Greeks go to the army while you listen to nigger music at age 18

Greeks go to the army while you listen to nigger music at age 18.

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kad udare s trebevića vuci ko su grci upantiće turci

Its funny how one of the poorest and smallest countries in the EU is the only country who can actually realistically defend itself militarily.

Well, the rest of the EU bought them their toys.

Where in your mind does wealth and country size equate to manpower?

Greece had always a big army

Greece has always invested heavily into the military. You can't relax with Turgay and Balkaniggers as neighbors.

I don't listen to rap, I would live in Europe if I wasn't a poor neet

>TFW 180Iq
>No family
>Always hated cultureless place I grew up
>Wanted to go back to roots to Europe
>Wanted to contribute to Swedish Civilisation
>TFW it's being filled with shitskins and multiculti and turning into a dumpster fire
>Can't even talk about this on the internet without being censored off of every social media platform
Yea fuck EU

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Just wait until Mama Merkel pulls the kill switch on those Leopards so Europe can be enriched by even more wonderful diversity

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The country has 11 million people has a standing army of 250,000, with a reserve force of 500,000, 2000+ MBTs, 200+ Fighter Jets.

For example Australia has 25 million people with a standing army of 60,000, with a reserve force of 30,000. Less than 100 MBTs, 100 Fighter Jets.

will those poles in greece have to stay under quarantine after their duties? besides corona virus im sure those muzzies got all kinds of bad coofs.

Like the UN troops spreading tuberculosis all over the place.

Finland, country of 5 and ½ million has a standing army of 33 000, of whom 8000 is paid staff and 25 000 is slave labour conscripts.

Finnish reserve is also 700 000. Why so much more than the (((greeks)))?

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I never listened to nigger music after the age of 12.

Don't forget the munitions and fuel reserves to operate for only a fortnight

Amateurs. I left for boot camp at age 17.

Thank you for your service.

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>conscription is good
kys retard

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don't forget the navy

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air superiority is what matters in 2020

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Stop kvetching snownigger. We can annex you and all of scandinavia within 2 weeks.

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Hitler actually praised Greeks in WW2 for their performance. You know, the one guy who literally never praises anyone. That ought to mean something.

I love these

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>links 1998 naval fleet


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The rest of the EU is not organised in terms of readiness like the Greek military. There are always units in 8 hour, 4 hour and even 2 and 1 hour readiness if turkish military activity is high (this happens mostly in the navy and air force). We are simply doomed to live next to roaches, Holland doesn't have to worry when they neighbor Belgium.
How many European air forces have dogfights every fucking day? Only greek air force, and that's one of the reasons we have very good pilots.

finoid reserve 280.000

The Syrian Arab Army still going strong and overcoming foreign backed groups who have bottomless pit funding from the CIA, US, Saudi's and Israelis.

>muh Russian and Iranian support

So apparently the poorfag Russians and poorfag Iranians are better support than the bottomless pits of the US, Israeli and Saudis?

Just goes to show how important having a solid army is over having bottomless pit resources.

Greece is a country that has a very strong culture, heritage, and history, they've been the underdogs in every war they've fought and they still managed to end up with a state in modern times.

Greece is like Israel, in that it has secured itself militarily with the use of heavy investment into military + conscription. Now add into that the culture and heritage and history of Greece and Greeks, and you have a very dangerous military.

>implying it has changed

Greeks, like true balkanites, maintain a military just large enough to fuck their neighbors.
I think balkanites are the true chads of europe.
Keep embarrassing yourself.

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>Now add into that the culture and heritage and history of Greece and Greeks, and you have a very dangerous military.

>in the 20th century



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>resots to fantasy drawings that never have and never will happen
Massive cope. Here's a real one, friend.

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>huuuuge i tell you
can't even deliver those pepepopo ships on time

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they started hoarding after the invasion

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What are you even going on about? We have the greatest naval fleet in europe, and the biggest merchant fleet on the planet. Do you know what happens during martial law? That's right, merchant ships are repurposed.

And what is the Greek army defending exactly?

Greece, you utter faggot

Haven't Germany kicked your shit in just in 10 days?

Ever been to Greece?

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>after months of italians and albanians being exterminated systematically

Just how we "lost" to you after exterminating you and driving you to inner anatolia, only to have the brits backstab us. That's how it generally works, roach.

