Ok Boomer girl calls for killing the rich because "we are eating cup noodles"
Ok Boomer E-Thot calls for killing the rich
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damn I thought she was just some cute innocent dumb bitch but she's actually an absolute retard.
shes probably an occultist
she dont look poor...
just the price of the makeup on her face could send me out to eat for a week.
>minecraft phone case
take my vote and my country you sweet little mexican thot
>ok boomer
>bernie shirt
I eat noodle and rich man eat steak. Time to kill rich man.
>eat the rich
based af
I have successfuly jerked off to her instagram today.
Update over.
Oh. This again.
Does she not realize she's considered rich? Look at her phone, the house she's in.
Who is this whore and why is she a thing all of a sudden?
How tf did she pay for her tits before she got famous?
What do you think? Daddy's money. It's why she can afford to sit on her ass all day playing video games and streaming.
Zoomers still haven't matured enough to shift their primary thinking organ from their dick to their brain.
I love her
nice tits at least, would tit fuck and kill.
Cmon man. Wearing a Bernie shirt, slutty outfit, whoring for tiktok views, using "ok boomer", which for liberals, means dismissing anything traditional or conservative from boomers. This girl probably has a new dick up her ass every week.
>tfw big titty Latina gf will never be yours
>girl calls for killing the rich
good, fuck crony capitalists
If she can afford an 8k tit job she isnt poor.
Nice, spacious apartment.
Disposable money for fashionable, non-functional clothes, makeup, dress-up etc...
Sure, honey. Keep telling us how poor you are.
She's a cuck Youtuber's girlfriend who makes six figures off thirsty simps
Imagine caring, even for a moment, what a nigger or a woman thought about anything.
Thank you for the offer, but no thank you.
Her family is rich. Typical champagne socialist.
This dumb cunt is bitching about Jeff Bezos while getting rich on a platform that he provides
I'm noticing a theme here.
What a stupid bitch. Typical latina whore
Let me guess, he's white. These SJW ethnic bitches all secretly love white cock.
It's not that expensive, like 75% of younger women have gotten some work done these days
would sound more credible if she didn't get thousands of dollars of patreon monthly income/donations for doing shitty dances and lipsync
Honestly you people laugh at coomers, but you really dont do enough cooming yourselves. The average person cooms 5 times per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 140 cooms a week. Over 4000 a month. Cooming will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
I'd love her to give me a boobjob MMMMMMM
she is ugly and dumb
probably from upper middle class family
>because "we are eating cup noodles"
That's what happens when you spent your money on frivolous shit you stupid spic.
> killing America's kike ZOG ruling class
That would be an improvement desu. Whats the problem? The rich would send you to war in some desert, employ illegals instead of your kids and flood your town with somalis. Why do Ameriburgers like the rich so much? You have been stabbed in the back by the oligarchs ever since they imported niggers to have cheap labour instead of paying any wage to a white farmhand
She's clearly in resource extraction mode
sending all the beaners back would solve that problem.
Coom however feels good goy. It's good for you
Prostitution or camwhoring probably
How else will the NWO create a Spanish state for them? AKA Building Spain in the New World. Theirs plenty of Germans in the Midwest to create a new Germany
she's rich too apparently. wonder if she's related to carlos maza
That's not her, and that guy is Idubbbz
Not enjoying a nice cupped noodle.
yep and all the pathetic virgin simps are the reason shes popular now
Yas Forums in a nutshell
That's their biggest skill. They manage to look dumb and innocent, but they are hiding lots of evil.
She'll be using that Bernie shirt for toilet paper in a few weeks and tucking old rich boomers to survive
Haha I visited /fit for the first time a few weeks ago. I couldn't spend more than 3 minutes there. It has got to be one of the largest gatherings of fags in denial on the planet.
Tiktok, along with all its users should die. Also, fuck her instant ramen is better than most restaurant food.
Because you know damn well she doesn't mean the politicians she agrees with, the celebrities she enjoys watching or the businesses she enjoys the products of. Like all socialist retards she means everyone she disagrees with politically.
