Modern life has become too easy. Men are weak. Society is decadent...

Modern life has become too easy. Men are weak. Society is decadent. ITT we explore rites of passage to formally transition a boy to a man. What would you choose and why? Draw upon ancient knowledge and/or your own lives experience

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£sOcieTy iS tOo wEak anD DecaDent

Lmao ok cunt, go live in the slums of Mumbai India where they party like its 1820’s London and enjoy yourself! Stupid fucking conservatards.

Killing another human being in a one on one machete duel

>takes example from a meme movie
Here's a right of passage for you: walk across London without getting shanked by a nigger

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Hey faggot, have you ever used the phrase 'I fucking love science' by any chance?

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They tend to mostly just stab each other

>hehe ur from redeet!

When man is removed from his natural habitat (Nature), he rapidly devolves and becomes a dysgenic abomination.

"Behold the modern man! this ‘heir of all the ages — in the foremost ranks of time!’ His sight, taste, smell and hearing are all notoriously defective. He can harness thunderbolts, but the unerring instinct of a carrier-pigeon is beyond him. His brain has become an over-heated thinking engine, but he may not read the DAILY MORNING LIAR — without spectacles. He ‘understands’ more things (or thinks he does) but if suddenly removed from his artificial environment, he would perish helplessly as the Babes-in-the-Wood. He can gauge sound-waves; photograph broken bones; construct gigantic iron monsters; whisper across miles of copper wire; but, when the pointer-dog sniffs the hidden pheasant from afar off, this erudite Bundle-of-Nerves looks on in blank amazement. The fact is that the civilized man is gradually ‘losing his senses.’ If he continues to ‘progress’ at the existing rate, in a comparatively little while, he will have no smell, no sight, no hearing."

Ragnar Redbeard (1890)

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Precisely. Tell me friend, what rites of passage would you impose to weed out the superfluous and the weak?