America hate thread. Wait, what, you say that you have no reason to hate America? Here are some

America hate thread. Wait, what, you say that you have no reason to hate America? Here are some
>they wear shoes indoors instead of using slippers
>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle
>they pronounce Aluminium as ALOO-A-NUM
>they're obsessed with tipping because companies don't pay their workers
>they drink from plastic cups instead of glasses
>they call fuel "gas", shops "stores", and trainers "kicks"
>they put ice in water

Attached: EGxBrpuWsAAlQTr.jpg (1200x1133, 141.66K)

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Your only legitimate grievance is drinking from plastic cups. The rest, you need to evaluate more closely to understand.


>they circumcise for no reason

>they microwave water to make tea and coffee instead of using a kettle

>they put ice in water

lol yes welcome to the first world

Attached: s2z9C91.jpg (1429x1032, 56.93K)

They're jew lovers

Do you really care about this?

Just put the water in the fridge retard. Or use the cold tap if you're drinking it from the tap. Utterly uncultured New World colonial.

This has a way too British perspective.
I mean i am all for mocking Americans but you put far too much deplorable Britishness on display in doing so.