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Italy, Spain, Portugal and Romania, yes. Greece, no. Maybe while flights are still cheap after the corona spike.

lol, italians are fools but you crumbled within days once Germans entered the playfield

Asia minor campaign might be the worst military campaign ever, not only you lost your entire army and whole Greek population as well


Hope at least their army has something to do with war and such.
I'm on a year of mandatory service and the only thing i've done in past 6 months is wash floors and dig trenches. Not even fortification trenches, just fucking water trenches

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The long-anticipated German attack (Unternehmen Marita) began on April 6, 1941, against both Greece and Yugoslavia. The resulting "Battle of Greece" ended with the fall of Kalamata in the Peloponnese on April 30

>it only took Germany Italy Albanians Bulgarians at the same time to defeat you haha

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What do you imagine exists in Greece that needs a stronk army to protect it?


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Perhaps that's what your sultan teaches you in school, I always forget that even wikipedia is banned in your shithole.

Hell, even DNA testing is illegal in your muttland.

Tick tock, your usefulness as a US vassal state is running out. Prepare your anal cavity, mongrel.

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>you lost your entire army
is this why you didn't get an inch of Greek land from us ?
KEK at roach school system

In 1922 the entire Greek army was wiped out, and the only thing that stopped Turkish army to march into Athens was the British/French presence in Thrace.

>slavic mongrels raid the north of an ailing empire like the niggers that they are and continue to gloat for a millennium, even though they were treated as cattle and getting beheaded for sport

>the only export of said slavic mongrels has been prostitutes for over a millennium, and that holds true even now


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Go to Europe and be poor there/or here, immerse into the local culture, prepare to fight for your uniform/skin/nation/white culture.
Be happy.

It was Greeks who were near a capital

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you are trying too hard roach. what do you think will happen if you post more? you will convince people to like roaches?
every single person who is on this board and beyond knows what a roach truly is already.
keep trying though, funny shit.

Literally the only reason we include T*rks in anything is because of the Bosporus and keeping the Russian navy out of the Med. But thanks to the proliferation of cheap, effective anti-ship missiles and Russia’s domestic shipbuilding industry imploding on itself as with all of its other heavy industry, we can do that job easier than ever before and we don’t need to keep T*rkey around anymore, their accession to NATO was purely a move to use their geostrategic polity to our benefit, and they’ve finally outlived that very political usefulness. They’re just dead weight at this point, if Russia wants the headache than by all means.

Rush shia.

based and hoipoloi pilled

And this happened in 1974

Greek defences collapsed in 2-3 days after Turkish air/amphibious assaults.

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>roach education
the Greek army retreated when our supply lines got thin because we almost had a civil war back home with pro king and anti king only 5% of the army we send died

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Something something Voruzhonniy Sil’ Rossiskoi Federatsii.

>Kissinger strikes a deal with the Turks and effectively orchestrates the invasion
>all to strengthen Israel and remove the greek Junta that was anti-jewish

>roaches gloat, as if it had anything to do with them

wtf are you on about i went to the army at 18 same as them and even served longer

>Greek defences
Cyprus that wasn't a state for more than 15 years

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You are forgetting that wikipedia (and history books) are banned in roachland lmao

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Man we kicked your ass every time in last 1000 years, you were a Turkish vassal state for half a millennium.

Greece failed in 1922 and in 1974. These are facts. After this, we are strictly in a defensive position militarily and even failed to build a functioning economy in peace times (let alone a high-tech military industry). No amount of coping by posting German-made military gear that you bought with Greek salad and debts is going to change history.


I am sure this is what you are being taught in school, Janissary. It's simultaneously humorous and depressing.

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>Man we kicked your ass every time in last 1000 years
you haven't gain any land for 500 years only LOST your only "win" was that you didn't LOSE MORE

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You glow. All your posts paint a telling picture. What breed of shitskin are ya?

When will you notice that you are simply nothing when Europeans or Russians not backing you up militarily?

You similarly had a humiliating defeat on the north of Athens back in 1897. Greece has always been unworthy on 1:1

ever heard expedition of dramali ? i bet not because you are only tough "stronk turks always win" IMAO

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This map itself shows a lot

There is not a single war Greece won by its own merit. It was always others getting involved to save your incompetent ass