I think many of us have already had corona virus and recovered. Hear me out.
China learned about the corona virus about late november/early december. Widespread infection wasnt reported until late feb/march when we started tracking cases. Here in the eastern US, I myself and people ive spoken to, their friends and family members, report having contracted some very infections form of viral illness in early January through February. Symptoms include dry cough, muscle aches, severe fatigue, flu like symptoms, slight to mild fever. I myself had this sickness. It knocked me on my ass for about 3 days and i had a brutal cough during the tail end. Ive been sick before but never did I feel so wiped out from it. People ive talked to report this same virus spreading through their entire family within a week or two. I got it from my fiances mother just from being in the room with her.
Now when you consider the timeline of infection here in the US with discovery in china, it wouldn't strain credulity to think it could have been spreading unknown to everyone this entire time. Many people ive spoken to think my theory is sound. Ive also seen may polaks talking about the same illness in the same time window. This could potentially explain why so many asymptomatic carries test positive. Maybe they already contracted the virus and recovered.
That said, this is totally based on anecdotes and I have no hard data to prove it. What does Yas Forums think?
tl;dr coronavirus has been infecting people in the US since january, and many have recovered already
Covd-19 is the swan song of the globohomo. An effort to smash Trump's most effective tool - his rallies.
Iran, China, EU, the DNC, and other global interests own this narrative. All cucked nations and hollywood are on board (Trudeau's wife, Tom Hanks).. Sadly, this just might work.
Cameron Campbell
No, there would have been an anomalous spike in death rates if it was present in the population but undetected.
Camden Taylor
my dad had a weird cough that was diagnosed as bronchitis in late january
Asher Peterson
Only if you start with the assumption it's that deadly to begin with
Owen Fisher
the median age of people who perish is 80. nobody would even notice
Luke Morris
The famous rich tards like Hanks and Trudeau who say they have corona are not really infected, just scared and bugging out to their comfy bunkers. Saying you have corona and 'self quarantining' is the best bug out plan.
Landon Robinson
>hear me out >conclusion drawn by anons weeks ago
David Bailey
i was tested positive for influenza A H1N1, so i know i haven't had it yet
Leo Ward
There was, not huge but there was, even in mexico but they said it was AH1N1 coming back
Nathaniel Torres
Last weekend I got I’ll quick, started puking, fever etc. Didn’t pay attention to cough as I already had one. Proceeded to get 4/5 people in my house infected. Everyone was puking fever etc but symptoms ended in 2-3 days. Puking only in the first 24 hr period. Whether it was Corona or not I have no clue but your theory is possible.
Conservative E-Celeb Sydney Watson has been tested for the Corona Virus
Here is the link to her video explaining her symptoms and the testing process, it’s going to take 4-5 days to get the results back, this is why US numbers are so low at the moment. It also cost here $225USD to get tested.
She describes her symptoms as the following: -tiredness for the first three days -developed a cough and sore throat -then she developed a fever -was absolutely exhausted during the three days she had the fever -loss of appetite, headache, nausea -fever eventually broke -cough still remained -developed tightness in the chest which made it difficult for her to breathe -went and got tested at a clinic in Washington D.C where she lives -doctor’s concerned with her high heart rate -she explains her increased heart rate was very noticeable and during the fever it felt like her heart was going to burst
This is all from a young, healthy and attractive woman in her twenties.
Jose Thompson
havent seen a thread bout it yet, just random posts i work 60 hours of week and am a father, i dont have time to live on Yas Forums
Zachary Gutierrez
Soon, UK i think, will start rolling out a 10 min test kit for COVID, it works detecting antibodies so that should tell us who had it
Samuel Perez
user, please, don't be stupid. If there was a large an unexplained spike in elderly deaths of course it would be noticed.
If its present, but not deadly, you would have expected to see localized clusters of the virus pop up with new variants in various countries, not for one variant to pop up in a localized area and then span variants of itself. All current cases can be traced back to the strain in Wuhan. There are no strains existing that cannot be traced back to that outbreak.
Hunter Powell
Been saying this for WEEKS!
What we see now is already the second wave.
Aiden Morris
>checked i seriously hope you are right because that is exactly what happened to me mid January and it was not the normal cold you get during winter. If i now have immunity that will be so awesome.
Jaxson Martin
Its not going from 0-100 in a day. now we're starting to record mass saturation in the population so obviously death rates are going to start spiking. this is what im thinking yeah, we've all been sick before, but people who had this bug in january all say it was unusually harsh
Lucas Sullivan
Very good. This is the reason they are limiting the testing kits. To create hysteria. Once a large number of people are tested, it's over. Look at South Korea. It's literally just the flu. Maybe a bio weapon flu, but not much more than that. A bit more.
As far as not seeing any threads on it. There are thousands shills spamming Corona all day so I can't fault you.
Justin Bailey
Uhh this virus highly benefits trump.
He is just probably shocked right now that this shit actually worked.
I agree with op. A few of my neighbours, had a really bad cold in November.
Justin Hernandez
I was sick a few weeks ago and my mom was terribly sick a month ago. It was weird that right after I was sick this came out and I had all the coofing symptoms
Colton Rogers
Dude. We've been asking the same question for days. Me, my wife, our 1.5yo daughter, wifes mom, all got sick around the same time you're describing with the exact same symptoms. We all "recovered" but still get pretty tired easily with frequent shortness of breath.
Im also in eastern pa. one of my buddies in Harrisburg reported the same shit going through his family during the same time
Carter Scott
this is true. while Yas Forums was focused on Kung Flu in January, they were closing schools in Alabama because of "really bad flu season"
Now AL was one of the states that "just recently" got Wu FLu. Probably because most people already had it back then and have already recovered/died.
