Never forget our hero

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Other urls found in this thread: Bond - Holding Out For A Tarrant.mp3

Goku ?

You can't mean sloppy Job, lets go on holiday to Israel Tarrant

Tarrant vacationed for 9 days in Yisrael before the shooting.

Kys schizo.

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O.K, you first

If Tarrant wasn't a sloppy job by mossad, Tarrant chan is a subtle threat to anyone willing to do the same thing. Trans loving freaks.

Stop. Tarrant chan is cute.

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based roach purger

Post tan-chans.

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yeah and don't forget they changed one of the mudshit's socks in the middle of the shooting!!!!

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>No. A jew living in Israel is no enemy of mine

How can anyone be this naive ?

why do you shills keep taking parts of what he said out of context?

Had he lurked more, his manifesto wouldn't have limited zog to a little blurb shoutout.

he knew perfectly well what would happen

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He should unironically be canonized. Unfortunately the Pope is a ZOG puppet.

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Relive Brenton's great moment here:

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I never figured it out, is this an actual anime character with an altered picture or pure fan art of a made-up character?

It would be an insult to him, since he hates christcuckery and christcucks

how do we prevent this from ever happening again?

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Opening borders even more and giving more government social programs to the immigrants. Of course, the natives have to pay for those programs, we can't be racist. I promise it'll work like a charm

It is a made-up character afaik.

Imagine worshipping a guy who increased immigration to New Zealand, destroyed all trace of real right ring nationalism in his country and spurred the government into making new laws to arrest people for hate speech along with significant gun laws.
Just imagine. It's almost Jewish...

Why do you admire Tarrant, who is a murderer?


Kill yourself zogbot.

>Imagine worshipping a guy who increased immigration to New Zealand, destroyed all trace of real right ring nationalism in his country and spurred the government into making new laws to arrest people for hate speech along with significant gun laws.

Because Kiwis are cucked beyond redemption. Just like bongs. Cowards.

it's OC as far as I can tell

Based hue brother, i hope u are not a nigger tho
Im always amazed when i meet based Brazilians, specially in the University of Sao Paulo ( usp )

USP has based people? No fucking way

people admire murderers all the time. it's utterly normal. not being edgy here, just realistic

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>*pop pop pop*

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No you retarded fuck, it's because murdering women and children isn't hero like and people generally don't like it or want to be associated with it. Funny (((tarrant))) had every right wing celeb on his gun to associate them with his child murdering and kill their support bases over night. Almost premeditated.

Thread theme:

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Tarrant is a murderer, why do you disagree with that?
Most people don't. I don't know if your pic was supposed to be related or not, but George Washington was not a murderer, he wanted independence for his country and was justified in fighting British soldiers. Tarrant murdered innocent civilians.

Yea, only a few, and the ones who are usually study engineering
Im in law school there are so many jews teaching us u would be surprised, but they never say they are

>there are so many jews teaching us u would be surprised
Not that much, my Penal teacher was a jew and defended criminals, but was surprisingly neutral on her teachings
Many of the doutrinadores are sephardic in some way too

How do we make it happen every week? I need more!

It's the Bong gene m8. They can't help the eternal Anglo within them to cuck themselves to oblivion

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show flag Ahmed

>he wanted independence for his country and was justified in fighting British soldiers.
5 seconds on google
>By July 4, 1776, the Patriots had gained control of virtually all territory in the Thirteen Colonies and expelled all royal officials. No one who openly proclaimed their loyalty to the Crown was allowed to remain, so Loyalists fled or kept quiet.
>When their cause was defeated, about 15 percent of the Loyalists (65,000–70,000 people) fled to other parts of the British Empire, to Britain itself, or to British North America (now Canada). The southern Loyalists moved mostly to Florida, which had remained loyal to the Crown, and to British Caribbean possessions, often bringing along their slaves. Northern Loyalists largely migrated to Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.

I dont know where u study but Usp is dominated by Askhenazis

Saint Brenton Tarrant. The Hero of Christchurch.

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Thread Theme: Bond - Holding Out For A Tarrant.mp3

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>but brenton tarrant was not a murderer, he wanted independence for white countries and was justified in fighting islamic soldiers.

Remove all non-whites from our countries

>murdering women and children

Shitskin filth.

He is a partisan fighter. Calling him a murderer is reddit tier bullshit.

>Tarrant is a murderer, why do you disagree with that?

Soldiers fighting in a war are not murderers, you brainwashed zogbot.

you clearly didn't read We don't like sloppy job MOSSADS

Every day in UK, hordes of shitskins rape your women in the streets and you do nothing, you coward.

thanks for the stock JIDF response

Look at these people. These are real people that made real sacrifices for their ethnicity from invaders. They weren’t LARPING. They weren’t mentally masturbating about Afghanistan being free. They weren’t making nationalist memes and posting them on their bread making forums. They took guns, went, and died for their people. You cowards. All you do is make memes of 1 man who couldn’t even bring himself to fight people that had gun too. That’s the difference between stormfags and subhuman afghanis. They actually DID something. What are you faggots doing?

