The virgin schuko vs THE CHAD ITALIAN PLUG

Why do germans have to overcomplicate things?

Attached: electricity-type-L-bipasso-socket.jpg (700x521, 43.87K)

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fuck germany

what the FUCK is that

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A perfectly normal plug. Why are yours different?

Shuko is best. Has much better stability with the grounding pins


it also takes up twice the space

Both types looks fucked up. This is how sockets should look like in a civilised country.

Attached: F43D9F40-766F-4217-A552-2A812CF686A1.jpg (4032x3024, 2.91M)

I don't get it. Pic unrelated?

If your plugs dont look like this, you're a nigger. FACT.

Schuko is bretty good. Our plugs are junk.

Attached: nemaconnectors.jpg (800x1143, 554.23K)

On the other hand a lot of measuring instruments can’t be used on the socket to the right, and it looks like it isn’t even grounded, so a death trap basically.

Y'all are fucked.

Attached: images (25).jpg (500x500, 9.32K)

And there is no touch protection for kids either on both sockets so basically if your kid stick a fork in there he’ll get >160 V maybe more straight through him.


You only get to pick one. Great bait thou, here's you.

Our collective WW2 truma led us to adopt French standard instead of german.

Attached: gf-TE9T-m6EL-D6pp_gniazda-elektryczne-w-pieciokrotnej-ramce-szklanej-664x442-nocrop.png (664x393, 264.14K)

Just look at all these different bullshit plugs we have to deal with

Attached: nema chart(2).jpg (792x1149, 337.3K)

Built with darwinism in mind.

imagine being a europoor

Attached: europoor.png (1424x1426, 583.96K)

this is exactly how they look in germany, I dont know where OP got his gay picture from

French standard is the same as German with an extra grounding pin. Every appliance bought in the EU is compatible with both.


I.m glad you have no other problems, user.
God bless

Our plugs are trash

>not using the indestructible British tri-pole plugs
Have fun stepping on a plug sideways and bending the poles by accident, rendering your appliance useless.
Over here our plugs could survive a bomb.

*Gonzern deebens*

It's not difficult, Euros. Positive, negative, ground.
What's the matter with you?

Attached: 9327754-north-american-white-electric-wall-outlet-receptacle.jpg (900x1300, 65.76K)

i bet most countries on earth could recognize an american socket while americans can't recognize a single other one. maybe that will change now that hollywood is dead and the prices of american products is going to skyrocket

Yeah because changing a plug is rocket science.

Have you dummies never used a schuko?

I don't like Australian plugs, I want a plug that you can easily plug in when it's dark, with one hand, should be like an oversized TRRS plug or some other directionless config that doesn't need to be orientated

Absolutely not. Get the fuck away from you filthy foreigner.


>This is how sockets should look like in a civilised

We have the best and most aesthetic ones.

Attached: steckdose-schweiz-68808036.jpg (1170x450, 104.17K)

>And there is no touch protection for kids
on the italian one it's inside

>When plug is inserted: plug pins rotate shutter no. 2 and contacts are accessible.
>When plug is pulled out: spring no. 3 brings shutter back in position that blocks access to contacts.

Attached: IT-patent-61549.jpg (366x490, 23.43K)

Three prong master race

Bow down

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they look like they could take a ridiculous amount of current

It’s aN EU plugg, we have those as well but they can only feed like 2.5 A so total EU gay shit. I have some lamp sockets that are EU but would never degrade myself to use it as a standard in the house.

learn to walk, mohammed

Best socket reporting in

Attached: Superior.jpg (740x500, 23.74K)

So? If a kid sticks a fork in there it will rotate the shutter and open current. Fact is that your socket is perfectly designed to fit a fork. So yeah not a very good socket Mario.

>plugging into a literal six-holed onahole daily
which one is it

>AC has entered the server

>three pins
>looks like it isn’t even grounded

What does a yankie-doodle plug look like? The Star of David?

True now that you say it I can see that you do have grounded socket Mario

They can, UK plug is legit the best in the world.

Look likes a plug from the Edison days or something. Is there a little crank you have to spin to get it going?

