Which country is taking the least action against the virus? Sweden, Germany, or the UK?
Which country is taking the least action against the virus? Sweden, Germany, or the UK?
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Some African shithole probably
Sweden and UK. Don't know nor care about Germany.
UK easy
Berlin is in lockdown, so yeah
UK wants the spread
what are the chances a native swede or german be taken off a ventilator for a migrant?
Puerto Rico
germany is just not counting people that die WITH coronavirus, only counting people that die because of coronavirus
this, no lockdowns anywhere, stopped testing people, dont have resources to even test healthcare personel
Hard to say. All of these governments hate their own people.
Us, Brits or Svens. Germany has Belin on lock down so you can rule them out
UK but it's also the best action
To be fair, you guys have a culture of social distancing which puts you at a natural advantage.
Rationing in shops were "5 items per customs" (of each item) yesterday it was reduces to 2
They are getting it in niggerland now. Wonder how they will fare there? Wonder how we will fare here? Goodpseed all.
They're not doing crap!
Britain doesn't help itself with it stiff upper lip attitude. We have a habit of taking action at the very last moment. Retarded really considering being an island is a huge advantage.
sweden and UK announced they're doing nothing.
that's one more thing than germany.
This virus was specifically created to destroy western culture and white people. Niggers won't die of it because its all a hoax
they likely don't give them to native europeans in the first place. Diversity comes always first, you see
Our politicians started with doing nothing like usual but now those idiots did a 180 and it becomes more and more full china mode.
>Swedish hospital staff on lack of protective gear and isolation of corona virus patients: It's like being a fireman at Chernobyl
german piece of shit merkel told upfront 60-70% get infected which is basically a capitulation upfront.
yeah maybe
Niggers won't die of it because viruses can only take small jumps from one species to another instead of huge leaps, for example, humans to niggers.
>on the same website:
>"Swedish family stuck in hotel after coronapanic"
This is beautiful!
I'm considering contracting the disease and go coughing up the parliament and on the door handles of politician and epidemiologists, maybe then they'll do something
UK for sure
>Herd immunity
Unlioicenced herd
They accept niggerarab "refugees" without screening them and have literal "no go" zones.
Do you really expect these idiots to deal with this situation rationally?
"you have to hug, nothing happens"
this photo is from yesterday
Right now it just seems like every country is waiting for X amount of infected before they close down the country and let everyone get infected at a slower pace so the hospitals don't get completely overwhelmed. It doesn't seem like the goverments actually want to keep people from catching it, they just want to control the infection rate
Hey, Sweden here, you all wish you were as brave as us
The next week will be the most interesting in our life.
Thus far.
To be fair, the coronavirus won't work in Finnland.
I am surprised you haven have one case.
I am kind of glad we will die. Fuck this feminist hell hole.
Tegnell först
the economic fallout from this will be far worse than the disease. bond market gunna go haywire
Kek. I'm "self isolating" but really I just bought more food than normally and kept doing what I have been doing for years.
You don't have to. The virus survives for 3h in the air and 48h on surfaces.
Also, the wuhan flu does not like the heat.
UK plan is incredibly good. Kids get very mild symptoms and can develop antibodies. So the best bet is to get them through herd immunity first. Then they can take the virus home to their relatively young parents. Who will develop the same. In the ideal scenario a minority of people will get seriously ill and under the threshold of our 4000 critical care beds. By isolating the elderly for approximately 4 months. We can disperse the virus amongst those who can take it across the population, and gradually bring out the elderly (if we haven't got a vaccine by then) - with the ability to care for them without having to sacrifice them for the young (which is what Italy is faced with currently). The lockdowns work if you did it early. But with 10,000 people walking around Britain with suspected coronavirus, it's too late. The brightest scientific and medical minds in Britain came up with this plan, and Boris surrendered all of the planning to them to do so, and is choosing to run with it. I'd rather Britain gave it a pop. The Italian model isn't working, the Spanish model isn't working. We don't have the autocracy to try the Chinese model. If the British model works as intended - it will be studied for pandemics for decades.
9000IQ stiff upper lip play
finland is the safest country on earth right now.
is this a distancing thing
but they're about to get on bus
that image is years old its just a normal finnish bus stop. they just mind their own business.
do you think any of those people will sit next to each other on the bus
UK will isolate all citizens over 70 for months to come
That is incredibly naive. Even with lockdown italy cannot look after all of the people that need intensive care which isn't limited just to the elderly. The UK government is probably more concerned with the economy than lives at this point.
When USA initiated travel restrictions why was UK excluded?
That's because it hit the Italian epicentre of elderly people in a major transport hub. And for that matter they're having to choose between the elderly and young people so letting elderly die. You couldn't do this in northern Italy. It's simply too fucking late. So your argument doesn't wash with the situation in Britain. If anything the lack of beds and equipment problem reinforces the British strategy
this is how americans park
we're dumber at personal space than anyone but Indians
>when economies go into recession the rate in deaths increases
>the corona virus is either going to kill directly through infections or indirectly through economic recession
how to pick between these two?
That's because you dumb fucks cant park without smaht pahk so you need a car next to you to help you figure out straight lines
Finland is full of oversocialized Swedes.
they can control their own borders. their customs and border people can do what we say in a moment's notice.
a few days ago we figured your inability to manage your own borders mattered, turns out schengen wasn't worth the paper it was written on so we're probably going to let some schengen countries back on the fly list next week.
the parking equivalent to this situation
possibly. we do it on buses too was my point, people sit right next to you on an empty bus or train like they're family.
This. Our bitch government is showing their capability to do anything (again).
this is 2007 Yas Forums latest, hello oldfriend
Just key their car
Why Swedish are so smug about basically everything? My retarded politicians in my cunt are looking up to Sweden and what decisions they gonna take, and the fucking Swedes are too reluctant to take any action, hence we fucked too.
>If the British model works as intended - it will be studied for pandemics for decades.
and if it doesn't work, will be mocked/blamed for decades
>looking up to Sweden and what decisions they gonna take
but to be fair Sweden managed 2008 crisis pretty well
And the week after that the most intense after that.
There didnt even cancel the elections today in Bavaria. More than a thousand people need to use the same room an wait in a queue. They really hope elderly stay at home instead of voting conservative.