/cvg/ corona virus general #2091

► Detected: 160,994 ► Died: 5,973
Turkey shuts down schools, universities

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Austria under lockdown, 8 million people

Spain under lockdown, 46 million people

Poland shuts down borders

Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

China factories waste electricity to fake productivity

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

WHO estimated 284,000 deaths for H1N1 from only 18,000 confirmed

Wuhan biolab sold lab animals as wild-caught to wet markets

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

08:39: 10 new cases in Norway. (Source)
08:36: 3 new deaths in the Philippines. (Source)
08:15: 42 new cases in Austria. (Source)
07:40: 103 new cases in Austria. (Source)
07:39: 8 new cases in Kuwait. (Source)
07:25: 39 new cases in Florida, United States. (Source)
07:03: 2 new cases in Hawaii, United States. (Source)


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Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80,844 (3,199) ► International 75,886 (2,640): Italy 21,157 (1,441) Iran 12,729 (611) S. Korea 8,162 (75) Spain 6,391 (196) Germany 4,649 (50) France 4,499 (30) US 3,024 (60) Switzerland 1,375 (13) UK 1,140 (21) Norway 1,130 (21) Sweden 961 (2) Netherlands 959 (12) Belgium 886 (197) Denmark 864 (28) Japan 804 (22) Austria 800 (145) D. Princess 696 (7) Qatar 337 Canada 252 (1) Australia 248 (3) Czech Rep. 239 Greece 228 (3) Slovenia 181 (1) H. Kong 142 (4) Ireland 129 (2) Philippines 111 (8) Iraq 110 (10) Egypt 110 (2) Indonesia 107 (5) Poland 104 (3) S. Marino 101 (5) India 100 (2) Lebanon 93 (3) Thailand 82 (1) Taiwan 53 (1) Luxembourg 51 (1) Argentina 45 (2) Panama 43 (1) Bulgaria 41 (2) Algeria 39 (3) Albania 38 (1) Ecuador 28 (2) Azerbaijan 19 (1) Morocco 18 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Malaysia 238 Finland 225 Bahrain 212 Singapore 212 Israel 193 Portugal 169 Iceland 161 Brazil 151 Romania 123 Estonia 115 Kuwait 112 S. Arabia 103 UAE 85 Chile 61 Russia 59 Vietnam 53 Serbia 46 Slovakia 44 Peru 43 Mexico 41 Brunei 40 Croatia 39 S. Africa 38 Palestine 38 Pakistan 36 Hungary 32 Georgia 30 Belarus 27 C. Rica 27 Latvia 26 Cyprus 26 Senegal 24 Colombia 24 Bosnia 21 Armenia 20 Macedonia 19 Oman 19 Tunisia 18 Malta 18 Moldova 12 Afghanistan 11 Dom. Rep. 11 Maldives 11 Macao 10 S. Lanka 10 Bolivia 10 Faeroes 10 Martinique 10 Venezuela 10 Lithuania 9 N. Zealand 8 Jamaica 8 Cambodia 7 Fr. Guiana 7 Paraguay 7 Kazakhstan 6 Réunion 6 Turkey 6 Uruguay 6 Bangladesh 5 Cuba 4 Liechtenstein 4 P. Rico 4 Chan. Isl. 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Guadeloupe 3 Honduras 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 Aruba 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Ivory C. 2 Curaçao 2 Congo 2 Ghana 2 Namibia 2 St. Martin 2 Seychelles 2 Tri. & Tob. 2

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/cvg/ btfo

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>5973 deaths
>chickenpox kills 6400 people annually
You're freaking out over a disease that's less dangerous than chicken pox. You guys are fucking retards lmao

COVID-19 is actually SAVING lives:

>babies killed each day through abortion ww
~60,000 (~32,000 white/european, over 53%)
>95% reduction in abortions
~57,000 babies saved everyday (~30,210 white babies) if the whole world is put under complete lockdown
>COVID-19 deaths after 3 MONTHS

That's a net gain of more than 56,000 lives per day. And that's obviously not taking into consideration other lives that would be saved: less car accidents, less homicides, etc.