Attached: n8vXoWjh-VMDuG9nVo9zUbPQzKL0J1RKQcGIqlmTFrY~2.jpg (295x428, 37.38K)

Shut the fuck up you 110 volt nigger, I've made battery packs with more voltage than your mains.

Muhammad bringing the bantz

Shit Charlie you didn't have you hit them with the dubtrips

Too complicated for my liking and I couldn’t give a fuck about safety. The switch on it is a nice feature though.

Attached: topkek.jpg (1000x716, 103.39K)

Wait Americans only have 110 V?

One hundred and ten

they also have 240 and 3 phase, you can get high voltage if you need it

Most homes have exactly 2 220 outlets for a washer dryer combo.

pic sideways
cheap chem soaked flooring
shit spackle job up wall joint
white paint overspray on fake wood floor
angular crack on receptacle above left plug
>it's a retard

We can have 400 V three phase.
Hahhahahahhahhahahaa omg. I thought the US was the land of the free.

dryer and oven

i hope there are no autists in this thread

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>I thought the US was the land of the free.
Is there something wrong with 110v outlets?

you can't die from 110, like you do from 220/240
>freedom means "you're still alive" fuckin EU idiots

yes, they don't kill you

i like schuko


>you can't die from 110
How about you grab a fork and test that theory.

Positive? Really?!

What the FUCK is up with that? We have Schuko, that's it.

Bow down to Elko master race

I used decent material for the flooring. Not the most expensive but also not the cheapest. It is real wood.

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You have it upside down

There you have it, straight from the horse's mouth - 'muricans can't be trusted with big boy voltage!

99% of appliances can run on 110 you really only need 220 for shit like generators and some high power applications like some washers or dryers

Macaroni. It looks like macaroni. Just like the dicks of a nation of men ruled by a woman. Wet noodle.

What kinda faggots are ruled by a queen? That goes for you too canada and australia.

>you can't die from 110
Straight into my burgerposts collage

>your socket is perfectly designed to fit a fork

Attached: images.jpg (1632x1368, 68.9K)

You will never see any of those outside industrial use.
It's true, we can't have Cleatus burning the mains with his homemade electric blanket.

Imagine your people beeing so stupid it has to fuck their power effiency because they kill themselves by licking their mains.

Blue=German plug
Red=French faggots
Green=Dane Faggots
Orange=UK faggots
Light Blue=Italian Faggots
Last is Swiss faggots

Attached: 1024px-Map_of_current_European_mains_electricity_plug_types.png (1024x1031, 179.84K)

Nah they're perfectly fine for what we need. The other plugs are over engineered and more expensive to produce. Why need sleeved plugs when there are GFCIs

Minimalistic and simple

Attached: elkoplus1683400.jpg (749x970, 45.4K)

hahaha 2 x 220 hahaha

Shuko-chan for the win

I think he was trying to express that 220 and 400v are deadlier and you are more likely to die from accidental contact. But he was too retarded to make a posttbat expressed that in a reasonable way.

The canadians don't like the screw in the middle

How is this minimalistic

do you unplug all your stuff before going to bed?

You don’t have fuses in USA?

Please explain to me the advantage of 220v over 110 thanks

That's vinyl on wood.

did that at 6, sister too. welcome to reality motherfucker, we are alive today to talk shit to you

It is. You fucking connectors looks like something invented in 1776.

nice, i like the side rails for increased stability

Uhm.. lol? Amerimutts might as well make it 12V then!

I was about to ask that, 4 extruding bits 2 holes and 2 metal bits per plug versus 3 minimal and simple holes

Not anymore, we did away with those decades ago.

What the fuck. That thing looks so sad. I would be depressed if I had to look at that every day. It's like it's begging you to stop plugging it

>Minimalistic and simple
The NEMA outlets look a hell of a lot more minimalistic and simple than this


how about teaching your kids to not stick forks in power outlets? besides my forks look like this

Attached: 52501-08.jpg (360x360, 5.45K)

It's not positive/negative retard. That's not D/C. It's a fucking A/c outlet and retard says positive negative

We have circuit breakers

Is it minimalistic in design or construction?

Design maybe, but those extra little metal flanges are additional features, so you cant really say that is minimalistic can you?

>I dont understand how electricity works the post.

The fuck is that?

He obviously meant one can't die from being shocked by a regular outlet in America.