614 billion euros into the German economy, no joke. This has not been seen since the last total war effort in 1944.
It’s on, people.
614 billion euros into the German economy, no joke. This has not been seen since the last total war effort in 1944.
It’s on, people.
And it's all going to migrant invaders.
Why aren't you doing something?
No, it goes to companies.
who will use the money to hire migrants to do your job almost as well for half the price while you slowly drown from corona-chan lung glue. But hey, at least you're not a racist, right?
in order to employing refugees?
>614 billion euros into the German economy
I wish you had a link to know what the fuck are you talking about, are they shorting inflation like president imbecile did or are they actually pumping this in to the public?
Total war!
Sounds good, it's what every government should do and it helps the country in the long run.
Is there any panic in Germany like clearing out stores of toilet paper? I wonder if a big number like this would make people uneasy.
All this just boost the economy for a few seconds.
satan pls
yeah, had a bitch tell me i gotta share the TP cause i got the last package
Let's assume hyperinflation and economic crashes occur in the coming months and conditions begin to resemble Weimar era Germany. Asking German Yas Forums users realistically, what do you think would happen and what would be the potential of a populist party to gain power? Would it be more likely for the AfD, the leftist parties, or something else to gain votes?
The times of the refugee rhetoric is over. Politicans have switched go “we’ll protect Germans”.
Merkels party is the weakest its been in decades. She is terrified of having a recession during her parties weakest moments, opening the door to capitulation towards the AfD or redredgrun nightmare
So out of fear of losing power, more terrible shortsighted economy decisions.
Exactly, Mittelstand voters makes up the Coalition‘s voting pool, they aren‘t completely retarded. Besides, migrants are illiterate sandapes that couldn’t even do times tables, let alone take over Maschinenbau jobs lol
600 billion is pocket change for us
It’s like America injecting 3 trillion dollars into its economic landscape... 10% GDP growth soon.
You really do need a link or some more of the article quoted because there's so many lazy fucks here who rather dream up their own scenario based on a headline then go google it.
Germany is not so good at winning wars.
>Let's assume hyperinflation and economic crashes occur in the coming months
well, if the ecnomy fucks up, this could become nasty, both sides look like theire just waiting to start shit by now and Situation is really volatile, only Thing keeping the People from starting shit is the wealth we have
> what do you think would happen and what would be the potential of a populist party to gain power?
we got places that are left wing stronholds and right wing strongholds
those could become epicenters for civil unrest and attacks on the other side
All your car factories are filled with niggers and migrants.
>source, my big fat black ass
its not real money. the german fed printed 600 bill and gave it to their own companies, they basically devalued your own currency to prop up the economy. its an artificial boost.
anything to survive past 2021 elections
Is this going to kickstart the fourth reich?
>This fat useless sack of shit has been running your country for over a decade
WTF germany?
>source - friend that works in BMW factory near Nurnberg
you mean the factory in Schweinau ?
kek, you do get that those niggers and migrants are all either from the European Union countries or from the US ?
kek, calling them that just Shows that you cant tell the american subhumans apart
Hyperinflation for every nation until all goyim are dead broke and we submit to NWO banking system.
You mean it helps it in the short run by hopefully avoiding sudden economic downturn. In the long run it hurts because that money is coming into existence in the form of debt, debt issued under fractional reserve banking creates money that didn't exist beforehand, and the creation of money contributes to inflation. Inflation means the value of money becomes worth less, your savings and current wage lose value. Then future generations also have to pay for that debt through taxes, debt that doesn't go away because the state doesn't have a plan on getting out of debt. It also might come from government bonds, aka, IOU's. Who pays for that in the end, the same people who pay taxes. Taxes are 99% of government revenue. And bonds are just the government paying people back with your tax dollars.
Nah there's turks, indians and greeks in there.
>shows that you can't tell the american subhumans apart
Why would you care about telling them apart. I'd rather blow them apart desu
Why not a blitzkrieg insted
I thought only Brussels could print out money? I don't think it would be possible for them to do this.
>Nah there's turks, indians and greeks in there.
>source, again my big fat black ass
When this shit blows over in two weeks the economy is going to take off like a rocket.
The ECB is in Frankfurt. Also, all countries can spend and lend money as they like. See Greece or Italy.
milk was empty
Printing is different from spending gross shill. stop shitting up the thread.
Literal Weimar
Varg was right about everything
>credit injections
When will these morons learn that this creates a crisis?
You mean the Turks
It's a loan for the banks to play with some liquidity and scoop cheap stock.
The government will only regain a tenth of my trust once they send all the niggers and sandniggers home.
Also Merkel should be put into jail under solidarity confinement until her death for the havoc she unleashed onto the European people.
This economic shutdown is going to destroy the currencies. Bet on it.
can someone post wojak printing money by his own hands gif
We will not print it instead will stop being a cheap bitch with muuh budget surplus muuh no new debt and finally start spending our money.
Noone is admiting it but my impression is that most people start building a litte stock of food and other stuff.
Wich is fine I guess.
The TP shit is something germans
what a joke Merkel, they try to make us believe that the flu has anything to do with it; it's just a coverup for the economic collapse.
Coronavirus is a real asset for those elites, it's the new Sturmabteilung of the crisis who keep people in check, borders closed, population quarantined etc... which is the typical situation of an economic collapse.
Yeah let's print money to fight a virus lmao.
And that includes the New Germans
>1.5 trillion spawned into existence for Americans
>614 billion spawned into existence for Europeans
>All the while production of goods and services that actually exist is going down
Guys, I'm scared. What's gonna happen with prices of goods and services that already exist if there is that much more money circulating?
Migrants dont work buddy. its credit that goes directly to businesses and all workers get 60% salary from the state to help the owners.
stfu cleetus you wouldnt know a good social system if it hit you in the face.
Good enough for you.
Vat in ze fuk iz going on !?!?!
Well i can tell you that Ford Köln is like 75% turkish on a workers level
Its all about Deutsche Bank from going official bankrupt. Economic impact is 2.5x that of 2008
See DBK stockprice
Don't worry mama Merkel doesn't forget new migrants
b-but what about the goods and services??
sry, not a libertarian
companies are the ones who keep importing more of them
You don't get it. They're not migrants, they're middle-eastern born full-fledged Germans who are at least as important as the native-born Germans.
I don't think that is smart. It is overextending, much like USA and China is doing.