Family shopping in Lidl
Family shopping in Lidl
>buying karjala
They truly are insane.
All that ppe to only take it off at home with the virus on it.
Aprons? Why?
top fucking kek
disposable ppe that can get chucked as opposed to bringing in reusable ppe into your home.
But why an apron when 3/4 of your clothes are still exposed, doesnt make any sense.
perhaps they think the front will be the most exposed to contact/droplet
Is there anything more Chad than this?
Id rather just catch the virus and die than look like a clown
I like how they bring the kid along. Why not just send one person? This whole event is a farce and I love it.
Family fun.
Anyone got the chad virgin panic buyer one? I didn't save it because I'm a mong.
This is just weird.
The only sane people in the photo are the cashier and the boomer.
Now i must warn you, stalker - in the zone, we do things different.
Fuckin kek, saved
The rear 3/4 of your body is less likely to come in contact with your own hands
If you're going this far to protect yourself but can't control your hands, you deserve to get coughed on the back.
That duct tape took some effort.
You will
By your logic aprons should not exist. It’s Almost as if you’ve never actually worked in a real job before
The Finn breathes through his stomach, it is why they have higher alcohol and cold tolerance.
>Fully duct taped suit
>non sealing dust mask
Exactly the type of response I'd expect from a Brit.
>"b-b-but what will people think of me?"
You mean the two people that will catch it and die?
Family shopping in Walmart
>being terrified of a flu virus
Go back redditnigger
>The great walmart raid: March 2020, colorized
>modern family
>being terrified of what people think of you
Chad wears the suit not because he has to, but because he wants to.
Just your average muslims
Okay, Koff marketing.
Why would anyone want to wear that uncomfortable plastic sweaty shit if they dont have to? Unless they are attention seeking faggots, i.e. not Chad.
>heading straight for the toilet paper
How can 3 retards be so based
Nothing wrong with that.
Even if you're healthy enought to heal from it easily, symptoms can take 2 weeks to appear and in the meantime you might infect other weaker people ... Use your fucking brain.
Keep calm and coof on, mate. God save the queen.
i still cant decide what to think of this timeline
Literally me
you can tell the cashier is holding back from smacking his face
Because it's fucking hilarious, you humourless twat.
And yet he doesn’t have gloves...
>just a flu
And? If anything wearing masks was already a reasonable thing when going to public meetings and transportation.
Lol he’s not even wearing gloves
It's not funny it just scares little kids who are with their family to do some shopping.
You have hypochondria/OCD and need therapy.
first thing i thought
P sure they'll live mate, at any rate Chad doesn't care.
>Soviet gas mask
Holy shit. Is it really happening?
do normies not understand they can buy stuff online?
>you're le crazy
Yep, the that will never happen to me mentality
Are there any skykang threads?
Russians will trade anything for delicious Valio dairy products. There's a folk metal bass player in Joensuu who traded a case of yogurt for a 175 kT warhead he uses as a conversation piece.
>he doesn't have a decon shower
>Are there any skykang threads?
never forget
Absolutely kino
the only thing I stockpiled
His name is Richard Russell.