Saw my first autopsy today in med school. There is no God

Saw my first autopsy today in med school. There is no God.

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You're being a big baby.

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Only a complete moron gets first hand look at the immense complexity of the human body and says “there is no god”.

It's a hard thing to look at the true inner workings of a human. Yea we all "know" it but actually confronting it takes some getting used too that no movie or vidya will prepare you for.

On the bright side you are not responsible for that person's death, that is its own can of worms.


You needed to see inside human body to realize this? I just watched the Moon and realized how fucked up that its surface is littered with craters diameter of 50 km and realized the same thing. This world is cruel and soulless, from the moment of our birth and childhood we live in a cultural bubble of fairy tales and spooks that misdiscribe our reality. There are fucking craters diameter 100 km on the Moon, do you know what that mean? That there were fucking giant dead rocks the size of the countries smashing the Moon with the speed of km/sec, like natural bombs. This world is a fucked up place

>med school

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You are a faggot.

What kind of pussy faggots are you "guys"? There is no shock in seeing a cadaver. You have mental problems.

Big brain right here...meteors exist..checkmate theists.

On a Sunday morning? 0/10 even for a leaf.

>death scared me
>tries to cope by denying god
>ignores intelligent design that is the human body

This. What the fuck do you think medicine is? It it's necessary but disgusting.

I swear Jews flip a coin on their college major. Heads medicine or tails law.

Nobody gives a fuck that you're a medical student

There's plenty of reasons not to worship the dead kike on a stick, but this ain't it Jim, you're just a pussy.

craters from electrical arcs, not impact. Jesus is King.

>There is no God.
Why do people say this? Here I am worried autopsies would make people theists because they'd confused the body's structure as being evidence of intelligent design yet the opposite happens.

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Elaborate on the experience

Stick to things that don't scare you. I will pray for you.

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HAHAHhahahah wait, what?

are you one of those fucking morons who never knew what they wanted to do with their lives so they defaulted to medical school just for the fucking money? if you can't handle a fucking autopsy just get the fuck out. I don't need you fucking posers in the medical field when my investment in fucking self diagnosing and doing my own research is more effective than going to a "doctor" just so they can tell me the same thing I've already arrived at the conclusion to.

seriously, get the fuck out and go to trade school. there are other people who actually care about medicine.

Medicine without empathy isn't true medicine. The idea isn't to be a cuck but be able to connect with and diagnose other people's bodies if they themselves can't or help them become more aware of it so they can manage or heal themselves.

It's not unlike the serpent really. The poison dripping from its teeth is both the weapon and the cure. There must be balance.

Imbalance is one reason why the medical industry in the US and around world makes money off people intentionally breaking themselves instead of preventing it or making them healthier.

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We come from monkeys genius. Some of you are still catching up even

I mean show where the empathy in webm related is.

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Fpbp. Jannies get this bitch out of here.

Have you ever heard of Divine Evolution Theory?

>We come from monkeys genius
All living things are made from the same materials and chemicals held together by the same living force. It doesn't really matter where somebody came from as much as what they are like right now as a condensed expression of it(body). Don't look for originality outside yourself because you wont find it look within and discover what a "self" truly is.

>people die so there is no god
Peak atheist brainlet

those big giant rocks are what god uses to erase you disgusting sodomite degenerates when he gets sick of your shit

>theistic evolution
Humanity is divine by itself when its capable of comprehending and defining itself as such. This would explain why the majority of humans are being told to connect to one another but in a way that it makes isolation favorable if not the end result. Becoming "alone" in the collective/over-body so to speak.

e,g phones/computers and the internet vs telepathy and the astral plane

can i find this on liveleak?

But what about muh' irreducible complexity? Theist's have been spewing that argument for years from the Cosmos to the human eye.

The scaring we see on planets are not from kinetic impacts. They are created through electrical arcing. The observance of these craters cannot be explained through random impacts. If this was the case the impact craters would be uniform over the whole planetary body. Mars for instance has very minimal cratering on half of its surface but a great deal on the other half.

