Fuck off tarrantposters, we're full
This is a board of peace.

>Police enforcement of lockdown on the table

>Australians unhappy about national lockdown

>Information and data cannot be claimed for ownership

>Casual workers missing out on wages due to Cov19

>People still in hysteria over supplies running out

>Shoppers catch onto this one simple trick to bypass buying limits

>Doctor contracts corona virus and is self documenting the infection process with ultrasound

>Authorities will launch a multimillion dollar national advertising blitz on Sunday encouraging Australians to wash their hands and avoid contact if they are sick, as the government steps up its efforts to limit the spread of coronavirus.

Previous Thread

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the bf

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hapas are superior to whites
why are hapas so superior to whites?

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guys maybe we should stop trolling the seppo. I feel bad, he actually seems like an alright guy

the gf

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Gimme my $50 or I'll rope

Buy bush land in Tasmania and stockpile firearms. I'll be waiting for you in van diemen's land user.

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who /wagecuck/ here?

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the daily ride

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Bats x gooks x gates x = corona

Work still hasn't given us any info about a shutdown or not and I have to go into an office full of coofers tomorrow

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>tfw /2jobs/
fuck those are some nice milkers

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so many god damn ambos heading out to grindlewald all day

Tasmania is cold and full of incest white trash. QLD bush or bust.

I fucking hate women. The only good woman is a dead woman. Women need to be beheaded with meat cleavers. Is that normal?

Ye, going into work tomorrow for the daily grind. Been struggling to even get a reply after submitting high quality job applications.

They are some nice milkers

fuck off we're full

They're fake, just like about everything else on an Aryan woman these days. You wh*toid males should just date qt japanese girls.

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Damn that's fucking cringe.

It's hard out there for a pimp

my uni sent an email out only this evening saying a student contracted the COVID

my bro is in 3/4 of that kids classes. he has had a sore throat for days. this morning at church we hugged every elderly person. my throat is sore too and i am very tired but that could just be a coincidence

i hope we haven't corona'd our elderly. going to get tested tomorrow to play it safe bros

looks like a hapa unironically

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Why you gotta shit up every thread with that ya poofta. I know, you hate women, you only love blokes etc. Fuck off back to Melbourne or Sydney already, OK cunt?


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Not Gates, not unless he's actually based.
Trump and his war against hollywood.
Follow the white rabbit.

He didn't get his $50

checking in lad. Im starting to no longer care. As soon as this corona thing blows over Im gonna dump my savings into blue chip stocks and sit on the returns +disability


>this morning at church we hugged every elderly person
hello, based department?

We got told Friday that we need to self-quarantine if we coof. Kinda happy, might be a good excuse to be a NEET for a few weeks, catch up with stuff around the house. Or maybe just die of pneumonia, who knows?

I can't stop wanking to the death of Ebba Akerlund. She dressed like a slut so she deserved to die. Rakhmat Akilov did nothing wrong. Is that normal?

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QRD on the nigger in the pic?

kek, sucked in

>HUEHUEHUE that wh*te women who tries her best to look like a nigger but failed miserably is actually a pure and superior hapa
THIS is what a hapa looks like. Memorize it because this kind of person is going to kill you one day, and you might need to escape.

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Gonna duck up the servo quickly to get some chocolate, you lads want anything?

that's not a hapa
this is a hapa

Lol Styx, that you?

That's how you get the corona.

-t fucked up and went to OTR last night for milk and

wait, are you on dsp but currently work?

I'll box your head in for 12 rounds

Fuck off with your edgy shit, you are going to get a knock at the door if you keep carrying on. Of all the bantz you could be posting you are going the wrong way about it

Ragie Wagie reporting.

yeah farmers union iced coffee, frog cake, and rothmans cool crush red 25s thanks lad

>vpn posting like a boss

had steak tonight with roast spuds broccli and cauliflower, what you guys eating whilst isolated Yas Forums?

also who else thinks Dove is best girl?

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nah but I've been on it before. I just bullshit back pain. You can also get some pretty dank painkillers for it and sell it to junkies.

>He didn't get his $50

Fuck off dog. Always pay your tick.

Based pagan

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Seethe harder faggot. I've shitposted for 3 years. I've been talked to 3 times in relation to Yas Forums posts. I've never been charged faggot. I hate women.

Remember that almost all boomers are wh*Te.
The boomer remover is the greatest thing to happen to Australia in its history.
Accelerating the rise to a hapa ethnostate! All hail Corona-chan.
>Haha I eat diabetes brown shit lump, me eat Aryan cuisine!
White people are inferior and you know it. I'm sorry you were born white, but sometimes nature is cruel.

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steak, liver and sauerkraut

Some durries, maybe a travel pie if they've got any. Oh, a chocky milk too please, cheers mate

nah, i'm not the cunt that offered the cash, calm your tits lad

why are you posting pictures of photoshopped asians?

Why the Australia Government reacts so pathetically in comparison to China?
Is it because white people are inferior?
Should Australia accept helps from the superior Chinese? Italy is doing it, inviting Chinese doctors over to share their experiences.


