Was he the greatest man to ever lived ?
Was he the greatest man to ever lived ?
this, alexander has the odds stacked in his favor by his father and incompetent enemies, not to say he wasn't the greatest man of his time
hidden hands don’t count champ
Alexander was Napoleon's boyhood hero. Idol even. But I agree, Napoleon is even greater. Not the son of a King.
nope Cromwell.
BTFO everyone and never lost to anyone.
Napoleon was pure evil
Jesus was a man. Clear winner.
A backwards "redneck" Greek kingdom took over the known world.
Pretty impressive.
Imagine if the Greeks actually acted together and didnt fight among each other
No I am :)
>jewish footsoldier
Get the fuck out of here
Charles XII was.
>Charles was Napoleon's boyhood hero
I dunno. I liked Knight Rider when I was a kid but it hasn't aged particularly well. I hear that Germany liked his music at one point.
BTW, why is David Hasselhoff in Roman gear and riding a horse?
Fuck no. This literal cocksucker is the father of Globalism and Karlegi tier mud-mixing. Before him ethnic cleansing the elites was how it was done in International warfare- this fucking hopilite hick decided mixing the elites into a globalized almalgamated smegma was the pathway to world peace. Shit that people still practice today.
Fuck you kike for posting this.
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
Jesus Is God, not a man.
>Greek kingdom
Hellenic by adopting the culture.
>Imagine if the Greeks actually acted together and didnt fight among each other
Imagine some of them refused to join Macedon against Persia.
Imagine there were Greek generals and mercenaries who fought for Persia
Jesus the manifestation of God as a man. They are one in the same, but Jesus lived as a man.
He was cringe both as god and man anyway.
>Jesus lived as a man
By doing things no other man could.
Greatest man that ever lived.
In his late 20's got seduced by foreign women and became a bit of a globalist.
Would of grew out of it if he got older, but disease got to him and/or maybe poisoned by disgruntled men.
Go rape a native Ahmed, people are talking here.
>Charles XII
Based, but not the greatest.
That would be Imperator Caesar
>gayreekoid who just beat some irrelevant sandnigger kingdoms
>entire empire collapse the milisecond he dies
A dozen men took over a lot of shit via strategic genius.
But nobody understands European civilization was forged by 40 years of expert administration by Augustus.
Egypt feeding the Mediterranean, Augustus.
The Romanized life of Jesus, Augustus.
The traditions and legal ideas carried by the Franks into the modern age, Augustus.
His name means "The Increaser."
There was no organizational intelligence as capable as this one man until WWII.
Based and red pilled
e.g standing up for thots
>Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.”
If Jesus lived today he would be Hitler or something
>Imperator Caesar
>destroyed the Republic
>genocided million of Celts
>burnt the Library of Alexandria
Mutts will always love people who behave in a barbaric fashion because they are barbaric themselves.
Napoleon died a cuck on an island.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... The Pomak Shitposter.
Remember INRI
Yes he was. Many after him got close but he was the one who started it all.
Caesar did not burn the Library of Alexandria, retard. That happened hundreds of years later, and Egypt wasn't even under the control of Rome at the time of Caesar's death.
>Romanian education
>Caring about a specific form of government instead of just doing what's best
And accomplished more than you’ll ever dream
>the greatest men that ever lived were all racial Mediterranean
Yeah no, the only answer is
Fixed that for ya
Are you retarded? He used fire catapults on the city and the Library caught on fire.
The specific form of government called Republic is what kept Rome great. Soon after becoming imperialistic it found its demise.
> Alexander the Great was Albanian.
Oh so now Alexander changed country. He is not from FYROM, he is from Albania...
Also Albanians are not Illyrians they are just slavs.
Macedons were not recognised as hellenic. They were considered barbarians by the Hellenic city-states. Besides the fact that the Macedons had cultural traditions similar to the Romans, there's also the fact that their kings weren't allowed to participate in the Olympics. The first king allowed to take part in the Olympic Games was Alexander The First - Philhellen(friend of hellens) this was only because of his good relations with the Hellenic people.
I really don't know why Greeks want to claim these barbarians as their people whem obviously the Hellenic culture was so superior that it took the Macedon kingdom without even trying to culturaly assimilate them.
Alexander incorporated both Illyria and Paeonia in the Macedonian Kingdom.
By that definition most of the English people he fought historically died under similar circumstances
>the greatest men that ever lived were all racial Mediterranean
Hurts, doesn't it germ? Your whole northern master race myth falls to the drain.
George Washington was its not even a contest.
Any man with an army can be a conqueror thats easy history is full of them. But only Washington had ultimate power in his hands and refused the temptation.
"That act closing and finishing what had gone before and viewed in connection with it, placed him in a light the most distinguished of any man living, and that he thought him the greatest character of the age." King George III on George Washington.
Alexander was a molossian epirusian, they are albanians.
>this nigger right here
>Macedons were not recognised as hellenic.
The Argeads were recognized as Hellenic during Alexander I.
>They were considered barbarians by the Hellenic city-states.
The Macedonians, yes. The Argead rulers, no.
>Besides the fact that the Macedons had cultural traditions similar to the Romans, there's also the fact that their kings weren't allowed to participate in the Olympics.
Common ancestry with the Romans and they were eventually allowed to participate after Alexander I proved ancestry from Herakles, which is true as the Argeads were Herakleides.
>this was only because of his good relations with the Hellenic people.
False, he proved his ancestry which was no secret for anyone.
>I really don't know why Greeks want to claim these barbarians as their people whem obviously the Hellenic culture was so superior that it took the Macedon kingdom without even trying to culturaly assimilate them.
Because Macedon was the one that forced almost all Greeks to unite for the first time in history.
Back then Albania was in the Caucasus fren.
>>destroyed the Republic
>>genocided million of Celts
>>burnt the Library of Alexandria
side effect of the greekoid-ruled Egyptians being cunts
>the virgin defeat in detail vs the chad decisive battle
t. Albo diaspora
Macedonians spoke a Doric dialect of Greek like the Spartans did, so they were ethnic Greeks, if perhaps at the fringes of the Hellenic world culturally.
Trump or Jesus
the greatest man was a loser who is remembered as a loser and despised by most Europeans.
No thanks.
>destroyed the Republic
And if you can't see that this lead to the downfall of Rome, you're an idiot.
>genocided million of Celts
If that's not an act of barbarism, what is?
>side effect of the greekoid-ruled Egyptians being cunts
First of all, it was the Hellenic rules who built the Library and second, it was his own decision. He wanted to break the siege of Alexandria and he decided to burn what the Egyptians of Alexandria cared most about - the Library.
>Not barbaric
I mean he would easily be Julius Gaius tier if the Russians hadn't whacked the Wehrmacht. I would say Stalin should be considered one of the greats as well, though.