This is what Euro-faggots get for abandoning God and rejecting all Christian morals; they indulged in every Satanic lust and we should feel no pity for them.
Burn Europe, Burn
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I warned people. I warned them for years.
> Portugal ZERO DEATHS
> United Fats 57 DEATHS
git gud fats
Checked! You did your job user.
The Christcuck reveals his true form.
I can't help but think I didn't do enough, but I did what I could. The collapse of much of the world is inevitable now.
You deserve this. You had your chance. Wickedness brings punishment. You are not above justice.
kys you dirty fuckin ape
There is no validity in the opinions of half-breed maggots like you. I can already see your face already, probably some spic-nigger that thinks he is white and browses /rel/igiously intolerant on Facebook lmao.
That's not what I'm referring too retard. I'm talking about the EU saying Abortion and Fag marriage is a human right and implicitly being infatuated with Communism.
Cry more, burger. You will still face punishment.
You ARE a burger LMAOOO, and probably an Amerimutt burger too. Show flag!
You're on roll with those digits user. But Nah you probably did enough. I always told my friend promiscuity and smoking pot war sinful and wrong and he just laughed at me, they had their chance.
Bitch we're just getting started. Government predicts more than 30 000 000 infected here alone.
see you in 3 weeks from now, Mutt when the numbers from Muttland are going to be much worse then Europe
This virus kills religious boomers, retard.
Show your flag pussy
I'm not a burger.
>Show flag
What do I get out of it?
Let's hope so.
What do I get out of it? Show your nose.
fuck off back to Israel, rabbi.
And Im saying we abandoned your Jewish god as early as 1648 when we no longer cared about enforcing Christianity on our people. We then went on to do good things and conquer the world as a race. Things were good until Christian Socialists and Communad-Masons started their liberal bible prophecy shit in the 1840s that led us to where we are now.
You get the sense of relief for not larping
all christians should and will be executed, if not by technocratic hivemind then by muslims they import
Wait until you get this in the US.
>for abandoning God and rejecting all Christian morals
No I think it was the open borders.
Larp flags were part of old Yas Forums too, newfag.
You know that there are like 50.000.000 flu illnesses in the US every year and 50.000 dead. Corona-Chan is bull you prepping faggot
Well said Polish cousin, SLAVA!
Your country exports degeneracy of all kinds and American "Christianity" is laughable and little better than atheism
We got it before Italy did.
>2000 cases
>60 deaths
>almost all get little to no symptoms besides old sick people
>not being a prepper
wew lads look another jewish disinfo shill thread wanting europe to burn just like 1940
I know its beautiful. You deserve this more than anyone. Thousands of American died to rescue you because you were crying about Hitler. What does do after Liberation? Socialism, Abortion legalized, open the doors and welcome replacement from blacks and muslims, and mock it's Christian heritage. Burn baby, burn.
America should have let Nazis fuck your grandmother.
You sound delusional, not to mention it's also in the USA so it's just plain retarded. No different from ignorant medieval folk who thought the plague was a punishment from god and yet priests and monks died the most.
What will the punishment of the United Burgerlands look like? Will you guys just sink into the sea, after all you can't act all high and mighty when you have California
>I'm not a burger
If you're not a burger, then you wouldn't be afraid to show your flag.
>t. literal memeflag shitskin
>Be Amerimutt
>Get chinky flu
>$3000 for test
>It's positive
>Go to hospital
>$300,000 for the the stay (plus tip)
Yeah, I wonder why you've had so few confirmed cases so far...
Because even worse it's an israeli.
I'm not, I enjoy watching how butthurt people get over memeflags
>rejecting all Christian morals
christianity is race blind jewish poison, I just went to the store and saw a white christian couple carting around their adopted niglet, because of the church and its edicts many whites now consider brown and blacks to be equal to them, disgusting
>heh triggered these whitoids
>t. The seat of satanic power on earth
Do you think more Americans will die of corona than heart disease or car wrecks?
Doesn't matter this is a cleansing, none of us are clean but the proudly unclean have brought this cleansing to the West.
Holy shit read a book. Any book, really. Start small, see how it hurts.
Coming to every degenerate nation including the US.
Imagine the smell from all those dead white boomers
Say the word. Say it. Say the P word for us.
i think one could make the case that israel is the seat of satanic power too, my fellow fingol
Despite being a whitoid
I know it hurts, but it's your story.
>be mutt
>country crated by orgy loving masons
>Pedophilic elites
>Quickly coopted by jews
>bows down zionists every chance they get
>people hooked on porn,antidepressants and corn syrup
>Calls others satanists
Learn to upload a meme before you shit-post, monkey.
Do you unironically think the US (both the people and the government) are following Christian morals?
> hotbead of LGBTQ degeneracy
> look at your pop culture
> Hollywood
> (((USA)))
> kills millions of innoncent people and start civil wars in countless endless wars
> zero fucks given about poor and less fortunate people
> look at places like California and SF, worse than even the worst places in Europe
The US is quite possibly one of the least morally Christian countries in the world. Just because you call yourself Christians doesn't mean you automatically follow Christian morality.
Those are Christian morals in 2020.
>Do you unironically think the US (both the people and the government) are following Christian morals?
No, and this place is next. But we had more common people resist it, people still go to Church here unlike it the Eurozone. Most of what you listed in a NYC-California Disease.
Unlike most EU nations, not all American cities are like SF.
Listen here you little shit
I think we are one of the MOST Christian nations, on every corner is a Church and out of the mouths of every celebrity is mindless platitudes about "love" "tolerance" "compassion" and praising God lmao, yet there is children humping the legs of gays in parades, cross dressing 8 year old boys, rampant heroin addiction, race-mixing and consumerism. Its literally just what the Apostles had in mind, a Anarcho-Communist slave revolt where everyone is fucking in orgies and the poor rise up to kill the rich out of jealousy for being poor.
tl:dr America in 2020 is basically Rome in 315 A.D.
