This Corona panic has to be the comfiest happening ever. It justified my existence as a NEET recluse.
This Corona panic has to be the comfiest happening ever. It justified my existence as a NEET recluse
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Love you Hungary bros!
Blessed are the neet: for they shall inherit the earth.
NEET master race rise up!
nice best & less grey shorts im wearing the same ones rn
dino stamps, lego and child / women meal setup
you are a faggot
Exactly, perfect excuse to put off looking for a job for another 6 months.
Nothing can justify your life
Dude, Clean your room, i can almost smell that shit
fuck neets
Your room looks like you would be a paedophile
lmao at people freaking out about the 'depression' of quarantine
>nooooo I can't go 2 da football!
>noooooooo I hav 2 cancel getting drunks with my frens
>nooooooooo I can't post selfies of my food for 2 weeks
God I hope this virus kills all the normies.
Maximum comfy.
Disgusting. Clean your room you faggot
>used to be a hopeless NEET
>finally back in school doing really well
>get promotion at job
>work and school shut down
>smoking weed and browsing Yas Forums all day following happening
NOOOOOOO I thought I escaped this cycle
How fucking old are you? Meal looks nice though.
Seethe more MuHAMmad.
>room is a mess
>fast food everywhere
Someone should teach you discipline
Why are NEETS so disgusting?
Based cunny Chad you mean.
get an external monitor nigga
Show dick
No. I don't want to trigger any burgers at the sight of my perfectly intact foreskin.
I've been preparing for this for years
pro tip..if this guy offers you orange juice dont drink it. Pretty sure that's not what's in there
Who are you stalking?
>meme war veteran
>corona survivor
I'll have so many stories to tell my grand children
What with the Dinosaurs? Did you make those?
show us what we could of had if the jews didnt get us
Meme War/ 2016 Election
Kung Flu/Coronachan
2020 Election
There are far greater things ahead than any we leave behind anons.
I no longer want off.
Feels bad to have procrastinated.
MFW 10 years of NEETDOM finally pays off
>A woman obviously prepped your meals
>Cardboard dinosaurs on wall
>Sprouts on food. Actually touching it.
>so you've been sitting all day every day in a room staring at the screen of some ancient machine while shitposting, grandad? What's even a screen? Some kind of ancient hologram?
>That's pretty lame. I have to catch my space elevator now. Visit me on Mars some time. Bye.
>faggot grandkid leaves me alone
>finally I can go back to fuck my Rei+Asuka holobots on Smell-o-VR while on VltraViagra
Everything will be alright
You mean incel simp.
Am I the only clean NEET here?
Unirónikusan, ez.
how are you standing on the wall???
this is the most autistic looking room i have ever seen.
That looks mad comfy and stylish
tfw everyone goes mad due to isolation and staying inside all day, when that has been my life for years.
Time to reap the whirlwind, "society"
Is that an X390 OP?
so sterile. like living in a doctor's office
A-are you gonna rape her?
That dont look like no orange juice iv ever seen.
So that’s why all the toilet paper is gone
i noticed that too, that is not orange juice lmao
That’s a lot of cheese in one sitting
I'm going to put together a neet extermination party and hunt down every last one of you degenerates.
comfy set up fren
this has been the comfiest happening i've known.... /cvg/ since it started
I'm 6'0 and the bathtub is designed for midgets.
good goy
Bro even PSO2 is getting an English release coinciding with this. Too bad I have kids at this point.
nice Thinkpad
Show us your tiddies.
What’s on the wall?
I'm coming to your country next week. I'm gonna cough on your dick.
That's a woman bro. You're gonna have to cough in her unkempt Magyar cunt.
Been stocking up since February.
Living in Montréal with my gf.
She thought I was neurotic but now she's grateful, she has everything she needs for 6 months, without having to go out. 2 rooms full of stuff.
That’s because its a sanitarium
based gábor, nice legos there fren, pls post pic of finished lego
I'll make the sacrifice my Gypsy friend. These are trying times after all.
Dino nugget time
80 inches tv, I'm guessing