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are you a herd animal?

Brain dead Amerisharts are too stupid to understand the brilliance of it.

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Soft term for herd thinning

You'd have to be a sheep to want to join the Corona herd

Vaccines make your penis shrink and lower your iq. That’s what autism is.


everyone gets infected some will recover and become immune and others will be btfo, thru this the virus dies off because it doesnt have anyone to infect since the survivors are immune and the people who are not died, if i am wrong pls someone correct me

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>survivors are immune

>become immune


i am not saying there is or there isnt corona virus immunity what am i saying is it in a general way what herd immunity is but once again if i am wrong pls correct me

How is that different from doing nothing and counting our deads?
university of oxford
vaccine knowledge project
>Herd immunity only works if most people in the population are vaccinated
>If people are not vaccinated, herd immunity is not guaranteed to protect them.

Herd immunity for a disease we don’t understand is the most brainless move I’ve ever seen my government make, and I lived through Tony Blair
The amount of dead from initial infection could pale when compared to the death rate for reinfection, we just don’t know
We don’t have enough reliable data to make this decision

I’m disappointed honestly
Boris was meant to give us Brexit, not this shit

>he is scared of a virus


because the old and ill are protected in isolate while the healthy majority go outside and get infected then recover with an immunity. then the old and sick people can come out of isolation and the risk is a fraction of what it once was because the virus has lost it's ability to infect 2/3 of the population then it just settles in an infection rate similar to the regular flu

>How is that different from doing nothing and counting our deads?

It isn't, except the speed at which this would get resolved. However, if you are smart and control who gets infected it could play out the best. So since old people are vulnerable, have them stay away. Young population all gets disease, runs its course, then they are cured. After most people are done, vulnerable group can be reintroduced and even if there are some who get sick, the hospitals will not be completely fucked and should be able to handle it.

This assumes a few things, however:
1 - people cannot become reinfected
2 - there are not serious side effects of the illness

For this virus, 1 is not proven. 2 is somewhat correct (it's just the flu bro!!), however there is no way to know what the long term health effects of corona virus are quite yet, and realistically there's no way we will know until like 15 years from now and some study shows that covid increases chance of having a retarded baby by like 3000% (I'm making that up, but it literally could be anything).

The big issue with quarantine is that it depends on a vaccine or something that will eventually prevent getting the sickness. This is not guaranteed yet, no matter what people are saying. Do not believe anything until it happens.
1 - Due to globalization, unless all countries act the same way any individual country's efforts are useless.
2 - For how long should quarantine last?
The current idea is actually already embracing the inevitable that most people will get this thing - that's why you hear the terminology of "flattening the curve". The big focus is on making sure the hospitals do not get overcrowded and grind to a halt.

It's bullshit in this case since you can't develop immunity to Corona-chan, you'll get cytokine storms on the reinfections.

It's a lie told by adrenochrome-addicted globalist pedophiles. The objective is to make you inject yourself and your children with a mixture of unknown purpose, provided by them.

It's an extremely poor way of a government pretending to do something about a situation they can't control to give the illusion of competence and calm. NPCs will regurgitate it like it's big brain heh talk. When they say we're going to get you ask infected on purpose you can take that to mean we're going to hurt and kill our own people because otherwise I'd have to do work outside of my own interests as your boss I mean representative.

Easy way out for an incompetent or complicit government.

Same thing with swine flu. People who got infected, and made a recovery from it built up immunity against the virus.

*pic very much related*

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just wait for COVID-3 and do it all over!

nobody can do anything about it. so they're facing up to the reality of the situation instead of trying to spread false hope that you can simply wait it out in self isolate which you cannot. unless you want your economy to collapse.

Should we all develop herd immunity to HIV or HPV?

The Corona virus won't stop me. I've been chain smoking for years in preparation. While you faggots baby your lungs, mine know how to bounce back from abuse.


