America hate thread. Wait, what, you say that you have no reason to hate America? Here are some

America hate thread. Wait, what, you say that you have no reason to hate America? Here are some
>they wear shoes indoors instead of using slippers
>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle
>they pronounce Aluminium as ALOO-A-NUM
>they're obsessed with tipping because companies don't pay their workers
>they drink from plastic cups instead of glasses
>they call fuel "gas", shops "stores", and trainers "kicks"
>they put ice in water

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Other urls found in this thread:

Your only legitimate grievance is drinking from plastic cups. The rest, you need to evaluate more closely to understand.


>they circumcise for no reason

>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle

>they put ice in water

lol yes welcome to the first world

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They're jew lovers

Do you really care about this?

Just put the water in the fridge retard. Or use the cold tap if you're drinking it from the tap. Utterly uncultured New World colonial.

This has a way too British perspective.
I mean i am all for mocking Americans but you put far too much deplorable Britishness on display in doing so.

Whales eat 100million tons fish in a year, while world's all fishermen catch 20million tons fish in a year. Whale is enemy of mankind.
Whaling should be legal, it's delicious and it's a good source of fuel.
For the people that hunt whales, this is a very profitable activity. It is clearly not easy to hunt down a huge animal such as a whale, and as such they turn into heroe whenever they do manage to do so, and they get a lot of profit out of it.
Fuck whale, the minke is not even endangered. Not our business what Asia does anyway.
Whale is the cow of ocean with more meat, fat is useful too
Humpback whales such as we see in Hawaii every year in the summertime will eat up to 2–1/2 tons per day. They also eat schooling fish such as capelin, herring, sardines, and whatever else they can get. Do the math.
They're sea jews always crying about muh extinction but there's millions of them and they destroy the planet. Fuck whale. They dumb as fuck. They come on land, evolve, then go back in water like a retard. Live in ocean but need air... Fucking stupid.
There are zero anti whaling facts, no whale has ever been extinct by humans or Africans
The late Dr. E.J. Slijper, who was a world authority on cetaceans, said " seems improbable that an animal which propels itself mainly with its tail should need a more highly developed brain than, for instance, a monkey which uses all its limbs so skillfully."

Whale cure cancer that why jews don't want you to eat.

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What's the problem with ice?

Netherlands? More like Neverlands. Or NapoleonRapedYourMothers,WivesAndSistersLands.

They will mass report this thread because they can't handle banter. It'll be deleted soon.
Meanwhile UK hate threads hit limit because we don't give a shit.

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Notting wrong with putting ice into some other beverage that isn't water.

Blunder Dump is offering millions to German scientists so they sell their corona vaccine rights to ameriland. I wonder why you gotta shriek "america first" and hyper-omega-cringe nationalismfaggotry for 4 years straight and then cry when a foreign company doesn't want to share their findings with you (which is their right). Germany alone should decide who gets the vaccine, and clapmuttica should have no say in any politics

Why does it matter when the beverage is water?

>The obsessed britfag

A tale as old as time

As already explained, it's very easy to drink suitably cold water by turning on the cold tap.


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Well of course nobody reports UK threads. Youd have to be able to read it to report it and since they arent in Arabic then the british have no idea what we are even saying.

>be jesus
>invent microwaves
>watch the jews destroy societies by being pathetic for millennia
>go down and say "oi wankers jews are bad"
>die painfully but retire to heaven knowing you did okay
>rub hands together in jewish way because of learned habits from being a jew
>oy vey I bet the goyim come up with all sorts of cool uses for microwaves now
>medicine? space exploration? warfare?
>fast forward to y2k
>the jews rule the goyim
>the jews convinced goyim to use god's sacred creation, the microwave to heat water for coffee
>Gabriel, summon war, famine, death and plague.avi

>they wear shoes indoors instead of using slippers
what? most people don’t do this, just trailer trash, also most Americans don’t wear slippers indoors, just socks
>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle
we burgers don’t drink tea, we are coffee and soda people
>they pronounce Aluminium as ALOO-A-NUM
meh, tomato tomahhhhto
>they're obsessed with tipping because companies don't pay their workers
no it’s because hospitals visits are expensive
>they drink from plastic cups instead of glasses
only poor people, even then most poor people have glass cups they got from dollar tree
>they call fuel "gas", shops "stores", and trainers "kicks"
we call trainers tennis shoes
>they put ice in water
water is best cold

Go watch some more American news broadcasted in your own country

That doesn't explain why you object to putting ice in water. If you can't explain, just concede a loss on that one, and we can move on to a different one.

Why does it matter though? hot water is hot water

Im greek cypriot, danish norweigan, czech , and ukrainian (blonde hair blue eyed soviet era)

All 4 grandparents are ww2 fighters and immigrant wives. How white am I?

Albeit im not very patriotic or pro military. Honorably discharged but on auspicious terms with certain entities federal state regional and local. Lol.

