Why should Jews respect whites when you're mental midgets compared to us?

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Fear of being shot in the head?

Fuck off, sandnigger.

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109 countries, baka

so you respect niggers and Muslim terrorists?

I respect subhumans.

Yet thousands of years we've battled and it's always you that gets kicked out

it's not that jews are smart,
but all the dumb jews got holocausted
over time the overall iq will drop back down to negro levels.
prove me wrong

>gets kicked out
They don't get expelled, they run when the plan goes sour.

I mean...

Countries aren't created peacefully.

burden of proof is on you

I dunno user, why dont you tell me what reasons you think exist that a being shouldn't treat it's "lessers" with "Re'spect" despite their inferior capabilities?

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Yas Forums:
-white guy pretends to be a Jew,
-other white guys pretend to hate the white OP because he’s playing the part of a Jew.


with jews you lose Bibi, this time the shoah will be real.

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We don't like Jews.

>capitalizing the 'j'

but then, there's those that think that respect is earned, and they're not wrong; but there's also the form of respect which recognizes the mind within another being as being a divine spark, and a part of the omniscient one; aka "Re'speck".

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You're not the only one with rituals, jew

it's not the intelligence they posses, but inborn talent to demagogy

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I will marry a kike wife to join the gods chosen people.

The only jews that are smarter than whites happen to be white. Checkmate, jewfag

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This is not kike's nose you moron XDD

but Jewish whites are smarter than nonJewish whites so why should we respect them?

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>jews that are smarter than whites happen to be white.
> Jewish whites
Fucking sandniggers.

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You don't. That's one of the reasons you have to die.

>implying you have the testicles to do shit except larp online and masturbate to porn of blacks fucking white women

I'm high IQ I have suspected to have jewish genes before but that's irrelevent since I don't consider myself to be one. Jews aren't as intelligent as they think they are since a lot of their gains from secret societies are ill gotten

>being of same origin as your average goatfucker in the middle east
>being enslaved for thousands of years by egyptians like the rest of africa
>holocausted and nearly wiped to out of extinction
yeah, sounds like a pile of genius DNA

I don't like them, but sure I respect them more than refdit bugmen

>I have suspected to have jewish genes
Are your eyes wildly asymmetrical and do pubes grow out of your scalp?
If the answer is yes, shalam, buddy! you're a sandnigger!

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>highest tested IQs

>he doesnt know what a german yid is
>Jewish whites
lol nigger you dont get it, they are only jews in name. they are not ethnically jewish at all. they are central europeans

we have European and Middle Eastern DNA
we are hybrids

>khazars that were never jewish to begin with are somehow jewish
cool story bro your a anatolic turk imposter, nothing more.

>german yid
It's a sandnigger that met a coalburner.
The swedes of yesteryear.
Some sandniggers say salam and some some sandniggers say salam with a lisp.
Guess which one you are?

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You dont and never have
The real question is, why should we give a fuck about your opinions of us?

Because one suck baby dick and the other not?

1. being from NY and going to school with a lot of jews, I know them to be on the same level or greater at cheating than your average chinese

2. does not prove my point wrong that the dumb ones were mostly holocausted, and what remains is not a sample of some historically great jewish dna

difference is Chinese are poor and live in squalor while we are the wealthiest demographic on Earth
the results speak for themselves
we're not cheating we're just smarter

No I don't think so. Eyes are blue and they look symmetrical

>It's a sandnigger that met a coalburner.
Yea a turkish anatolian khazar sandnigger, ie: not a jew dumbfuck

There's an easy rhyme to remember if you're not sure whether you're dealing with a Holocaust-American.

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>highest tested IQs
also, when you only test your smart ones, you can make that claim. has no meaning in the general population.
even africa can make that claim if they only test their top 0.00001% of people

>turkish anatolian khazar
the lengths this sandnigger has to go to!
you fucking pubeheads, I swear to cunt!

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why are we more successful then? listen to Jordan B Peterson. it's because we're smarter
just like blacks are poorer because they have lower IQ

secret message:
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What are you even talking about you retarded fuck? I said that the Jews in Germany that are technically white after centuries of breeding with Europeans, are indeed white. But what is more, they were never really jews to begin with, as the "jews" that bred with Germans were khazars from anatolia, not levantine jews. That is a fact, not a debate. Your a fucking retarded ape that needs to go back to school.

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no, you're just collectivists. you only promote your own. you have no trouble lying, cheating, stealing from anyone not a jew.

Jereslem is midway between Egypt and Syria but you're totally not sandniggers!

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blacks are collectivist and nepotistic too yet they are poor and live in ghettoes because they are stupid

Better than the hapas larping as niggers that shit has gotten really stale over the years

not an argument. you just proved that you are a sub80 iq nigger

>blacks are collectivist and nepotistic too
No, they aren't. Not at all, especially in the west.

yes they are. they're the most racially biased group

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No, it's that it's much more difficult for them to 'fellow white people' due to their being a thousand years behind the average Holocaust-American in the coalburner game.

Fuck off, dave.

Racial bias has nothing to do with "collectivism you retarded fuck, its a political position, like Nazism. Holy fuck literal 60iq kids in here.

Fuck off Jamal

yes it fucking does. if you are racially biased in favor of your own kind and you help them then that's collectivism you dimwit
blacks vote Democrat so other blacks can get welfare. even if blacks are rich they still vote Democrat cause they want other blacks to get welfare and suckle off whites

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lol you fucking sandnigger.
Grasping at straws.

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I have to agree with you. Since MLK and Nelson Mandela both used Communism as a crutch to advance their racial, progress? Not sure what to call it really just that it benefitted them

blacks are violent and would kill other blacks for their shoes. they dont get together to scheme like jews do, and jews DO do that

i've lived in NYC for a long time, had a lot of jewish friends and colleagues over the decades. i know how average jewish intelligence is, but thats just enough. the colletivism is what takes them to the top. thats how they gained disproportionate influence in the diamond district, hollywood, media, politics

you can still be collectivised with low IQ

>maybe if i strawman long enough he will forget that im a moron
You are confusing in group bias and nepotism with a political ideology. You'r a literal retard. The only ethnic group to be "collectivist" in the history of racial groups were the Germans. Blacks, especially in America are just as likely to knife each other over gibs than whitey. Please study these things in totality before you speak. The longer you speak, the dumber you sound.

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just because they aren't smart enough to do so doesn't mean they wouldn't like to
like I said rich blacks still vote for the interests of the black race even when it contradicts with their own interests

blacks kill white people for being white
blacks never kill blacks for being black

Guaranteed I'm whiter than you.

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What does that have to do with politics?

jews are a collective, blacks are a race

>implying blacks don't overwhelmingly vote for other blacks