Yeah, that gif summarises it.

it has never worked on an unvaccinated population in recorded history

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It's a meme

60% of bongs will die but the survived ones will became superhuman freaks who will conquer the world and enslave every non-bong

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It's retarded French bro.
SARS has antibody dependent enhancement. This is the second SARS virus. If it mutates in 10 years to a new virus, not only will everyone get sick again, all the young people will get sicker than from this one.
The reason there is no vaccine for SARS is because upon introducing the virus to vaccinated animals, they all died. The British health minister is betting antivirals can be made in the time before a new virus. In a dysgenic society that drives the intelligent to extinction and encourages 85 iq shitskins to breed as much as possible.

This picture is so brit it hurts

Or the virus becomes supervirus and comes back around killing off everyone.

Who will win this epic anime battle humans are the virus

they were gonna die anyway if you think about it

its a meme
read him

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most of them are
some people get reinfected but it is not the norm

herd immunity is the outcome not the policy

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Herd immunity is the only way to stop the spread in highly infectious viruses. It's not a tactic it's just how this will end, whether we like it or not.

>nobody can do anything
Hold my beer. I'm closing down the globalhomo

herd immunity requires vaccination
the fact that anyone can get reinfected means that anyone can potentially. where are the case studies on your own antibody production?
considering this is a completely novel virus I'm going to be surprised if most can effectivly fight this off and gain permenant immunity

herd immunity can be achieved by a vaccine, not by killing more now so that maybe less will die in the future
This policy goes against the ancient rule of Medicine “You shall not hurt”

Basically accurate.

Very few examples of people testing negative for it and then leaving care only to test positive afterwards. It's more likely that this was down to a false negative test than some tiny percentage of people can be re-infected.

It's not a "move", you don't get what is going on. The ONLY way the virus ends and goes away is when enough of us are immune it can no longer spread. That's literally what is going to happen and nothing we do or say is going to change that. That is the future you have to now accept. It's not like it's a tactic the government can adopt, it's just an accurate description of the eventuality of our situation.

Short term doing nothing and waiting on those that will survive on their own immunity.
Then analyse the immunity they developed to create the vaccin.

China will pay reparations to every survivor

>Oy vey, reparations you say? Oh g-wd I've got the carona virus! I'm weakened, my children and their children's children will inherit the trauma, these yellow goy bastids will pay!

Absolutely impossible with an RNA virus that has an r0 of 6+, Spreads asymptomaticly for 2 weeks. It will keep mutating and reinfect people until they die. You never gain immunity it to the flu, it just isn't very virulent.

You just let all collapse and then the stronk rise from the ashes

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Even assuming that this new virus doesn't mutate and render the antibodies of survivors ineffective, the UKucks are forgetting that the virus isn't going to infect just healthy people while the herd immunity builds up. The vulnerable population will get killed off before they get any real benefit from it.

>Very few examples of people testing negative for it and then leaving care only to test positive afterwards. It's more likely that this was down to a false negative test than some tiny percentage of people can be re-infected.
You might be right, but we don't know how long your antibodies will last to keep you immune. If this virus causes ADE we could see many more deaths in a few months or years after the first peak of the infection.

Thinning the herd, you mean

Fuck, I hope you are right.

So if someone is immune they don't spread because they kill the virus?

Basically meme science pushed by capitalists to prevent the shut-down of major industries. It means allowing the majority of the population to become infected (with thousands dead) so we can develop immunity to the virus when the next round comes.

Right now, the only country even considering this insane plan is the UK because we're ruled by greedy bloodsucking Tories.

Attached: Boris Bane.jpg (720x450, 48.18K)

This user knows what he's talking about. Who gets it is most important because herd immunity starts to show benefits once you reach a certain threshold of infected and it doesn't require everyone to get it, but it does require a lot of people to get it.

In our case about 3.4% of the population die from it, and maybe herd immunity works at about 85% of the total population infected. So to save the most people you want everyone fit and healthy to get it, so they're in that 85% and you ideally want the 3.4% of people who are vulnerable to be the benefactors of the herd immunity so they never need to get it.