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only Californians, New Yorkers, and DC politicians who are on Israeli payroll, and the majority of all I listed are Jews themselves, so it makes sense they love themselves

>Love slippers
>People who do this deserve to be hated
>You call a truck a "Lorry" Fuck off, patsy
>Tipping is not a bad thing.
>So what?
>Now you're just trying to hard Mohammed


Hell never understand the fast paced life style, who has time to wait for water to get ice cold fucking third world scum

Death to all mutts for a better world.
Also fuck you anglo-kikes too.

>they wear shoes indoors instead of using slippers
why hate them as long as they use a rug to clean them they can wear shoes wherever they want.

>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle
Why is that an issue?

>they pronounce Aluminium as ALOO-A-NUM
sounds funny

>they're obsessed with tipping because companies don't pay their workers
Sounds more like charity than a motive to hate them.

>they drink from plastic cups instead of glasses
I drink wet leaves from a dried pumpkin

>they call fuel "gas", shops "stores", and trainers "kicks"
Fuel evaporates, Shops store stuff until you buy it and trainers kick your ass if you make mistakes.

>they put ice in water
Only a faggot who likes to drink hot water would complain about that

Aluminum is originally British you retarded bong

Why is america the only country that does not use the metric system?

Half of that shit I don't do and half of that shit is completely okay to do.

Because base 10 systems are for literal retards

Americans buy soda by the 2-liter.

How's mexico space program going ?

Keep drinking your room temperature beer and eating your bland disgusting food.

>they wear shoes indoors instead of using slippers

Depends where, it's really cold here in my state so you usually wear slippers indoors.
>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle
Most Americans don't drink tea, we drink coffee and all have coffee machines. Electrical kettles are a thing (and are sold at any Walmart) and people who prefer tea have them at home. Just like most Brits only drink instant coffee since it's an infrequent thing.

>they pronounce Aluminium as ALOO-A-NUM
It's aloo-min-num, and it's just a different way of saying it, you autist.

>they're obsessed with tipping because companies don't pay their workers
People who get tips are allowed to pay their workers less than minimum wage, if they paid their workers more, you'd still pay the difference but it would be in the prices of the food.

>they drink from plastic cups instead of glasses
Depends on who, I drink from glasses, but yeah there's morons who do that, I guess.

>they call fuel "gas", shops "stores", and trainers "kicks"
Different version of English, and only niggers say kicks, real Americans say "sneakers".

>they put ice in water
Welcome to the tiny creature comforts of the first world.

Now this is an actual argument

The same reason we’re the only country to land on the moon.

No answer for that one.

>Drive at 15 but you have to wait until you are 18 to vote.
>Where you can only have sex at 18 and drink at 21.
>Where you carry a gun in public, but not a bottle of alcohol
>Where soldiers are sent to poor countries to do nothing, but jerk off, wave their guns around and scare innocent people are seen as heroes and Police officers that risk their lives fighting criminals everyday are seen as pigs
>Where you have to pay alimony to your ex-wife even if you don't have kids
>Where a former Reality Show Celebrity can run for President
>Where someone who is being investigated by the FBI can run for President
>Where there are more McDonald restaurants than Libraries
>Where there are more people on government benefits for being too fat than gym members
>Where fireworks are illegal and flamethrowers are not
>Where paying to have sex is a crime, unless you film it
>Where you can find fried butter in most restaurants, but not a salad
>Where boys can go into girls bathroom
>Where houses are built with shitty wood instead of bricks and concrete
>Where walls are made of cardboard and then they complain when a storm brings everything down

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These are all the most retarded reasons

>le linguistic difference meme
You're almost as retarded as the americans, here are some real reasons to hate that shithole
>Ruins countless countries for profit
>Shilled out the worst ideology in human history
>Propagates degeneracy all the fucking time (goes hand in hand with ideology)
>Literally every single american i've ever spoken to is a complete retard, regardless of where on the political spectrum they lie
>Enjoy sucking billionaire dick
>Enjoy sucking Israeli dick (goes hand in hand with the first point)
>Kills its own citizens for profit, and yet those same citizens would kill if you badmouth their country (goes hand in hand with every single one of them being retarded)
>Tie nationalism to skin color because they have no national heritage themselves (mutts of different European nationalities)

Literal subhuman nation, stop giving meme reasons to hate them, instead focus on actual ones

NASA uses metric units because they're the most logical. All of academia in America does. It's only Billy Joe Cleetus Jr that uses other units.

Bases and whaled farmpiled.

>Fuck whale. They dumb as fuck. They come on land, evolve, then go back in water like a retard. Live in ocean but need air... Fucking stupid.


Seethe more Mohamed

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Careful Nigel.

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It shows our American brand of Christian faith.
If you don’t like it, don’t do it.

Aloo min um.

Even normie Americans use metric, 2-liters of soda, grams of weed, socket set measure in millimeters, 5k-10k runs, etc.

America uses the metric system in a lab environment, but imperial is usually better for everyday use. 100 degrees F being really really hot and 0 degrees F being very cold. If it has to be less than an inch in common parlance people will either use fractions or millimeters.

They call all kinds of stuff by their company name. We call aspirine aspirine, they call it by its brand name. We call a smarthphone a smarthphone, they call it an iphone, a samsung or a motorola. We call cerals cereals, they call it by the brand name. Its just, never mind.

