/NSG/ + /SIG/

ϟϟ Welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: Your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums ϟϟ


Thread for discussion of
Race Realism
the Aryan Ideal
National Pride
Racial Identity Movements

Improve yourself - Comrades, community, and folk!
> 卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))


> What is National Socialism?
National Socialism is the belief of man as part of the natural world; it is the idea that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of nature. An integral part of National Socialism is Racial Idealism, an idea based in the unbounding love of one's own people. This love is expressed by placing the interests of the racial community to which you belong ahead of your own individual desires, understanding that this selflessness will be paid back in full by your fellow man.

National Socialism believes in putting the nation before yourself. Despite this, there is considerable difference between the socialism of Hitler and that of Marxist doctrine. Hitler's nationalism has the patriotic motive of placing the good of one’s country before personal ambition while retaining one's individuality and happiness, whereas Marxism squeezes the people dry in favor of a machine-like nation built only for profit.

In short, National Socialism believes that all men are NOT created equal. Just as every individual has his strengths and weaknesses, so too does each race have qualities which are unique to that group. National Socialism believes in the improvement of your people through individual means; its goal is that each new generation of children will be better off than the one before it.

gab.com/ProjectWhite and projectwhite.org/

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Other urls found in this thread:



"Der Sieg: 1944" is the propagandist national-socialist computer game, which is currently being developed by a small team of national-socialists. It is top-down action-rpg set in alternative reality in 1944, which tells us a story of a Gestapo officer in occupied London, who is fighting against the underground network of Antifa, redpilling the player, as the story goes on.

The development started not so long ago, but you can follow the development of the game and ask your questions at the: gab.com/Der_Sieg

Attached: COVER.png (810x810, 15.18K)

What poster collection for "Der Sieg" do you want to see next? Participate in poll:

Attached: 15.03.2020-2.png (912x1632, 15.27K)

Come show your support for the White Fightback while you are here reading this lovely thread.

What do Russians think about Hitler? I mean didn’t he say you guys were inferior?


>Dumb Americans not even knowing they live in corporate socialism

Hello brothers. I too love socialism. I too voted for bernie.


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No. This statement is as true as Holocaust and has been debunked.

Your average russian boomer is soviet-lover and hates "evil natzees" and your average russian zoomer is liberal, so you can make conclusions from that.

They simply believe in these lies, and do not ask questions, as well as 90% of white people worldwide.

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Moжeшь дaть кaкoй-нибyдь инфы o тoм, чтo Гитлep нa caмoм дeлe дyмaл o pyccких? A тo вeздe тoлькo и cлышy пpo тo, кaк oн нac хoтeл cдeлaть paбaми.

We won't support Bernie.

Nigger contribute or GTFO the thread. And drop the memeflag.

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Let's start up a bit of discussion:
What do you all think of Stalin?


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Bit of a mixed bag as he wasnt TOTALLY controlled by the jews (as evidenced by the "stroke" he suffered while planning his second great purge)
But was ultimately Jewish tool as evidenced by the fact he was working with (((lennin))) and (((trotsky))) in the begining and latter with the Western Allies as well.
Even offering to unite with the west PRIOR TO the second world war in order to crush and rape Germany before it became powerful.
The Dude married a kike and had no serious opposition to jewish power or interest in racial patriotism.
He's seen in a better light by SOME NatSocs as he purged SOME jews out of pure self interest but the decisions he made all throughout his career from his help creating the state of israel to his "liberation" of the consentration camps (and the war propganda and lies he told in tandem with allies there in) show him to be the same sort of kosher shit you'd find it any other major world leader that wasnt NatSoc or Fascist.

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Don't like him.
Though not himself Jewish, he was hired by the Jews that started the revolution as a thug to intimidate opponents. Long story short they gave him a little too much power, and he ended up turning on them. He was paranoid as all hell, and he believed mass purges were the solution to keeping himself in power.
Overall he's a bad man, but it's probably a good thing he took over. Stalin kept communism mostly in Russia, trying to spread it out to neighboring countries, but he didn't really care for trying to convert far off countries. Trotsky would've tried to spread the revolution with religious fervor. I think this would've resulted in a lot more people dying in purges than in our timeline

I don't speak pepperoni

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Boт, дepжи, тoчки тoлькo пocтaвь.
reich-erwacht.livejournal com/79619.html
bolshoy63.livejournal com/32015.html
vk com/@neues_europa-russkii-nacional-socializm-na-praktike-opyt-lokotskoi-respub

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Hitler's leadership resulted in THIS?!

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And also this

>shit tier nails


That nose piercing and earrings too...

