The UK is fucked

Words fail to describe just how fucked we are and how fucked our entire economy is thanks to COVID 19. I don’t think anyone can quite grasp the magnitude of how fucked we are. Having a conservative government in power doesn’t help because what they have to do to unfuck this situation would make Karl Marx roll in his grave. Fat fucking chance do I see our government bailing out our airline, tourism, manufacturing, finance AND education industries. Our entire economy collapse is going to collapse and they know it. I think I know why the bean counters at Number 10 are pushing this herd immunity meme so much. They want thousands/millions of people to die so that the economy is able to sustain itself with a lower population

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Check your premises, a lower population and the collapse of airlines/tourism/finance/education industries are exactly what we want

We’re keeping the economy going you retard unlike most places. The cost is a fee more deaths

Every economy is fucked France has closed all bars clubs restraunts cinema swimming centers hotels etc

Germany might do same on Monday.

Even if they don't no one is going to stay hotel or go cinema next week.

Name economy that's not gone be fucked

How the fuck do you expect the economy going when global supply chains are shutdown? Who the fuck are we going to trade with if all countries have closed their borders?

Dumb fucking Tory kike KYS.

The plan is to quickly crash our economy while everyone else is in lock-down and unable to compete. After the herd gets immunity we rebuild while everyone else is still in lock-down. Eventually the other countries will have to end their lock-downs and go through what we did. But by then we will be back at 100% and dominate the world stage. The New British Empire is coming, and it will only take sacrificing a million boomers to achieve.

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Will you fuckoff back to rebbit

Don’t worry bro we just need to develop herd immunity to this flu. 60% infected with a 7% death rate is only 3 million dead. Trust Boris bro, he’s a patriot.

>Our entire economy collapse is going to collapse and they know it

The economy isn't real, it's based on private money creation.
Lives are real.
We could implement sovereign money tomorrow (Bradbury pound) and industry would boom within six months.

Imagine being this DELUSIONAL

I've been buying toilet paper like a beast for the last 3 weeks, I'm selling two ply super soft for 1 euro per sheet and 3 ply luxury for 2 euro's per sheet.
Feels good.

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That Deagle site is odd.
I looked into it.
The site isn't the same as the real deagal and it's domain name was registered to a spanish residential property.

Will there be any high paying plague jobs they need to draft people in for?

>They want thousands/millions of people to die so that the economy is able to sustain itself with a lower population
And that's a good thing.

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And it's already mutated once so we just need to develop herd immunity every couple of months. It's all good lads. The death numbers will go down because all the old and sickly won't survive the first couple of waves.

Also someone never bothered paying for the google maps API.

lol you bongs panic when the roads freeze

Based. Better than millions of starving, homeless children dying bc "oh no the boomers!"

You are a retard and a brainlet.

It's a solid idea. Kids get very mild symptoms and can develop antibodies. So the best bet is to get them through herd immunity first. Then they can take the virus home to their relatively young parents. Who will develop the same. In the ideal scenario a minority of people will get seriously ill and under the threshold of our 4000 critical care beds. By isolating the elderly for approximately 4 months. We can disperse the virus amongst those who can take it across the population, and gradually bring out the elderly (if we haven't got a vaccine by then) - with the ability to care for them without having to sacrifice them for the young (which is what Italy is faced with currently). The lockdowns work if you did it early. But with 10,000 people walking around Britain with suspected coronavirus, it's too late. The brightest scientific and medical minds in Britain came up with this plan, and Boris surrendered all of the planning to them to do so, and is choosing to run with it. I'd rather Britain gave it a pop. The Italian model isn't working, the Spanish model isn't working. We don't have the autocracy to try the Chinese model. If the British model works as intended - it will be studied for pandemics for decades.

>It's a solid idea

Yep, well let HM Queen, Boris Johnson, Sadiq Khan and everyone else who wants to be part of the Herd™ contract the virus first; then we'll see how good it is.

Online streaming services

Alsooooo the figures keep changing getting lower as the years comes forward.
For example, goto way back in 2012 and its 37mil projected population for 2025.

We have been put on Temperer refresher courses so prepare to get shot when trying to leave your quarantined city lad lol

This, I expect to see 80% of the elite willingly going to infection centres in a show of unity.

I expect the cream of British elite to be there showing us exactly the kind of character that entitles them to pontificate and moralise to the rest of us mere working class subjects why we should believe them


I'd happily do it desu to get it over with, if you're going to get it, get it early. You don't want to be one balls deep in the middle of it when supplies are low

Hey dennis

hi, if you want me to simmer down I will.

>The UK is fucked
No they're not. They have a prime minister who rode around the country in a bus proclaiming that they can put 130 million into the NHS monthly now that they're not paying EU membership fees anymore. Well? Put it to good use.

you know those handegg jocks that reached their prime in college, and havent achieved anything since? living off their memories while actually being losers in a dirty wifebeater shirt?