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It is not my country that is being invaded, burger.

Maximum C O P E

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Those rules of war are based on outmoded concepts of governance and warfighting. In an age of widespread democracy, demographics IS a form of warfare, and Muslims know this. The Green March is possibly the most significant military encounter of the 20th century. Morocco sent 350,000 civilians (the number of live births in their country the previous year) to the Spanish Sahara. Spain would then quit the area without a fight. Muslims know what they're doing when they colonize western countries, we need to wake up to that.

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Aided and abetted by traitorous western politicians who are terrified of the media calling them racist.

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Yet you are glorifying some faggot that has fuck all to do with your country, if I can even call the place you live a country. I don’t blame you though. Brazil is worse than all of the Middle East. And that’s really the hardest black pill to swallow user. That Brazilians are more subhuman than goat fuckers and niggers.

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I don't understand how that goes against what I wrote.
Most of the people that Tarrant murdered were not soldiers, and if any were soldiers they were probably in the New Zealand military, and so wouldn't have harmed the country.
What war was Tarrant fighting in? What country declared war on New Zealand?
The muslims in New Zealand were invited by the government that was elected by its citizens. New Zealand isn't occupied, Tarrant isn't a partisan fighter. As I said above, the muslims were invited to New Zealand, wanting to deport muslims is one thing, murdering innocent muslims is evil.

Saint Brenton Tarrant clearly stated in his manifesto that ALL non-whites including jews should be removed from white nations. Anyone debating his loyalties is a glownigger, jew, muslim, coward or a retard. Read the manifesto.

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Lol yes New Zealand sent personalized invitations to muslims.

''Oh look Ahkmed Muhhamad Idrasil Mubarak Hosni New Zealand want us come to country?''

''Inshallah we go and help them, we good Allahers''

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>Yet you are glorifying some faggot that has fuck all to do with your country,

At least he did something.

>That Brazilians are more subhuman than goat fuckers and niggers.

I have to agree on that. Now, do you want your country to be like Brazil? Keep letting spics coming in.

Are you 100% sure about that? I didn't read his manifesto, but he put 1683 on his rifle, and that's the years Europe was saved from the Islamic hordes.

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Dude, you're probably talking to 3 subhumans wearing diapers and 1 fed.

you act like it was just americans versus the british. that's not true. it was american patriots versus american loyalists and the british. loyalists were recruited into fighting military units. it was a civil war to some degree as well as a war of independence.

the same is true here. it just happens to be that nonwhites are the loyalists of the day; they're loyal to foreign powers, and this trumps their status as citizens, if they are (though none of tarrant's victims were NZ citizens). they need to be dealth with like tarrant said and like george washington and the patriots did

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That's not how the process works, I should have used a different word besides "invited", maybe "allowed in". The muslims applied for New Zealand visas or permanent residence, and they were granted them by the New Zealand government. That's not an invasion, the muslims were allowed in.

>Imagine worshipping a guy who increased immigration to New Zealand, destroyed all trace of real right ring nationalism in his country and spurred the government into making new laws to arrest people for hate speech along with significant gun laws.
What exactly were the consequences of Tarrant's actions? You would think New Zealand would actually decrease immigration as a result. Is this one of those things were they do the opposite of what right-wingers want in response to right-wing rage?

The biggest shitskins are you Israeli kikes

>ascribing the actions of the state to the intentions of the rebel
it's almost jewish...


God, watching this again makes me heart pound. He was so well prepared. The meme songs served as a timer so he would know when to leave. There's never been anything like this.

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>everybody I disagree is a kike.

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Sobieski even said Veni, Vidi Deus Vicit after the victory
but it doesnt matter brenton was just larping jew so he painted on his rifle anything that's commonly mentioned here.
no matter his personal political views as he didnt had any
it was just a psyop

So answer this. Why don’t white people have the same fervor as the Mujahideen? Why don’t I see white nationalist militias engaging in guerilla warfare? Why do I only see faggots praising a faggot for killing 50 mudskins that have already been replaced by 500 more?
>At least he did something
Looks like his catalyst approach didn’t do anything. Because white people are still meme making cowards on an image board. Why doesn’t every nationalist on this board go and join Azov Battalion in ukraine? Why don’t they go do something? You stormfags are nothing more than retarded braindead normies standing in the bleachers watching your favorite sports ball team and chanting for them.

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My only hero is Uncle Ted desu.