How do you get teeth that bad?

By drinking acidic tea all the fucking time

dont cut yourself on that edge ahmed

Aside from the first 2, these aren't really legitimate reasons to hate someone, let alone a whole country.

>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle
That is fucking heresy

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“Because we go to the moon, and do these other things not because they are easy but because they are hard!”

Aspirin is called aspirin, and rarely used, people usually use acetaminophen or ibuprofen first.

Smartphone, mobile device, iphone, android, all are used.

What's my favorite cereal? Cheerios.

Why is it whenever a thread is made obsessing over Americans it’s almost always a British poster?

You spelled "Aluminum" wrong.

There’s and easy explanation for this that most Brits and Americans miss.
Do you know why?

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I don't wear shoes indoors, I use a kettle, I don't own any plastic cups, and I've never said "kicks." However, do you just hate cold water? Also what is wrong with shortening "gasoline" to "gas?"

burger gringos come here as sexpats and fuck our women

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You're just describing blacks and poor people, retard. Fix your own country bitch

>(((no reason)))

Which country is the biggest recipient of donated organs?

>they live in bong heads rent-free
why are you such a pussy that all these things make you HATE America? Literally nothing that you listed affects you.

Meanwhile in United Pedo Kingdom:

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Yes, because you're watt-lets.

Okay, so what happens if I would like it to be very cold in twenty minutes, say at my desk or in my backyard on a hot day? This is a very arbitrary point you worthless sack of shit, I would tell you to go fuck a goat, but I imagine no one has to tell you to do it.

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>>they wear shoes indoors instead of using slippers
>>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle
>>they pronounce Aluminium as ALOO-A-NUM
>>they're obsessed with tipping because companies don't pay their workers
>>they drink from plastic cups instead of glasses
>>they call fuel "gas", shops "stores", and trainers "kicks"
>>they put ice in water

I must not be American then because only one of these, the ice one, applies to me.

I think it's time we all come to realize that bongs are worse than fucking leafs at this point.

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>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle
Is this true can any mutt confirm it

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You ain't white mohammed

bleached or mutted?

Sugar in everything


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>shoes indoor
No I'm barefoot or socks
No that is subhuman I use a kettle
>They pronounce Aluminium
You got me there
>They're obsessed with tipping
As it stands I can't just not tip them that's really rude
>They call it gas and stores and kicks
Yah that's pretty true ig but not "kicks" idk what that is.
>They put Ice in water

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I mean... is this a real reason to hate us?
We tip mostly out of kindness, knowing that the stressed bitch who has to deal with hundreds of non tipping nuggets daily only makes 2.13 an hour to support her two white fatherless children.
We wear shoes inside because hot damn, shit can pop off at any time and I dont need to stop by the door to put on shoes in an emergency. It's called cleaning bro, we have vacuums for that.

I cant defend plastic cups and straws tho.

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NASA uses metric you buffoon

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This from the well ran country of...
Oh, nevermind.

bleached definetely. Each time I see a burger with a peruvian girl its one of the top 5% while the burger is some bald ugly white loser who wouldnt get any girl in his country. Makes me sad that so many girls here fall for them

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MASHA ALLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>Not wearing boots in doors in case you have to scramble when shtf or use an excuse for exclusive hard tile floor
>Only microwave water with food like Ramen, only tea I drink is Arizona
>Rarely eat out, only tip 3 to 5 unless it's high class or at a concert and the person manning the bar is a bro
>Plastic cups at parties or celebrations, sign of being poor
>Call chips Crisps, letters being in words they really don't need to be like colour, plastic knives now require a loicense
>Ice in water, as if that's a bad thing and not a way for extra water

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You know what I mean.
>Scotch Tape


>they wear shoes indoors instead of using slippers
A lot of younger homeowners don't do this
>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle
only retards who don't drink tea enough to bother doing it properly
>they pronounce Aluminium as ALOO-A-NUM
>they're obsessed with tipping because companies don't pay their workers
Tipping sucks
>they drink from plastic cups instead of glasses
>they call fuel "gas", shops "stores", and trainers "kicks"
I hear both and we call trainers sneakers since they are quieter than boots
>they put ice in water
Sometimes it keeps it cold longer on a hot day

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Ah yes some very vital input from a German speed bump.

>NASA uses metric
And what have they achieved other than having the most women and minorities recently?

You're American, and that's all that should matter. I usually shit on Civnats, but considering none of the rest of the world agrees that we are white, then fuck em.

America First, Forever.

Their consistent Consumerism waters down our Culture daily.

I actually didn't, but this list makes me aware. Tissues are called tissues, only snobs call them kleenex. The rest are used though. What do you call those items?

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No, I think pic related is what's watering down your culture, famalam.

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Ok boomer

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*russian tea party music stops*

>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle
Kettle user here, I agree this is disgusting and tastes like shit and most likely contributes to our collective idiocy compared to kettle only nations.

England, YES!

We only ever call them by the brand name if we want to be more specific otherwise no we use the same words

Lmao at all the fatties seething, clearly they can't handle good ol banter eh?

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