Corona map update

New countries today:
>Central African Republic

The day before yesterday was the day with the most new countries since the start - 15, yesterday we were up to 12.

Only Montenegro left uninfected in Europe.
Only Malvinas left uninfected in South America.
Only Papua New Guinea left uninfected in Australia

>muuh Africans are immune
>black supremacy


Attached: it's just a flu, bro.png (6456x3712, 1.65M)

Other urls found in this thread:

the amount of new countries infected is sure to go down, once all the countries are infected


tfw when i knew all along madagascar and iceland will be the safe heavens and didnt move there, are their ports still open?

Forgot to change the date, sorry folks, here it's fixed

Attached: it's just a flu, bro.png (6456x3712, 1.65M)

top fucking kek

Attached: nice (2).jpg (240x280, 17.58K)

>tfw all micro caribbean nations are getting corona cases reported before some big nations detected their first case.

Attached: 1582965910149.jpg (399x400, 21.73K)

True. Imagine the shit going on undetected in big countries. Thousands upon thousands of infected.

>madagascar still uninfected

Attached: president-madagascar-a-man-in-brazil-is-coughing-yes-shut-7829421.png (500x955, 100.44K)

At this point Libya has ti be the biggest country still not reporting it, excluding Greenland ofc

I think memezuela will fuck the entire country , their doctors have left the last years , they will not be able to control this shit.

And memezuelans escaping will bring the virus even if we close borders now.

This has been bothering me for awhile, but why do you use the paint bucket tool to fill in new countries, create the map from scratch so that the borders dont look weird, pls for my ocd

Everyone knows Madagascar will be the last if it ever falls. Hundreds of thousands of pandemic simulations have proven this. Greenland will be second to last. Mainland African nations don't count because they can't properly test.
Also Equatorial Guinea

>Greenland is still not infected
Every single time.

It's how I do it. Other anons do different maps. Makes no difference mate, curb that OCD.

Thanks, will add it.

Why is Greenland always the last to get anything?

Attached: StonersStalin.jpg (641x634, 186.04K)

>Small population
>Not much world travel

Easy to isolate newcomers

What about Greenland? They are also safe.

You also forgot the recognize Kosovo as a country, you retarded biased faggot.

Stalin would be proud to see how red the world has become.

There is no such country though. Most of the world doesn't recognize it which means it doesn't exist.

Africa was never immune it was just an unpopular migratory destination. People were walking out of Africa not into it so this virus is swimming upstream.

Shows how dangerous it is.

Seems kind of important when it comes to informing people about a pandemic.

Trump should have bought it when he had the chance.


you keep forgetting best korea

It's part of Serbia and Serbia is red. Dunno what your problem is.

iceland is second only to san marino for most cases per capita

>amid suspicions

No official confirmation, sorry.

Next month in Africa should be lit, trust the asymptomatic period!

Why the fuck those subhumans pajeets don't get wiped?
They literally have all high risk factors: No hygiene, high population density, poor...
This stupid virus only impacting advanced societies,,,

Attached: dbz85-24.jpg (640x480, 45.36K)

Niggers don't wash hands or bathe. Niggers btfo

Isn't that the dude that eats super old MRE rations ? We have to tell US CDC to find him and test him to Corona-chan immunity.

The lack of an open border that normally exists between subdivisions of a country is what matters, you Christian retard.

India is mystery to me, they should have had 1 million dead by now instead they have 1`

Give it up alpaca tugger

Based steve1989, yes. His channel is amazing.

Wish we had MREs on the market here, I would stock up so hard...

Look at this map, look at me, now look at yourself in the mirror, shitskin.


Attached: CountriesRecognizingKosovo.svg.png (1200x545, 213.44K)


Attached: 1472695364998.gif (240x200, 359.42K)

If I'm a shitskin then so are you, cousin.


Yeah that was the channel name. I am actually subbed but with so many its hard to keep track on all of them. I remember seeing US MREs in OLX on multiple occassions over the past couple of years.

I don't think so, Tonibler.

Attached: wtf are bulgarians exactly.jpg (1845x961, 442.84K)

I'm perfectly willing to recognize Crimea as a Russian territory because I'm not biased. Balkan Christcucks are the biased ones when it comes to Kosovo.

Ummm, and your point was?

I don't like buying food from OLX, it's basically buying from rando retards and you don't know if the schizo hasn't injected the food with something.

Need an official vendor/importer. I can buy fro, Germany, but the fee is horrendous. I found a store that sells Polish MREs, but they are just a main with some biscuits and the quality is not good.

in the end of this, they should have died at least 500 million Indians and 100 million chinks

5-6 years ago one of the ARMS BG stores had them - the one near Pirotska I think but haven't been there in a while(well 4 years at this point - after I bought a camo carry bag for my x-bow)

Crimea has always been Russian though and inhabited by Russians. During the USSR, when they thought they would never break apart, they gave it to Ukraine as a symbolic gift.

Emphasis on inhabited by Russians forever and never breaking up the Union.

Kosovo, on the other hand, has always been Serbian and inhabited by Serbians. It was YOU, zerg invaders, that came and bred like rabbits in the last century, that drove the rightful owners out. It's like some gypsy coming to my house, shitting out 10 kids and then claiming the house is his.


Thanks, will check it out.

Keep in mind there are at least 2 stores carrying the name - one is near UASG the other is near Pirotska. Also worth checking is brannik and camouflage - they sell prepper stuff in general.

The Polish rations I mentioned were from brannik

I don't give a fuck about the history because it's irrelevant. The only thing that matters is who controls the land. Russia controls Crimea and Serbia doesn't control Kosovo. It's an objective standard, the only standard that reflects reality.

Based, the serbs should just genocide the retarded turks and take control of the land. America wont do shit this time, thanks to corona-chan.

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They can try whatever they want, I really don't give a fuck. But who are these imaginary Turks you're talking about?

Now that the world is potentially ending, I look forward to every coming day, funny how that works

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That's not how it works most of the time, imperial ambitions are thwarted by public opinion, it is of course possible to stifle it control it or exterminate it but all of these involve incurring economic costs in other words you are a brainlet

remember guys, negros are immune, they told us themselves. no need to worry about them once we have things under control.

absolutely agree


I'm a brainlet for recognizing reality?

All African countries are heavily affected by Covid already. The only reason it doesn't show is because of their non-existent health care.

>test no one, get no positives

>All African countries are heavily affected by Covid already.
bullshit. I'll trust africans over some snow monkey on african issues.
they're immune. they said so. their black skin is a superior virus barrior.

>random nigger coofer dies on the street
>lol just another day in Zimbabwe

0.2% death rate for people under 50. Its an overblown flu


Based Bulgaria.

Oh shit, now Uzbekistan got it too

Attached: ohgodwhy.jpg (274x300, 10.19K)

14.8% for people over 80. I don't know about you, but I have grandparents whom I hold dear. I don't want to see them die unless it's from old age.