>le seele
also wtf is wrong with her eye, stop being a vegan ffs

Oгpoмнoe cпacибo, oзнaкoмлюcь oбязaтeльнo.

Erasing centuries of German history for 2 years of glory?
Well done I guess

He зa чтo. Ecли ecть в BК, вcтyпaй в cooбщecтвo "Neues Europa", тaм вcя инфopмaция o cлaвянcкoм вoпpoce, чтo нa pyccкoм ecть coбpaнa.

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>Imagine caring about nails

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Roleplaying as a tradfag

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>Erasing centuries of history
>Acting like it wasn't the only choice

Nigger it's called standards.

It was the banker's choice. So if you happen to be a cuck for capital, you make the banker's choice.

Just because the British leadership was shit doesn't mean the German one wasn't

How was it the only choice?

What was the other choice? Democracy certainly didn't work and communism neither (see the Bavarian communist rebellion).
War was inevitable with France, and same with Poland. The UK was ally of France so it too. USSR was a threat that was only going to get stronger and would have attacked anyways so attacking it was needed. And armistice with the allies was proposed in the 40s too.

I mean fair e-fucking-nough man.
Hitler's biggest mistake by and far was believing the english leadership to be basically unkiked, decent honorable, anti-communist Europeans who ultimately WOULDNT plunge europe into a world war over some realestate in northern poland.
He was wrong.
And he should have captured or killed every last brit at dunkirk to bring Churchill to heal and force him to do the right thing.

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>And he should have captured or killed every last brit at dunkirk to bring Churchill to heal
Stormsweeties MUST be brought to heel.

In what way was war inevitable with France and Poland?

Your salt Fuels me.

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Unfortunately "trad" girls are making me lower mine.
I'd take a tattooed and pierced woman as long as she's as racist as me.
If you have no woman you need to get one and start having white babies ASAP.

Dennis Wise (supposed Producer of fake documentary 'Greatest Story Never Told')
Christopher John Bjerknes

Adam Green (Know More News)


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>fookin loov 'itler. simple as.

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GCHQ picked this psychopath army grunt 'Dennis Wise' to front for their Love-Hitler agitprop.

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Why would GCHQ produce Nazi propaganda?


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France had alsace-Lorraine, which, considering ww1 and German vengeance (which, let's face it, people wanted) and Poland because ostprussen(?) was disconnected, and danzig was German in good part, so control of such part was needed

= Why would the Rulers produce fake opposition 'nazis'.


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Mate, your country is in bad shape. Hitler would be what you need.

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'Hitler' is what made that possible.

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Germany had only owned Alsace-Lorraine for 40 years before WW1, and Prussia had been disconnected from the rest of Germany before the partition of Poland, which was reversed after WW1 for not only the Germans but for the Russians and Austrians too
Without someone like Hitler, there wouldn't have been a World War 2

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Long/Short Term Solution for the creation of a National Socialist movement in North America
National Socialist Food Banks
The Rust belt is dotted with herione filled shit holes where millions of our people live in little better then well maintained slums, the decaying concrete carcasses of factories crumbling around them.
These people have nothing and no one helping them, left friendless with the rise of the cosmopolitan left and the death of evangelical Christianity.
It is here we have the greatest opportunity to increase our numbers.
>When we deliver food to white families?
Swastika Arm bands on the the arms of the men carying the boxes
>When they come to the holl to pick up food?
Swastika on the wall.
>When they sit down for a meal?
A speech about exactly (((who))) is responsible for where they are.
In this we can turn the midwest and a great deal of the american south rural north east national socialist.
And from this we begin a legitimate Nat Soc movement in this country, shapping both elections and demographics in the process.

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Yeah, that's the most kosher divide and conquer. The Jews TOTALLY only say truth, right?

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Who would a British Hitler send us to war with?
The US, India, France, Russia and China at the same?
And its justifiable because we are recovering lost territory?

Show me one single time the mainstream has ever allowed the idea that 'Hitler' was fake opposition, a jew or a Zionist?
They can't.
Their entire apparatus dependends on the exact opposite.
But people are realizing the truth anyway.

>Without someone like Hitler, there wouldn't have been a World War 2
Nor would there have been if the Brits and the French hadnt guarenteed poland
A country they createdy by stealing land from Germany and (funnilly enough) one of their previous allies in the War russia.
The Treaty of Versailes was created with the inherent purpose of deviding and weakening eastern europe for communist take over as was the ultimate goal of the kikes who penned the treaty.
Hitler only breifly got in the way of that, which is why England and France (or rather the jews that controlled both) got so fucking salty about Hitler making his nation strong again and reuninting his people.