Attached: tragedy.jpg (750x648, 113.71K)

You have to be 18 to post here.

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Go back to sleep brat

thanks reddit now explain to me how we get intensive care for everyone

thx jesus


>more threads than deaths per day

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It's afternoon...

threadly reminder that this is the CHINESE coronavirus, they can't keep getting away with it. Fuck the faggots and cucks saying this pandemic has no culprits. It has, of course, the Chinese for eating all kinds of animals causing zoonosis or if it's a bioweapon, the Chinese laboratory that experiments with bat coronaviruses funded by Bill Gates.

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Just build more beds like China duh


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How many more cases until Corona-chan hits milf levels?

Also, suggested viewing: youtube.com/watch?v=3H1g3DwvDxA


>Switzerland +842
damn bros

Guys, I made a spear, am I ready for society collapse?

Attached: IMG_20200314_135422.jpg (2736x3648, 2.64M)

Requesting 50k coronamilkers to complete my collection

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>Idiots not taking this virus seriously and spreading it, meanwhile boomers are dying

how could this get any better?

>Low image quality
>Image isn't even centered
>Clearly a screencap

This poster is a fucking faggot but I also see stuff like this frequently posted by twitter retards. What the fuck compels someone to save shit like this, let alone post it?

Guys globally we have 160k cases 75k of them are recovered. Without china we have 80k cases and 15k of them are recovered only the 18%. Dont be morons we dont know the effects of this virus at month or more.

Whatever you say Abdul

go back to twitter/facebook or you tremendous embarassing newfaggot

you change the meaning of the words "intensive care"

>The entire economic and social system of the globe is being unravelled by some bat soup flu
At least some boomers will get killed off if nothing else

If it wasn't for globalisation this would be a local problem in China. Globalisation and open borders are lethal to humanity.

I love watching you try to cope.

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I'm in a position where i can use the stash i've built for 2 months to get some pussy but how can i be sure she isn't infected?
What do i do?

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Societal collapse and full Mad Max worldwide.
>Just walk away

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Lmao the shills in the last thread
>"human coronaviruses are seasonal"
what the fuck are you smoking?
>"Claves and sequenced genomes filed to GISAID arent strains retard"
Blown the fuck out.

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I never got to taste bat soup before the end

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It's bait user. (checked)

>I have a sharp stick
Unless you can throw it a good 40 metres while still carrying lethal force then any other spaghetti-o will just shoot you

chinas numbers are bullshit

I love watching you try to cope

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Here in Serbia boomers don't give a fuck, mostly younger people concerned, weird world

The real issue with the numbers is the lack of test kits available. Many nation's narrow testing range, and uk strange acceptance is due to a massive shortage of test kits in hospitals worldwide.

Look at America and it's delayed rollout of kits

I love watching you try to cope .

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How is the Manila lockdown going? Here in Jakarta it will begin soon.

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watched all vids in nothingburger.today
Can't barely hear any chinks coughing.
Am I missing something?

>Kills the Elites
>Kills the whole long nose tribe
>Kills all the bankers
>Kills all the Globohomos
We're just getting started

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that's already happening not enough same goes with medical personal we can't download doctors you know


Lol. For how long we stopped at 5973 deaths? 2 seconds? 3 seconds?

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That would be great. I'm especially laughing hard because all these nu-male cucks don't own guns and as soon as the police state and society collapses I will rob the fuck out of all of you faggots with my glorious firearms

Who here /HERD/

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USA defeated USSR. Again.

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After this is over I will start vandalizing Chinese businesses and jumping chinks at night.

You should go back
Facebook is missing you

Get it anyway?

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Don't jeopardize the stash brother

At least harden the tip in a flame, you enormous faggot.

Has there been any confirmed deaths of a Caucasian yet?

Check her temperature with your inbuilt thermometer


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The media is the boy and the wolf is here user

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Republicans are fucking finished.

Right-wing shitstains won't be in power in America for decades after this. This virus is going to sink you fucks as you completely bungle up this pandemic with Trump at the helm.

Thanks for handing Biden the presidency, dipshits.

