We literally do not give a fuck m8s.
Britain confirmed for bravest country in the world?
Fine line between 'bravery' and 'stupidity' - m8.
Just goes to show how useless your cops are if they cant even break up a crowd. Probably still busy looking for anyone who uttered the words grooming gang once.
Sure, you left UE and we dont need you anymore. You can all peacefully pass away
How much alcohol do you need to drink before your blood is lethal to viruses
This is another proof that people are literal lemmings. If you convince enough people that to show message that you are not racist you should jump from a roof, people will seriously do that.
If bravery and stupidity go hand in hand well I guess that makes me the bravest man.
I was quick to learn but slow to understand, well, what can you do?
Liverpool vs Manchester United levels of drunkardness.
What were they THINKING?
Enough to replace 60% of your blood
>We literally do not give a fuck m8s.
Then many of your people are going to fucking die.
Life in UK makes everyone want to die
Turns out you can't just expect citizens to follow rules without enforcing them.
Too bad virus lethality is so low.
Serious question, why does this board hate Britain so much? If Germany/Australia/France/USA had taken the same approach as us, you would all be talking about how based they are for not bowing to the media hype and not letting their government dictate their activities.
They envy us Satan.
Because they know we’re superior to them so they try to bring us down.
Just on my way back from a medium sized theme park/zoo
Was absolutely rammed, everybody was acting like it was just any normal weekend and not a single person wearing masks.
People were in packed out restaurants easting fish and chips with their fingers
I don't hate the UK's people, just the dystopian globohomo house of cards they built around themselves.
You are a eugenics experiment right now
No? I am calling German goverment huge retards who are responsible for every single corona death aswell because they had 8 fucking weeks to prepare and didn't even consider cancelling the carnival which was the main cause of the spread of this shit in Germany in first place.
because pol is for gullible retards who believe everything they hear on anonymous sites and breitbart
Can't wait for you retards to be culled
>Why are euros like this
Eternal inferiority complex
take your meds
BAN BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN all bongs immediately. WE shall ban ALLLLLL bongs immediately. Each one of them should be shot in sight.
bongs, the Plague Rats, should be purged
More like stupidest and with the least self control.
Wot do you mean I can't go to the pub because the world is in the grips of a deadly pandemic? How will I distract myself from my miserable life and my hideous wife?
Bongs are the most powerful race on the planet
>We literally do not give a fuck m8s.
too bad you're such a bunch of cucks on everything else....
Had in mind to get me some british cunt, but the ships doctor told Nooooooooo!,
Brit bongs I hope your government is right on this. I wish you guys the best I don't even want to shit post this.
>accelerate deaths among the whites
>pensioners die off so more money saved
>working class die off so they get rid of the proles
>Come on chaps let's get the herd immunity
After this virus I can guarantee you Boris will flood the UK with even more nigger third worlders. I suspect the same is going down in my own country.
>Nothing happens
Remember there will be no refunds or exchanges for all the tp, pasta, bottled water, and overpriced masks you bought.
Literally Sweden #2, only inbred, with uglier women and no teeth hygiene.
Do English men celebrate Irish St Patrick?
simple as.
A few weeks later..
Says, the american.
I've just had a quick drive around, and the supermarkets, pubs and arcades are buzzing.
just ignore the seething continentals
Any reason to drink for some. No bong gives a shit about any animosity between our countries.
having a stiff upper lip is CONFIRMED to give herd immunity to corona
as long as you don't touch said lip with your snot-covered hands
I think you're doing the right thing.
In fact here only leftists are asking government to "lock us down"
Fucking sheep
> Caring what other people think.
it's honestly possible that letting more people get infected is the fastest way to produce a vaccine, pooling the resources of a whole nation's immune systems.
remember that vaccination was literally discovered by taking pus from smallpox sores and injecting it into people without small pox.
you can all thank us in 6 months for saving your lives.
a gallon of rum a day makes everything seem okay,
But Is It?
Nothing happens
I like Britain. I hate the authoritarian progressives in your elected government and civil service. Thankfully the nation of Britain, the abstract idea and the soul of the people, exists above whatever temporary insanity has gripped part of society. Stay strong.
My oldest known ancestor (on my father's side) came over here from Sussex in the 1600s.
...when they are liocenced up.
Based. They are the only ones not falling for the 'everybody panic' forced-meme. I would rather be there, to be honest.
Because your the gayest cunts on the planet - you're the kind of brainwashed sheep people who'd chastise a man for being racist for saying "fucking muslims" while there's muslims stabbing people outside.
You get the respect you deserve.
>authoritarian progressives
oh yeah. those authoritarian liberal reactionary progressives are getting away with murder. except that those words all contradict each other.
You think England is going to toppled by a fucking flu?
>Imagine not understanding that the modern day Marxist Jewish elites who run our policies aren’t completely and utterly schizophrenic
All they do is contradict each other m8
Open your fucking eyes
this. i am a brit and the average brit is a dickhead like you say.
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Noël Coward
In tropical climes there are certain times of day
When all the citizens retire
To tear their clothes off and perspire
It's one of those rules that the greatest fools obey
Because the sun is much too sultry
And one must avoid its ultra violet ray
The native grieve when the white
Men leave their huts, because
They're obviously definitely nuts!
Mad dogs and Englishmen
Go out in the midday sun
The Japanese don't care to
The Chinese wouldn't dare to
Hindoos and Argentines sleep
Firmly from twelve to one
But Englishmen detest a siesta
In the Philippines
There are lovely screens
To protect you from the glare
In the Malay States
There are hats like plates
Which the Britishers won't wear
At twelve noon the natives swoon
And no further work is done
But mad dogs and Englishmen
Go out in the midday sun
It's such a surprise for the Eastern eyes to see
That though the English are effete
They're quite impervious to heat
When the white man rides every native hides in glee
Because the simple creatures hope he
Will impale his solar topee on a tree
It seems such a shame
When the English claim
The earth that they give rise to
Such hilarity and mirth
The best part is that you will have Joe Bloggs winning the race with a record low time because Ngubu N'Diaye from Kenya couldn't make it.
>No bong gives a shit about any animosity between our countries.
What happened?
You guys used to have such witty racism.
Why did they stop naming the people who died from corona in Italy ? could it be because the majority of people dying had good italic surnames like xi,wu,kwang,li,chen and sun?