>7 kills in a country of 84 million
>61 kills in a country of 67 million
>10 kills in a country of 17 million
It's like another shoah. Unless your God really hates Italy it doesn't seem like you're right.
Nobody has abandoned God as much as you yankees. Every anti-christ thing that enters Europe is exported from you retards.
Porn, LQBT, mass-divorce laws, feminism etc.
Seethe nerd.
t. El Ogro de Las Americas
that's actually for abandoning our gods and accepting that brown jew
>amerilard think's he's safe
>This is what Euro-faggots get
Digits say US is next
>amerilard think's he's safe
I never said, that. Learn to read.
They did explicitly do it for Jesus though. The scientific antipathy for Christianity is a recently popularized jewish norm.
We already have it.
Burn Europe ?
kek you got 62 deads and we still only 11
you just did not test
>tfw zero deaths
who else /masterrace/ here?
Please. It's over 1,000 years too late for such a response. The Old Gods were SHIT. Zeus was into bestiality.
All countries are going down the shitter. Your country is responsible for the decadence.
My mate's niece looks exactly like that girl.
China bought all masks at first
than Europe bought the rest
fells bad man, have fun with your 2 n95 masks
fema literally has n95 mask for all doc and nurses for 2 days
F, you will be Italy 2,0
Is his name Sasha Gray?
I am a fan of his work
how so exactly, did i twist your arm and force you to allow your freaks to come out into the open? am i preventing you from killing them? my am i not powerful!
>you will witness a virus killing millions and millions of sharts in your lifetime
And this time, they can't even bomb anyone over it! Based as all heck. Thank you, Corona-chan!
Yes,I'm sure america is literally what the apostles and God had in mind.
This is unironicaly the most hardcore cope I've ever seen in my life.Don't even know how to shitpost against this.
Lol no. But honest she's the spitting image of whoever that is.
Why not say that after Portugal exits the EU?
Is it true that Americans call Type 2 Diabetes "the Burden of Manifest Destiny"?
LOL next thing you will try to say is that the Crusaders were Christian men right?? LMAOO.
...When they went around burning other Christians alive, sacking and looting, raping the Balkans, putting Cathar and Catholic men women and children to the sword, cannibalizing Saracens, and purposely being baptized with one arm out of the water so they could 'sin' with that arm on Crusade?
LOL yeah Jesus was down with all that! Europeans have always been Christian in name, rarely in reality. And the few Europeans who were Christians were the lowest form of their race or plain liars just using the authority of the Church to expand their kingdoms.
OP do you really believe that the virus is an act of god, or that somehow Christianity would prevent the virus from spreading, by gathering together in a church twice a week?
Fucking christcucks man, it's these low iq bible suckers which prevent me from converting
>Provide minmal contributions to the EU
>Get free roads
>Leave EU
GG portugal
I suspect you're a mutt living in Korea. You have never done any travelling outside the big tourist cities in Europe (if even that), that's for sure.
Most European cities are nothing like SF.
it will be big.
Donald Trump literally tried to buy German sicentist team who are creating a vaccine at the moment and wanted all rights and the scientists for USA alone.
but they were like fuck no, we will stay here and create the vaccine for everyone and not for the USA
Frankly it seems the States are further down the hole than we are, just less capable of seeing where they are.
That we're making work of a proper response seems like good sense.
she is actually one of the most famous porn actresses in the whole world
You are from the US. What the fuck are you doing wagging your finger at the EU when you are just as if not more degenerate.
Europeans need to rip EU apart, and then kick out or kill every Arab rapefugee, faggot and kike from their country before they can call themselves Christians. I have no doubt that pre 21th century Europeans are Christians, but the establishment of EU and was their choice.
>OP do you really believe that the virus is an act of god, or that somehow Christianity would prevent the virus from spreading, by gathering together in a church twice a week?
No you absolute retarded bearer go worship your Santa Muerte. It's because we stopped behaving morally that this happened the time for sitting in Church as a remedy has long passed. This is either a cleansing or a warning.
Bro you just posted cringe
>they indulged in every Satanic lust
You mean America?
Goes to show I don't watch porn user.
This. The US will probably get fucked even harder than Europe
> poor people and hicks who can't/won't get tested will make sure the virus spreads everywhere
> The US obviously won't use totalitarian methods like China did to stop the spread
> The US won't use widespread testing like Korea did (the US has a population of 300MM but has tested the US won't impose a nationwide quarantine like many European countries are doing
> many burgers have terrible immune systems because of all the processed crap they eat
> the American private health care system can't handle tens of millions of sick people. Some people can't even afford to get treated.
The most liberal people I met were Europeans. Many Europeans, especially Germans, who live in my country publicly supported political correctness, when their voice was close to zero in our culture and media. They supported Yemeni rapefugees to live in our country when many Koreans didn't want it. And thanks to them Korea is currently filled with feminists and faggots
Nice LARP.
Too bad German scientists are busy at maximizing the density of migrants in their country instead.
instead of being a cringey christ larper come listen to this woman play the harp
So you believe that the virus is an act of god?
Well, they chose Trump, whom I guess was the best choice they had. When a country is ruled by a PC communist kike, like Korea or Germany, then the citizens are completely free from blame. American citizens as a whole is more woke than most EU country citizens.
> I met a couple of German globohomo faggots in Korea
> all European cities (not even just German cities) are like San Fracisco
I've met quite a few Chinese people here in Denmark and while travelling. A lot of them were uncivilized, loud and rude. I guess that means all Korean cities are uncivilized.