Attached: Biden.png (640x480, 132.93K)

You could train people up on how to deal with one specific disease in like a month tbqh they would basically just be acting as carers

It's interesting, but all prepper foods are still on the shelves and shit like chicken is gone. I don't fucking get how retarded people are. I'm sure electricity won't go out, but Jesus Christ what the fuck do they think they are going to do if it does.

>2,900 cases in USA
>10 Critical
It's just the sniffles for 99% of people.
This medical care collapse stuff is not gonna happen

I'm ready for it bro. This world is fucking filthy and needs to be cleansed.

Damn I really put your panties in a twist for calling out your garbage quality image huh? Thanks for the (You)s

>dem Switzerland numbers
How close are they to total medical system collapse?

Total collapse of globalist usury system. Remember, 1.5 trillion USD vanished in a puff this week!

China numbers have to be bullshit? Italy numbers look twice as deadly.

Pray for Sealand.

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>Author of the acclaimed 2016 post that warned you of the pandemic requiring corpses to be burned and complete economic collapse
Sounds legit to me.

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a muslim woman pooed 3 kids during that 1 hour of nothing...

I'm down for this, but I'm not sure what "over" will mean.

I remember you from a previous thread. Took you long to do that.
When I was in elementary school I remember I used to carve plenty of them in the snack break, rubbing them on the concrete, too bad I never pierced anyone

I was /HERD/ but now I am getting fucking sick, fuck you Boris

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I like Symphogayer too.

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>medical centre advises against closing schools
>they will never quarantine cities in the Netherlands

I just want my fucking paid vacation!

You know you could always go for onaho's right? It's much more worth it than getting you and your hard kept stash infected and getting ruined for nothing

lock here in your basement
choose a diet for her (you might want her thinner or fatter)
after 2 weeks of no coofing you can consoom her

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how many stray dogs around?

Thanks austriabro

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> mfw things are so bad even Morocco closed the border with us.

Conservative E-Celeb Sydney Watson has been tested for the Corona Virus

Here is the link to her video explaining her symptoms and the testing process, it’s going to take 4-5 days to get the results back, this is why US numbers are so low at the moment. It also cost here $225USD to get tested.

youtu.be/_PLQ5LomliU [Open]

She describes her symptoms as the following:
-tiredness for the first three days
-developed a cough and sore throat
-then she developed a fever
-was absolutely exhausted during the three days she had the fever
-loss of appetite, headache, nausea
-fever eventually broke
-cough still remained
-developed tightness in the chest which made it difficult for her to breathe
-went and got tested at a clinic in Washington D.C where she lives
-doctor’s concerned with her high heart rate
-she explains her increased heart rate was very noticeable and during the fever it felt like her heart was going to burst

This is all from a young, healthy and attractive woman in her twenties.

>quit vaping a week ago
>neighbor keeps smoking on the balcony
>I can feel the sweet aroma of tobacco overtaking me

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Is the short one the husband?

You sound exactly like the europoors a couple of weeks ago.

Fuck this user, first time for me and i fucking despise this unknown feeling im going through right now since 9pm last night. Haven't sleept at all


It was actually $5T for the week, they just burned $1.5T during a single day to prop up the markets. Pic related

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Anyone have links to the reports they're two versions of this virus? One more lethal.

Pic is from yesterday moron, I am not costantly browsing Pol like you neets

What's the Asian equivalent of BLACKED? I've been going with FARM THE RICE PAY THE PRICE, but I need something that is shorter.

Quarantine in the basement for minimum 10 days

I consider it my patriotic duty to contract the virus and if necessary die from it

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implying establishment rule (left or right) wouldent end in a civil war by the end of the decade.

Seattle is kill

>People who don't own guns right now

Prepare to get robbed you cucklords

Canada must pay for damages caused by coronavirus.

post the ones you have meanwhile

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Benidorm full of britbongs partying on the streets, all these faggots are going to fly to Britain, britbongs are going to die by millions

Already did that.

Because they are selling us medical equipment.

Attached: 1579036236153.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

what is a Pol you fucking newfaggot
go back to

Malaysia +190

Why so many? They had a gathering with 16,000 people recently.