Absolutely seething lmao Hans do you want us to fuck you up for a 3rd time lol

>They want thousands/millions of people to die
Good news: Most of the people who would die vote Tory. After the government collapses and everyone left alive votes Labour into power, we can finally start undoing half a century of bullshit neoliberal capitalism.

That's not the approach they're going for with Trump's administration.
Maybe one-half of the globalists hope for it; but equally the other half sees a free market characterized by neo-liberal democracies.

>NeoBolshvism vs NeoLiberalism

Why hasn't London broken out yet? That's what I find weird about all of this.

>thanks to COVID 19
yeah, no UK was fucked long before that

Are you on drugs even the USSR was supported by the banks and USA was bailing them out with food to keep the bogeyman alive unless you go full North Korea you can't escape the market even Iran despite it's sanctions laugh to the bank with oil prices


Fascism rises from the depths of despair

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When the few people in this world that you actually give a fuck about die then I want to hear all about how Boris was right
You fucking cucks

I'm still waiting for my univeristy to close. My course leader sent out this on Friday. She had been trying to get us to go on a course visit to London and only cancelled because the venue did...Swear to god...and yes she talks to us like we're fucking kids all the time. For reference she's the head of the Masters program...

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gay and retarded no country will collapse

>implying you can become immune to gook aids
There’s no evidence of genuine long-term immunity. All that will happen is that all men will become infertile

Of all the responses I've seen the British one seems the smartest and the most sensible.
Time will tell if they are right.

The queen has already gone into hiding.

>The queen has already cut herself out from the herd.

Considering people are gettin sick in my isolate majority white town


Put your flag on you fat mutt.

There are no conservatives left. Only slightly less liberal libshits that larp as conservacucks.

Look as long as the niggers and pakis are taken care of you should be fine.

What's going to happen when the furin spikes and the ADE of ncov19 run a train through the idea of immunity?
Let alone the possible biphasic nature and chance of reinfection?

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How can you have a "service industry" economy when every cunt's behind closed doors? It's time to bring manufacturing home, lads.

Bit of a flaw in your plan tho mate. Boomers make up the vast majority of whites in the U.K. - without them, the white population is America tier.

No chance of a new British empire with that kind of stock.

The strategy of our leaders is to get as many people infected as possible.

Britain will never rebel.
The people are just too cowed. They didn't do anything when masses of Pakis were raping their kids. New cases come out all the time and nobody does anything.

cringe and doomer

Tories value economic profits over people's health? This is news to people? Where the fuck have people been since 2010, they have been fucking over the disabled and people with mental health issues for years in the name of austerity and "work capability". They will gladly let thousands of "economically inactive" pensioners die before spending a single penny.

>Boomers make up the vast majority of whites in the U.K
London != UK you retarded mutt

Scotland is 93% white and when you remove Edinburgh and Glasgow it's 98.3%

mate you're fucked but for a whole different ballpark of reasons, not because of the fucking flu, you god damned delusion bong

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UK 2021 will be Mad Max like pic related

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Do you have a loicence for not being part of the herd mate?

My personal economy.

T lab tech who’s company was drafted to help with testing just yesterday. This years Christmas bonus is gonna be like double my salary. Blank checks are great

the "economy" is a jewish meme
you're living in a prison of your own mind because all you can ever think of is money
you deserve the suffering you get in life. my GF and I are going to Switzerland then Norway this year for 2 months on a peaceful getaway. I couldn't give A FUCK about whatever the fuck it is your going on about. who do you think is in a better mental state at the end of the day here?
>boo hoo muh money muh industries muh eternal consumerism and materialism please keep this hell jew society running

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No need. If you run against the herd you just get trampled

Is this Peckham or Brixton?

You had to pay for that trip with money right? Thus you obsessed over economy because without it you're a broke bigger who's "girlfriend" would leave because you're a fucking bum.

Fucking cuckstralian

I wish people would stop being retarded. Herd immunity is the ONLY way to stop Covid 19 now. It stops infecting people when it no longer has any transmission vectors (people) to infect, that's how outbreaks come to an eventual end, people get it and then get immunity.

There is literally no way we can actually prevent the eventual spread, it is way outside of our ability. We couldn't stop the spread when it was just a few people that had it, much less when 1000's of people have it.

Herd immunity is the solution like it or not and that means deaths are an inevitability, the only thing we can do is take the L gracefully by spreading out the infection over many months so that emergency services can cope.

The only difference about the UK government and their announcements is that they've been brutally honest about all these facts. And that's a good thing because we're managing the expectations of the people. If people expect that bad things are coming, they can mentally prepare and when it lands there is less overall panic and less overall damage done due to panic. This is why Trump telling Americans they're amazing and its all going to be OK is really dumb. When the reality of the scale of this hits people are more likely panic because they feel they've lost control, when in fact we never had any in the first place.

They want to hold a new Brexit referendum without old people