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>Hitler believing the english leadership to be basically unkiked

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>For 40 years before ww1
That's when Germany properly formed user.
>Prussia had already been disconnected
Doesn't matter. It was still a divided territory. This conflict with Poland was about connecting that territory.
>There wouldn't be a ww2
Yes there would be. With economic downturn and weakend liberal states if it wasn't it Hitler it would have been Stalin or Mussolini or some other leader we haven't seen in this timeline

You mean the country that was recreated after Poland, Russia and Austria had abolished it

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That's not what I'm saying. It isn't about territory. It's about your culture being slowly erased and your white population being removed.

When /nsg/ is just ordinary shitposting, the board is at peace. When the stormsweeties insist that socialism is unironic, well we got us a problem.
You see, Yas Forums is the product of a number of secret programs meant to meter out the overall political and economic sentiment of the American people. The program most relevant to /nsg/ threads is designated PERFECT PAUL PROGRAM P3 for short, doompaul for code, the goal being to create a nationless army of shitposters. Who in times of economic crisis, when the socialist sees most fit to strike and prey on the jealousy and fear of others, prevents the hungry and tired masses from selling their birthright for a bowl of bat soup.
Stormsweeties are the result of a program, similar to the P3 program called the W3 consortium. Weev's Wandering Weenies a troupe of pseudonynnymous namefaggots who take globalist money to produce value added memes. W3 regulars tend to be abusive and cantankerous, as though they have a seering anal pain which no doctor can quite figure out.
The fact that weenies are posting regular /nsg/ threads means it is time to winnow and thresh. P3 will meet W3 as the blade meets the grindstone.

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>"foookin 'itler wen an nearly dunnit dineh. foookin 'itler"


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What is the likelyhood that facisim rises post virus?

>Show me one single time the mainstream has ever allowed the idea that 'Hitler' was fake opposition, a jew or a Zionist?
Mother fucker i could show you 20!
Even Kosher Fucks Like Alex Jones say shit like this.
There are Shows on the fucking History Channel about How "Nazis secretly rule the world" and "Hitler fled to Argentina"
The Nazis being the secret world organization is litterally the single most mainstream and kosher "conspiracy theory" to the point that it was actually the plot of a marvel movie by the name of "Captain America Winter Soldier"
What in the flying FUCK are you smoking faggot?

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When did Stalin or Mussolini ever do anything that would imply that they were going to war with other European powers before WW2 started?
The German economy had been fixed long before Hitler decided to go to war

Not much. But that it will gain much popularity? 100%.

Your memefolder is shit, newfag.

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the one created with Land the Brits stole from Germany
Which still had Ethnic Germans on it
And which the brits plunged europe into war to defend over ideals they didnt even hold.
They clearly didnt give a flying FUCK about polish sovernity as evidenced by the fact they let the Soviets keep it after the war.
Showing that they powers behind the brits destroyed europe over fucking nothing.
England and France declared war on Germany
not the other way around.

I'm saying that without a warmonger such as Hitler one of them would have. We're not thinking this timeline, another one, without Hitler.
>Already been fixed
Cool. Too bad Germany ain't the world.
But again, what are you gonna do to fix your country?

I asked you to show me ONE SINGLE TIME the mainstream has ever allowed the idea that 'Hitler' was fake opposition jew or Zionist.
And you didn't produce a single instance - for the reason I already stated.
Go on. Try again, tard.


>The same person posting this


Faggot i will make one promise to you
If they day ever comes when i get so pathetic as to give a flying shit what some lard tub on an anime message board thinks of me?
I will put the barrel of a shotgun in my mouth and pull the fucking trigger
but untill that day dawns i could phisically not give less of a shit what you think.

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>I will put the barrel of a shotgun in my mouth and pull the fucking trigger
This means taking initiative, something socialists would never do, you'd likely make a harder working man shoot you.

>I asked you to show me ONE SINGLE TIME the mainstream has ever allowed the idea that 'Hitler' was fake opposition
>And you didn't produce a single instance
Are you fucking blind faggot?
Can you not read English?
You seem to have trouble reading what i wrote
i'll post it again here
Even Kosher Fucks Like Alex Jones say shit like this.
There are Shows on the fucking History Channel about How "Nazis secretly rule the world" and "Hitler fled to Argentina"
The Nazis being the secret world organization is litterally the single most mainstream and kosher "conspiracy theory" to the point that it was actually the plot of a marvel movie by the name of "Captain America Winter Soldier"
Now tell me
What part of that did you not understand?
What words or phrases were beyond your comprehension?

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That won't change reality newfag.
>Free Market
>Being in the position that you can judge someone work
You need to stop being unemployed user