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Just worked two six day weeks in a row to help pay for my car registration and my self isolation prep

A deal is a deal. He should've been paid

>I'm a government asset because I'm a sperg, blah blah blah.
Nobody cares faggot.

i report him all the time. When he went missing the other day i was hoping he got v&, but unfortunately he always returns. Probably a glowie otherwise he would’ve been locked up by now

I know you aren’t but you shouldn’t encourage it. It’s a dog act from that bloke and he should be shamed.


if you want, i can let you ride my throbbing white cock, maybe that'll make you less moody?


i agree wholeheartedly, unfortunately i'm not the cunt who said he'd wire the money.
i could see it coming from a mile away though.

Chocolate oak, pepper steak traveller pie or 4&20 sausage roll and a pack of winfield crush blue mate cheers

My hobby is wasting gov resources. I love wasting your tax money. I've never worked a day in my life. I've never paid a cent in income tax. I fake suicide, clog up the health system and waste gov money. I bludge on cenno. I refuse to contribute to a system that supports single mothers. Is that normal?

PS. I've cost the health system 24k since last Christmas. Seethe harder wagecuck!

How many fucking my corona remixes do we need post some original corona chan music fuck.

They're not photoshopped, they are hapas. Sorry that our divine glory cannot be achieved by your race without digital tools.
Well, wh*te people like Scovid Moronson don't know how to fix the problem, but chankoroids created the problem in the first place. Hapas would not have started the disease, but would have dealt with it properly if it did start.
OK Boomer
No thanks. I can fuck your sister for you if you are feeling tired, though. Second thoughts, maybe not. Don't wanna get aids
based neet wasting the white man's tax dollars

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yeah you fucking jew, you would like white men not to do anything, ever. continue being docile. domesticated cattle hopped up on estrogen in the water, so docile.
as long as there's another Game of Thrones episode to watch, another hollywood jew movie, another superhero movie, Marvel, sports, video games, television, Netflix, TV shows, fast food, McDonalds. no one will ever do anything ever because they're comfortable in their own enslavement. and when you point it out to people they get cognitive dissonance and really defensive because they think they're white saviours for being racially aware, edgy and liking Adolf Hitler when they LITERALLY fund jewish pedophilia in Hollywood by going to the cinema and sit around playing video games. the modern white race is the biggest joke in all of recorded human history and quite frankly deserve everything it gets. I hope everyone gets raped

fast food mcdonalds coca cola consumerism materialism watch TV shows jew hollywood media buy plastic baubles made in china consume s o y corn syrup pump fed chemicals estrogen in water supplies listen to science man. pay taxes to government that is genociding you. watch more marvel and superhero movies. cry about climate. watch game of thrones after. eternally consume. do nothing. ever. think your vote will fix everything while you sit on your faggot white arse playing a video game

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Lmao, fucking hilarious.

Yes, we know, you're a worthless & unfunny retard that in any rational society would be executed immediately. This is something that's perfectly clear.

Im a wagecuck, and you're based af.

Id much rather my taxiroonies being wasted and spent on nothing than being given in foreign aid.

Siege harder, king.

>servo pies
>choccy milk


What am I meant to eat?

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Righto mate, you're still a weird cunt who carries on. At least trip fag or something so I can filter your absolute shit

I can only hope

You're tragic mate

Contributing to society as a sub 8 male is cucked. Imagine competing with 10 million other guys for chad's leftovers! I refuse to play a game that is rigged from the start.

>perfectly good naan bread sitting there
what else do you need lad?

Take your meds you senile fuck

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Eat the three month supply of food that you have stocked up in preparation for emergencies.

Instant noodles and sardines that aren't like $1.50 for 45 grams?

Nobody coof in this thread.

I'm not feeling particularly well tonight.

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I'm 20 and live paycheck to paycheck on a casual job that I no longer have shifts for.

These are kino, good taste anons. This is kino too.

I'm laughing at you wageslaves. I'm receiving $750 from cenno. You get nothing hahahahaha
thanks fren

Woke up this morning convinced I had gook flu. Turns out it was just the litre of scotch I drank. I also lost a tooth last night, still not sure how. Had to pay for a cap today. All in all good Saturday night.

nice one

How about we have a threesome with your mum and dad? i'll get some cute anime figurines to ram up your yellow butthole with my throbbing white cock

>tfw no schizo qt big tiddy goth wn gf

>cute anime figurines
Fair work user?

wagie but got work from home this week and for the foreseeable future

i.e. playing tetris and listening to joe rogan while bumping my mouse every 5 minutes so the software thinks i'm working

Atta boy, this is the shit posting I like to see, fuck off with the rape and murder for a bit and get into wagie baiting

I'm feeling a bit ordinary now, was worried about the kung flu until your post, guess it is probably the 20 schooners last night

Rught, got the Oaks, FUIC & cocky, but fuck you cunts and your smokes, gotta give that shit up lads.

got made redundant today bros from job Ive had for 8 years in hyper specialist area. Am I fucked if Im looking for work during corona and eco collapse?

Whats going on there?

I understand your state patriotism however its important that wholesome people move to Tasmania. Bushland is cheap and you can neet while you homestead if you wish.

Get your beans, deenz, water and guns and gtfo right now nigger.