Welp, so much for regional stability.
Stay alive you two.

>This medical care collapse stuff is not gonna happen
it's already happening in europe will also happen in america once your doctors get sick it's bound to happen

We’re a lot better off than europoors

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here in brazil cable tv companies all are giving free access to all their channels for a month even porn channel

I actually saw 2 rabbits few days go

Just watched pic related and noticed 90% of the dead people are +70 and the other 10% are around 50-60.

Why are you niggers so scared of this?

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>mfw hasguns

Attached: 1457340626110.jpg (250x249, 8.4K)

Yas Forums*

Biden will probably die from the virus, leaving his Vice President pick in charge. (It'll be Hillary.)

Attached: hilldawgs surfing.jpg (900x900, 743.92K)

800 new cases in Switzerland, totaling 2200.

Yes, herd is good, its just the flu anyway

Attached: JUST A FLU BRO.jpg (769x767, 92.52K)



>What are beloved family members?

You are right its gay as shit but I love it all the same In such dark times the world needs a little Symphogear.

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>give you virus
>sells you equipment

Attached: 220px-Xi_Jinping_2016.jpg (220x293, 15.83K)

Have sex incel


worse than I thought famalama

got the next best thing.

Attached: reaction, r8 muh piece.png (750x750, 93.49K)

they are getting to big aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

Conservative E-Celeb Sydney Watson has been tested for the Corona Virus

Here is the link to her video explaining her symptoms and the testing process, it’s going to take 4-5 days to get the results back, this is why US numbers are so low at the moment. It also cost here $225USD to get tested.

youtu.be/_PLQ5LomliU [Open] [Open]

She describes her symptoms as the following:
-tiredness for the first three days
-developed a cough and sore throat
-then she developed a fever
-was absolutely exhausted during the three days she had the fever
-loss of appetite, headache, nausea
-fever eventually broke
-cough still remained
-developed tightness in the chest which made it difficult for her to breathe
-went and got tested at a clinic in Washington D.C where she lives
-doctor’s concerned with her high heart rate
-she explains her increased heart rate was very noticeable and during the fever it felt like her heart was going to burst

This is all from a young, healthy and attractive woman in her twenties.

>tfw hasguns masterrace

Attached: 1440227549063.jpg (1200x834, 186.27K)

too bad you can't afford it.

We don't speak Hitler, translate

Fuck this cunt

It's even better, they are selling you the equipment which other countries donated to them

Just following the McAfee business model


>based Pete Buttigieg gets the VP nod
>America is finally saved

can't fucking wait

Attached: Pete.jpg (1134x1554, 1.11M)

We just announced a 14 days stay home notice for anyone coming from the UK starting tomorrow.

But the US is probably even worst in terms of numbers but sadly we can't just do it for you unilaterally.

Bought myself a crowbar today for self-defence, need to buy a baseball bat.

We SEAchads know for a long time that chinks are yellow kikes. You whiteys are just deceived by their "peaceful rise" bullshit.



The absolute state of Italy. Built shit 2000 years ago that is still in use today and this extra large toothpick is the best you can do Luigi?

Need only to look at Italy to see that China was lying. When China was reporting ~20k cases they were reporting ~500 deaths. Meanwhile Italy is just over 20k and ~1500 deaths. Lmao at all the copefags and clueless normies that think this is just something on the news that won’t affect them, because it’s coming, and soon.

triggered leftist detected

meanwhile retard EU does nothing
>mfw we'll start saying prasie Xi soon

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Sorry if the universities are closed you huge shithead. I can't even lift and my gf is on her period, I literally have nothing better to do

ich wette drauf das diese "frau" irgend eine braune hure war.

not sure if joking but the UK is banned from traveling to the US, same as Ireland

This is only a problem for degenerates and niggers. Most of us have insurance.

>Died: 5,973
What happen to 6014? zombies?

