. That way insurance in cheaper and you don't waste 500 a month on car payments.

I had a bunch of cash saved up, but I'm buying guns and ammunition with it. Also buying a piece of land with a cabin and a well on it in Northern Michigan.

I'll survive the coming apocalypse like a boss!

Not necessarily, they will take what vacation they can which will keep the jobs filled, and it's not like these job's are necessarily entry level. I imagine a good chunk of these places will be hesitant to replace their current employees as the situation is fluid at the cost of replacement is high. Schools are pussyfooting around and can't give you a hard date on when classes will resume which means parents can't say when they will be back. The whole thing is fucked and everyone has their heads in the sand hopping it will get better overnight. Shits gonna get worse when the closing schools cripple production.

I swear I've seen this exact fucking exchange on this board at least 2 other times

wealth is a state of mind nigger

>1 is a great deal for a bank to use my money
> facepalm
good luck user, i can see your financial acuity is serving you well

You guys didn't work hard enough to be millionaires. Sorry, capitalism is a fair system.