Why would anyone listen to women? Simps are the reason these whores have a voice.
Why does Yas Forums defend billionaire kikes?
I really fucking hate how this board is the ultimate shill for jewish capitalism. This shit board died in 2016.
Good job user.
I unironically want to physically hurt this whore.
You misspelled whore
You could just buy a bag of rice and beans if you don't wan't to eat cup noodles. It's alot better for you,it's cheap as fuck and you can make alot of meals for the price of it. If you're poor and fat, that's your fault.
They're both from Sephardic Jew families
Well not without the benevolent guidance of Big Brother. How could people possibly ever know what's right or wrong without the government telling them?
Then she should kill herself. She's probably making 50k a month off you loser orbiters.
She is Idubbbz gf
How can you be this retarded?
Stupid fucking attention whore needs a father figure in her life.
Because Jewish capitalism is synonymous for human nature. Get good faggot. Survival of the fittest motherfucker. I know you are a low IQ poorfag from your post
Why do (you) defend moneywhore e-girls, user? Are you a simp?
how many times are you going to make this thread? Simps need to calm the fuck down.
she looks 26....
Based 83 IQ Mexican whore.
Never saw retarded spelled like that
It's a paid shill campaign to push this kike worshiping whore it's very obvious
Her face looks a bit like a tranny's regardless.
Fuck the (((rich))). All real nationalists despite capitalism
ok pedo
These stupid fucking e-sluts posing their poor diet skinny fat bods with fake tits like they actually worked for it. This cunt ACTUALLY think she deserves praise for doing absolutely nothing. Fuck this society man, Yas Forums GF's ONLY.
She has a new video
Absolutely horrendous.
>don’t know what fed is
>don’t know what private banks are
>don’t know who rule them
I want to shoot my sperm in her tight brown cunt if you can follow my line of thinking.
Can tell who the JIDF easily by who defends (((capitalism))). Too many boomer jew worshippers on this Mongolian basket weaving forum
Is this shit supposed to make sense?
Not for old boomer trash like yourself
Go ahead and explain it genius
Her BF is a like social media talent manager and social media influencer. A rich kike fuck who plays on his phone and pretends it gives him a voice. The two of them deserve to be raped, buggered with sticks and decapitated in the streets.
>be a nigger
There, case closed
It's ok. Nobody really has high standards for a socialist.
You're either a moron or a troll if you think anything lasts forever. That includes countries, technology, etc
So Jews are bad because they are ahead of the curve? If they didn't manage shit, then everything would literally implode and shut down
For those on the right which she labels as "Republicans" in the video can not have her
I mean she didn't complain about how Jeff Bezos is exploiting his workers and banning trade unions just that he spends his money on useless shit like stakes(while she spends her money on useless boobjobs). I mean boobjobs can go anywhere from 3000$ to 11000$ not really cheap
That girl in the pic, yes, but not the retard girl that OP posted
>social media influencer.
That's very antisemitic of her, she needs to be reported to the ADL and have her life ruined
Still doesn't make any sense. It says Republicans: "Who want me?" and then some shit about THE CIRCUS. I think this bitch is just retarded.
>"we are eating cup noodles"
Beaners like her think that's haute cuisine.
Nah it's cuz my phone auto corrects to despite from posting the despite being 13% meme on normie platforms so much. I'm not a commie faggot, I just hate Jewish billionaires.
>"REEEEEEE Kill the rich"
>Gets a boobjob and complains about being broke
i would agree if "eat the rich" didnt mean upper middle class boomers taking part in the rat race and actually the jewish elite
I want to rape her sweet ass.
This chick is so fake. Her smile is fake. Her attitude is fake. Her dancing is fake. Apparently her tits are also fake. She is just trying to become a famous ethot
Based af
An iphone isn't a necessity retard, and all of your solutions are meaningless if you keep importing millions of spics while emptying the prisons to let violent unproductive niggers roam the streets
she's extrmely ugly
no amount of surgery can fix her