Attached: Those who forget history are doomed to repeat.jpg (396x498, 97.55K)

It's going to be hell here knowing how the NPCs reacted and swarmed every groceries and market.
How's your situation there? Our cases spiked to 140+ now.

everything infected, they wanted us all dead RIP

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America has the best medical care in the known world and is the most stable nation on Earth

A cold can't bring us down.
When America is tested, we rise to the occasion.

Also, where's the gazzilion there was supposed to be by today /cvg/? STILL no bodies in the streets.

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fade animated one

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And how many people are those aborted nignogs killing in the future?

cute feets


>He doesn't speak Swedish either
Fucking pekka.
A lady said "no u" to the quarantine and went about, possibly spreading it further

>muh quarantine is boring
fucking normie piece of shit can't stand to stay at home and be alone. If she does not die I hope the isolation drives her mad

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Beds mean nothing if people are scared they’ll be bankrupt if they use them

Every prepper/defender should have a self defense shovel. They are fucking great for all situations.

Reminder italys death rate is only so high because they only test severe cases.
That's why their death rate is 6.5%, and ours is 0.2%.

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lern deutsch du dreckiger untermensch

I am making a bow right now, what are you doing?
Except from jerking off on interracial porn

jesus christ, im glad I already bought everything I need, bought 6 or 7 full shopping carts which I rolled directly from the store into my apartment and cellar. You know even one full shopping cart isn't even that much, especially if you buy water

Looks comfy

best apocalypse games to play during this habbening? something without zombies would be noice desu

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I hate those retards
One dude here was waiting for his results and disregarded the qurantine and went with his kid to the local paediatrician for some none emergency shit
He tested positive....

Fuck my life

Attached: FB_IMG_1584277593031.jpg (720x517, 42.82K)

>be member of European union
>third net contributor to EU budget
>need medical supplies in face of national emergency
>France and Germonkeys tell you to fuck off
>China sends millions of masks and other assistance
I'd be parading in chinese uniform

Haha feet :)

How often do you see your 80 yr old grandpa?

Attached: Download (6).jpg (205x246, 6.41K)

It’s taking 4-5 days for test results to come back in the US at the moment with a cost of $225 USD, best medical care in the world, my arse.

Project harder.

Holding my shotgun with my bandolier over my shoulder


Niggers with insurance unable to afford care can’t clog up icu beds and this sounds like a problem to you?

5G 60Ghz creates same symptoms as Corona Virus???
Perfect excuse to do a practice full city/country lock down eventually leading to permanent government control over us??? ... but (((they'll))) say it's for our own safety.

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You will, we all will.

I think i prefer the normal version. Blur on this one distracts my from Corona tits

Kill yourself you disgusting NEET

you may have the best in quality but i doubt you have the quantity

Item-finding games are surprisingly comfy.

How will hospitalization work in countries with no free healtcare? In the US for example, wont everyone be fucked with a bunch of high bills after they're discharged as "recovered"?

You'll want to harden the tip in a fire.

I thought the virus didn't spread in warmer climates..

>because they only test severe cases.
we do the same

>My Gramps died of pneumonia in November

Latvia now has 30 and estonia 135



>not fucking gf because muh blood

user, I....

Schnauze Ahmed

Neo Scavenger
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Fallout: New Vegas
Dwarf Fortress
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Games all of them.

This. As a 25 year old, this is literally a nothingburger.

You should watch the anime I don't remember if there was many foot shots, probably not, but its the gayest we can defeat the enemies with the power of song and friendship anime you will ever watch.
It really is amazing and it will warm your heart.

Attached: 1569368035533.jpg (938x1100, 130.39K)

Baseball bats are the optimal choice, they’re light, give you some distance between you and your opponent and cause alot of damage, especially the aluminium softball bats.

Just buy a knife

we care intensely about those affected by the corona burger.

lol jk

Lol Alex Jones is saying that Corona-chan eats your balls. Probably bullshit but I believe it.

if they detected more than 179k in china
how can they now have detected 160.994 people?

Not deutsch but rough translation:

A woman who is under quarantine has today been travelling on the U6 (train) and has spat on other people. The train is still halted in the Josefstaedter street station and is being disinfected, as well as all areas the woman was travelling in. The station is currently under quarantine