Either way, herd immunity is how the spread of the virus stops, that's literally what is going to happen, if you think otherwise you just don't understand what is happening here.
>he died within a day and a half of being healthy

If you're too stupid to vaccinate your kids, they should die so your genes don't get passed on.

>the UK
I think Netherlands are just like that too, not sure about Sweden

this explains herd immunity pretty well, although its quite risky... it seems like a good idea on paper

We could always just you know, refuse the places and people that bring the diseases. Don't need to cover myself in lice shampoo if I don't hang out around gypsies constantly.

So how many people in the UK are going to die to achieve herd immunity?

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Pure idiocy

Guaranteed the majority of herd immunity proponents are ex nothing burger posters.

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There are 66 million people living in the UK. Assuming your plan "works" and you manage to reduce the death rate to 1% then 1% of 80% of 66 million is dead. That's around 500k dead people in the optimistic case.
That's bordering on genocide, not sensible policy. Of course, if literally anything goes wrong (mutation, possibility of reinfection, increased death rate) then we're talking several million dead.

we are going down this route as well.

I feel like the big problem with this is the after effects of it.
Look at studies on SARS survivors 3,5,15 years on.
To the body this is basically SARS just slightly less strong.
It seems Boris is trying to knock 10 off the U.K. life expectancy even if we don’t all die of coronavirus.

>*mutates in your path*
what now smart guy

Herd immunity is not possible for an RNA virus with a long incubation and r0 of atleast 6. You trust the government way too much.

The hilarious thing is that in the end, all countries will more or less end up doing it, like it or not - because this shit is so infectious that the lockdowns and quarantines won't be 100% effective, far from it. Even commie level ones in China weren't. They are just a delay tactic in effect.

The difference is that UK's purposefully half assed measures will produce less delay. Possibly much less.
So pic related, NHS should prepare to be fucked.

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Get your herd immunity goyim, from the star of covid.

Best case scenario if this insane plan goes ahead, 5-10k people, worst case scenario is upwards of 100k people.

Attached: Norf virus.jpg (853x576, 136.21K)

If the alternative is 3.4% people dying or close to 2 million, then how is that a bad thing?

Your essentially saving 1.5 million lives.

Too little people that are able to get sick to spread it.

The idea is that if a great enough percentage of population is immune to a disease, the likelihood of that disease spreading is significantly reduced.

e.g., if only 1% of people are susceptible to a virus, the odds of a susceptible person coming into contact with the virus is significantly reduced, and not merely by 99 times - due to the potential for the exponential spread of viruses.

1 people are livestock
2 shitload about to die
3 survivors maybe immune, we’ll see

You need a full prescription of redpills.

>herd immunity requires vaccination
No it doesn't, it's just one benefit of vaccination. You can get immunity from simply contracting the virus. The herd immunity is the effect that the virus runs out of victims to spread through and eventually dies through lack of viable hosts, that happens before 100% of people get it. Once something like 50-70% of people have had it the r0 starts to drop because its running out of potential hosts, and once you're at like 85% of people infected the virus dies out and the 15% remaining are the benefactors of the herd immunity. What that other user was saying is that ideally what we want is the 15% that never get it, be the old and at risk people.

But a vaccine is at best over a year away And the sort of self isolation it would take in order to keep most people safe for a year would bring the planet to a halt, we have to recognize that we can't just stop the supply chain of our economy, everything is interconnected we need to keep it all running otherwise we'll just die from lack of power or starvation or whatever.

The policy is NOT kill more now, that's stupid. As I said herd immunity is NOT a policy, it's just what will naturally kill the virus, loads of us will get it, it wont have anymore hosts and will eventually die. That's a description of what is going to happen and no policy is going to change that.

Yeah anything is possible in that sense, but I don't think we have any actual evidence or reason to suspect anything like that will happen. Wild speculation at this stage only causes panic.