the government have said repeatedly that at any point they could institute a lock-down lasting several months. It's grossly irresponsible to not be stockpiling, supermarkets need to pick up the slack
>An unidentified German government source told the paper Trump is trying to secure the scientists' work exclusively, and would do anything to get a vaccine for the United States - 'but only for the United States.'
Kraut minister concerned that more of their industry is getting pinched by a country that is going to make them more money, more at 11
Jaxson Foster
totally sustainable bro
Kevin Reyes
>boomer holocaust >inbred pakis biting the dust because of all their ailments >housing stock freed up
been sick for a few days, wearing a mask when i go out to the shops and stuff. it just feels like a bad cold. also fuck anyone who's hoarding stuff. simple as.
Liam Reed
>supermarkets need to pick up the slack Nope, People need to develop morality beyond twitter posting. Men will beat the virus, not woman crying to daddy government or ridiculous requests of "supermarkets picking up the slack". We live in a society, The individualists hoarding deserve the potential chimp out.
Jason Cox
>fuck anyone who's hoarding stuff such a simp attitude. man up, this is the future now. a battle for basic resources. the strong survive. the weak bitch about preppers on reddit.
Luis Cook
I'm stocking up so I don't need to go to the shops full of infected people, not because I am worried there is going to be a supply problem
Blake Brooks
>Men will beat the virus you can't "beat" this virus.
fuck off nigger, I look after myself and family first and foremost, not stocking up is literally asking for daddy government's help when they institute a lockdown and your cupboards are bare
Levi Murphy
>work for council >refuse a job because the gardens full of dog shit >tennants start mouthin off >"i pay your wages" >check the ipad tennant information >severe tenancy arrears >"i pay your rent"
Jack Robinson
>you can't "beat" this virus
that's not the attitude to have, a bit of can do would be nice
Christian Gutierrez
Why the fuck is my county leading in this thing alone?! As if all those muslims were not enough.
Christopher Rivera
Liam Sanchez
>Daily Mail >anonymous source Dude you are a fucking moron.
Colton Edwards
i fucking hate the attitude council tenants have thinking they can treat those houses like shit
Evan Barnes
this. the strong consoom. the weak can only question it. why is it like this? cause their weak little arms cam't carry the groceries all the way to the consoomobile.
Benjamin Smith
Deaths: 35 Recovered: 18
Eli Gonzalez
that's what happens when the council treat their tenants like shit endlessly
Grayson Sanders
Media says its unbeatable. >definitely is then. Fuck your family then, It aint shit. Without your local community, You'll be picked off like the faggot you are.
Sebastian Kelly
Xavier Williams
>that's what happens when the council treat their tenants like shit endlessly
not an excuse.
Samuel Jenkins
you sound poor
Easton Gomez
yfw you don't clean your own house because nanny council wont change a light bulb
any news on the ages/health conditions on the people who died today?
Matthew Johnson
>>boomer holocaust I'm stealing this one
I'll have to, in order to pay the rent. Bogroll panic buys have sent the FTSE down 20% so I'm down £5k on my investments thanks to retards thinking this is the end of civilisation
Cooper Reyes
Social cohesion does and will work in the poor communities above all others. Enjoy the jew confetti keeping you warm.
Brody Sanchez
doubt it
Justin Torres
why should i fucking hoover up if council aren't gonna do it?
Even in the worst hit countries, the supermarkets are still open and being stocked...
Grayson Miller
as I suspected- poor
Jaxon Martin
didn't a 27yo die in scotland yesterday or the day before?
Josiah Martinez
i think we're gonna be fine lads
Brody Torres
>Bristol Royal Infirmary What was a Norfman doing so far Souf? Surprised he lasted that long.
Juan Hernandez
guaranteed type 2 diabetic
Carson Thompson
RIP >underlying health conditions
Brandon Kelly
So many people on social media crying about "think of those who can't afford to stockpile" and "what about the vulnerabe". Fuck them, I literally do not care
Adam Hernandez
Jonathan Young
>can i ask why there's a bank run?
Christopher Kelly
My parents are 66. If you have to be this much of a fat, diabetic fuck to die of it before your 70s, I suddenly feel a lot less worried
Leo Hernandez
because they are retards and dont understand how quarantines work
Jason Green
Germany doesn't include people with underlying conditions in the figures. If we did that we'd have 0 deaths.
Tyler Davis
cos they're retarded lad
Adam Young
Anyone else literally dont care about this because they've stopped caring about anything?
Cameron Walker
Not really to be honest, Although far more comfortable within the "poor communities". They have something that the say, "higher end" of society does not have. "cohesion".
Easton Jenkins
London is doomed. I'm expecting mega chimpouts and widespread violence as all the ethnicities balkanise into their own enclaves and fight tribal wars over bags of rice.
was in tesco yesterday and the cashier had to get paracetamol from the homeless box for an old woman because these paranoid idiots had bought it all. not on. simple as.
>how dare you buy things for sale with your own money get fucked nigger
Jose Wright
fuck off.
this is serious but you playing in to the elites hands with you fear mongering and doom saying
Ethan Price
Think of it as a fabulous buying opportunity. Everything will be back to normal in no time. Bummers will be parading in the streets again. Money will be printed and pakis will be imported.