You're a fucking pussy cunt

atheist here, and I get where you're coming from but these kind of subjective experiences aren't going to convince any theist otherwise

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what the fuck is this OP you gigantic Leaf what did you expect

wtf is this?

> There is no God.
The complexity of life has to have been designed by an intelligent being. To believe such an intelligent design just came about randomly is retarded.

Last digit is the ass you get.

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3 or 7 pleeeease


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>med school
Fuck off psychopath

predicted this


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>The complexity of life has to have been designed by an intelligent being
It's not but you can crown yourself your own designer if you have enough realization as a species. Humanity is literally God but its separating it from itself. Not unlike how the two sides of your brain are their own thing if disconnected

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There is God. It’s people who fuck things up

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Dat ass

wasted tr ips and got a brown brap per.

based and electricuniversepilled

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people are disgusting both on the outside and the inside, aren't they

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Bro, you're fucking retarded if you think god made those sweet asses, and not hundreds of thousands of years of selective breeding by men.

rollin for 3


Trade you


Lol, a nigger ass for the gopnik. Nice.

table salt poured on fresh meat


Just meat. Electrical impulses.

Okay, pussy

don't @ me you contagious faggot

How old was the person? Also, how did the person die?

If it was a child or a tragic accident, it's understandable, but in all honesty, you might want to rethink working with medicine if death is unsettling to you.

>Saw my first autopsy today in med school.
It’s SUNDAY what are you doing cutting up bodies? Trying to get adrenochrome?

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get ready to get tossed into the front lines if they run out of nurses kek

t. sociopath

Did you cut through a pener?

>I do have 95 point IQ
>How could you tell?

It would be better if you had contrast in ass quality but will roll regardless

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roll for ass


Give me the black kweens

The NPC reaction to corpses (panic, horror etc.) are nothing but a dramatic hollywoodian product to add effect.

>Saw my first autopsy today
>today is Sunday
Trump was at church and op is shit posting on 4ch. (((Pure coincidence)))

God is not a being.

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What a faggot. Turn around now - the job you think you want is not a job for you.

>the universe is big and bad things happen so there no God
When did people become such fucking pussies

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you get used to it

Not freaking out at a corpse makes you a sociopath? You sound like a wimp.

>Saw my first autopsy today in med school. There is no God.

What shocked you this much about autopsy class?

T. Anaesthesia intern

everyone has their phases

Yeah please tell me about the "intelligence" behind the fucked up design of the human eye.

It’s a larp today is SUNDAY plus uni shut down in person classes because of mah wuhan virus.

I'm a hunter, I've torn bodies apart on a regular basis, and you know the one thing that has always amazed me is that this mess works together at all.
Your're a fucking goddam idiot, you know that, right?

I thought Canada hasn't shut down schools and uni yet?

Bro, you're fucking retarded if you don’t think god made those sweet asses, what if it took hundreds of thousands of years of selective breeding by men subconsciously moved by god.

post gore to help desensitize OP

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Oh damn. She looks way too OK for THAt

Is this the case in canada?
Here in germany are most classes closed and wie have also semesterferien, but test etc. are still on schedule.

>Saw my first autopsy today
>Today is SUNDAY
Recognize a larp when you see one. But other than that based Fred Bear

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Ever read up on the cluster fuck that's the human eye?
If there's supposed to be a creater he must've been drunk while planing it.

>the one thing that has always amazed me is that this mess works together at all.
You should read up on the life force. Google it and stuff. It's not really going to teach you everything but it should give you a good idea as to why "this mess works" the way it does

For the rest you can try it right now just feel your body more then imagine/feel a warmth or "field " around and inside you constantly moving around

if you're doing it right it should feel like there's n invisible breeze on your hands or face

To practice general body or force awareness just look at your hand and try to feel or visualize what's under the flesh e.g the bones, the meat, everything. It's hard at first but the more you do it the easier it gets and you can look/feel other parts of your own body or other peoples

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Number 7 please

based 3 bros

This. The design of the human body is amazing.