Levi Gray
Stop pastaing this weak ass plea. You have it backwards anyway. This is literally a Trump Op. Who benefits from a mass hysteria nothingburger the most? MAGA
Zachary Morales
>tiredness for the first three days Would have been gone by three days if she took 4,000mg vitamin three times a day right then. >attractive
Nolan Reyes
yeah the shortness of breath after recovery was a big one. i started my new job as an operator shortly after recovering and i noticed id become winded after like 3 shovels full of shit, or swinging a hammer for 5-10 seconds. ive been out of shape before but never like this. one of my coworkers said everyone in his household ended up with the virus within a week
Charles James
Obviously. First official cases were in January. However, there is also
i was getting pretty severe chills during most of this illness, and during the last night of noticeable symptoms, i had the worst night sweat of my entire life. it was like i jumped in the shower with my clothes on and went to bed.
ive heard people getting night sweats after recovering from a cold, but ive never experienced anything like this before
Gabriel Wood
Had this same sickness, flu like never before for about 3 or 4 days. >east coast as well
Matthew Mitchell
I had a really bad cough December and January. I figured it was allergies, but now I’m not so sure.
Benjamin Ortiz
its a theory user. the point of this thread is to get testimony from people. im not making any hard statements, nor am i saying we have nothing to worry about.
grains of sand make a heap, as the beanie man says
William King
yeah me and my kid had it to back in January i think. with our luck that wasn't it lol.
Jacob Rivera
again, same here. I just said fuck it and slept a whole day. Woke up soaking.
I never get flu shots, so I get Flu every year or every other year .... this was not the usual flu.
Ethan Thomas
>That said, this is totally based on anecdotes and I have no hard data to prove it. What does Yas Forums think?
This place is as bad as a knitting circle.
Jordan Jackson
Yes. It's also probably the real reason western governments aren't testing the general population. We don't have enough swabs they say...
Buy a couple thousand boxes of pic related and thousands of ziplock bags.
There, I just solved the western worlds testing problem.
lol UK faggot is bumhurt b/c UK isnt controlling it
Daniel Gutierrez
Yeah, headache, fever and a cough for a day. Parents apparently had it to, but worse and for longer. Everyone in Washington DC had it
Aiden Cook
believe the official story user, governments and media always tell the truth, and never have an agenda
Elijah Myers
Yeah, I had that in early January as well, my friend got married Jan 1st and nearly everyone at the wedding got sick with the same thing. Sore throat, cough and fever for 2 weeks, just like corona... I think it already sweeped through here once and we didn't even notice
Isaac Green
From what i’ve heard so far about the 100+ cases in Australia, all have been traced back to overseas. If there was native transmission here in late January or whenever, then we’d have cases where we had no idea how they were infected.
Jayden Hughes
Go get your fertility tested
Charles Cook
sound like the eastern us/virginia was getting pounded with this illness back in january
Sebastian Richardson
pretty much anywhere the virus hit, there's reports of 'community transmission' or 'unknown vectors'
Carter Hill
I don’t know for certain if I had it, but the week before Christmas I had THE worst flu of my life. I was bed ridden and feverish for like 10 days, it was absolutely miserable. Then a few months later I hear about this corona virus and how it’s symptoms are basically just a really really bad flu if you’re relatively young and healthy, and it did make me wonder. Now I haven’t been out of the country, but I do work with a lot of products shipped internationally, so honestly I don’t know. All I know is I had a fucking REALLY bad flu right around the time the first people would have been getting it chronologically so make of that what you will
Justin Harris
>Explain. He will look good when it's nothing. The trade war is entirely won. Iranian leaders died. The market took a nice correction, which was needed, and he took no blame. Interest rates were lowered an entire point and probably more as he has been wanting for a year.
Nicholas Nguyen
ask your friends and family if they contracted or know anyone that had a similar illness back then
Adam Edwards
You're the ones gossiping like old ladies.
Logan Morgan
Sound like norovirus
Mason Lopez
Pompous ass. You're just as implausible.
Angel Russell
why even spend time on Yas Forums? go bookmark The Guardian and make that your home page
Jeremiah Smith
Closest US city to me is Detroit, you burgers probably were the root cause and let the chinks take the blame for it
Anthony Morgan
the chinks knew about it back in november/december though
Brandon Murphy
What about brown phglem?
Tyler Adams
>coworker went on a Bahamas cruise in mid Nov 2019 >came back with a sore throat and developed a fever. He sat right behind me. >was eventually sick in early Dec 2019. >started with a sore throat, then fever, then cough >had to skip work on Friday and next Monday >never had a fever for the past 17 years and this time was so bad (especially in the chest area) that I decided to go to urgent care center after the horrible Saturday night. It was my first time seeing a doctor for a flu/cold. >doctor said it's just a flu and sent me to cvs for some prescribed drugs >drugs were out of stock >didn't take drugs and got better after a few days
Colton Harris
Ain't nobody got time for that?
Chase Cruz
lol how in the world did you get to Yas Forums
Ryder Cox
>Ok Doc
Anthony Jenkins
color of phlegm is based on your body's reaction, not the illness itself.
Dominic Phillips
Wife had these same symptoms in February. She was prescribed steroids when it didn't respond to a zpac, and the steroids worked pretty quickly to get rid of it. I don't think Corona can be treated with steroids though so it was probably not that.
Jaxson Evans
I thought about it. But I'm 41 and already have a son and a shitty ex who jew-courted me out of tons already ....so .... : /
Zachary Powell
>Has corona been here longer than reported? do bears shit in the woods?