>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Our stores are getting empty now, and truck shipments to them delayed. How is it there? Also alongside "It's just the flu, bro" is something about "panic buying".
Btw reading all of a sudden articles in (((media))) how globalization is a bad idea ... seems some of the fuckers are scared shitless now and try a 360 ... like that is gonna wörk, glorious!! :DD
was the same here, but not en mass, just a few voices who felt the slipping of the strings being cut
Isaiah Gonzalez
War gerade wählen. Habe mich wahrscheinlich infiziert oder nen Haufen csu Wähler infiziert.
Luis Myers
Du hast Kontakt zur IB/Neue Rechte und die versuchen dich mundtot zu machen? Oder du hast Kontakt zur IB; Strichpunkt; und die Neue Rechte versucht dich mundtot zu machen? Lerne mal Saetze strukturieren bitte.
Will Germany be following the US in what will be to come? >no water shutoffs, water returned to those who had shut off >children will still be fed 2 free meals for the weekdays >nursing homes quarantined >state guards with MREs ready >reinstatement of paychecks from lost wages during quarantine I heard a boomer say that globohomo is good considering that airplanes and travel aren't very long, so we "might as well be a one world government". You should have heard my thoughts.
"Carefully testing the waters" and seeing if the people start biting like piranhas ... at least in the ones I've read I've seen a lot of veiled threats (they likely censor the open ones) and kinda in the (((right direction))). Additionally, there might soon be skewered journalist on the menue again ... ok maybe not skewered but at least nekkid, greased up with lard and then driven through the village with threshing flails under the cheering of the crowd. :D
I don't think these people realize they are the problem, instead of everyone else. Self-awareness. I'm very confident anons here probably had some periods of awareness and doubt, unknown to the common NPC.
Oh it will be fun indeed. At least here people won't memory hole what was communicated for years now ... the Austrian knows how to hold a grudge.
Anthony Watson
9 Tote, 5k+ positiv getestet und bahn will regionalverkehr einschränken und nicht mehr fahrkarten kontrollieren
Parker Watson
Schön wenn einer meine Anspielungen und Bantz zu schätzen weiß.
Lincoln King
wie kaputt muss man sein um hier Bilder von Leuten aus der eigenen Bewegung hochzuladen?
Austin Collins
I think everything they do is to claim that we on people on KP hold all the power, and that we are brainwashing the masses. I'm seeing NPCs claim now the news is "brainwashing" the masses over "Coronavirus hype". So I think it's playing into their own favor. (((They))) don't mind losing a few pegs, so to say.
Colton Barnes
They can try as they want, it's far too late now, people will remember, PUTSCH SOON
Moin, a nice Sunday to everyone! Yesterday I drew a boomer and modified him a bit. I actually wanted to make him corona-themed but maybe that is to come later. T H I S
>NPCs wake up Waking up is more or less like Buddhism, looking into those closets, cleaning them out, keeping your mind free from clutter and junk spam. You have to learn to live without them, is what I fear.
You have to understand the Austrian mentality here ... we think of ourselves as "good people". So officially we would only ... uhm ... teach them a lesson. Now this does not in any way preclude the occurrence of "excesses" with the threshing flails and all when people get excited enough. "Oooops ... sorry ... jo mei, haumas a wengal üwatriebn, Leidln!" Why you think we have such nice immaculate glittering snow in winter? ;)
idk know man he got pretty fucked up in Stalingrad, i can understand his decision but i still think he was a coward for not Shooting himself or die with a pistol in hand shooting a last Rusky
take an example of Captain Langsdorff in Buenos Aires, Argentinia he got his crew safe on shore and sank his ship, but shot himself to retain honor and show he didnt acted of cowardice
he and Erich bey are Role Models for Bravery and Honor. you can definetely count Rommel in too
Met a meaner and older and grumpier Lithuanian than yourself once, I was his favorite, and cuddled him in his death bed. He absolutely hated everyone else.
>„Unter dem Druck der Kriegsereignisse zeigt sich, dass noch immer weite Kreise des deutschen Volkes und damit auch der Truppe vom jüdischen und demokratischen Gift der materialistischen Denkweise verseucht sind“ i know he was frustrated, but this isnt fair to those who served.
otherwise i think he was a very capable man. shooting himself to not get (((nürnberged))) was the right decision too
Hunter Cruz
Anthony Morris
>Model seriously? then why not put Ferdinand Schörner along side... Paulus was fucking douche with no balls not because he didn't shoot himself (which is pretty fucking lame in any case) but because he just sat there WATCHING as russians encircled him. he should have directly went for Durchbruch and faced the consequences of disobeying Foohrer's orders, then, THEN he would have been based in my book! Not even during Hoth's relief offensive...