Fuck off tarrantposters, we're full
This is a board of peace.

>Police enforcement of lockdown on the table

>Australians unhappy about national lockdown

>Information and data cannot be claimed for ownership

>Casual workers missing out on wages due to Cov19

>People still in hysteria over supplies running out

>Shoppers catch onto this one simple trick to bypass buying limits

>Doctor contracts corona virus and is self documenting the infection process with ultrasound

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Based OP

Chinks are opening up the apartments they closed off weeks ago and finding bulk dead

Are you cunts ready for the collapse?

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Hello gentlemen, how are we this Sunday?

first for the daily ride

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How much rice for a gf during the boogaloo?

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Daily reminder: Never post your face, your car or your gf

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Meanwhile you have people praising how China handled the whole thing.

Anyone know an Aussie named Joshie? His brother is married to tawnie. They hunt wild boars and joshie is a plumber

Yes, yes. Of course.

Thread theme

i wonder if he still lurks amongst us.... or if he left in shame

You wanna know what the worst part about all this panic buying is? I genuinely feel like a complete fucking retard now trying to buy toilet paper because I'm actually on the verge of running out. Now I'm in the same basket as those fuckwits that are rocking up to Woolworths at 6:30AM to beat everyone else to the toilet paper aisle. It's fuckin stupid man.

Fuck the Chinese bugmen that are selling it for double the price, fuck the brown chimps who constantly get into fights over it, and fuck thew boomers who saw the 7News report and thought they needed to buy two years' worth of the shit. That is all.

i know those cunts.


>implying you can beat the Catholic church

Nah, he’s still here, cunts like that never leave.

Boss gave me shit for buying two packs last week, glad I did now.

I don't think he's coming back. I bet
>the gf
goes through his phone hidtroy to make sure he hasnt been back here posting more pictures of her lol

What state you live in cunt?
Could potentially drop some off for ya (in a public place). I promise not to cough on you

The best is the chinks are reporting those dead as missing and not dead, not dead to corona-chan. See, world, China Numbah one!
Fucking bugmen insectoid pieces of shit. I would be fine with a nuclear exchange as long as I died knowing every chinese scumshit was dead.

the whole country knows them. josh the plummer is best friends with scomo

I played some gay ass freemium game named King of Avalon with them and still talk to them here and there. They are my favorite imaginary friends in the down under.

We're here forever.

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i refuse to believe that the shoppies are still funded and supported by the catholic church, surely they're just some holdout that has managed to survive against the odds by cuddling up to retail and fast food companies and by no one really giving a shit about unions in that sector.

>you're only eligible IF you have a job to return to AFTER the the lock-down/
Considering that 25% of workers are casual and our reliance on chink shit I think over half of the casuals won't have a job to go back to.
Wanna hang out in front of state parliament when we become neets?
I can't afford to get to Canberra.

You had three months.

"Berejiklian asks NSW residents to report those who don't self-isolate"

sorry i dont know wtf joshie does besides drink rum. His brother is the plumber

No signs of decomposition whatsoever. They're literally alive and just laying there.

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oath, now when i need to buy normal products - at the normal rate i usually buy them - i look like a panic buying retard too lmao.

Parliament house is comfy, it has sloping green grass on the roof that you used to have picnics on before mudslimes ruined it.

Remember that guy who tried to drive his van into parliament but hit one of those concrete bollards? He was a good friend.

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I'm in NSW, appreciate the offer but it's not too dire yet mate. Got enough to last about two weeks or so yet.

The profiteering is the most disappointing thing though, shits me seeing countless ads for a $40 packs of Quilton paper on Facebook Marketplace listed by "Zhang Ye", "Janice Qiong" or "Yuen Chen". Would left right goodnight these cunts if I could. Stop ruining it for everyone else you horrible little yellow cunts.

Yeah i could too, if any of you cunts actually have none and can’t get any. Western syd, NSW here. aus/pol/ looks out for each other edition

>all the pleasant distractions for the plebs are being shut down
>people are starting to notice the world around them
>they don't like what they see
How fucked is civilization anons? TBTB don't end their distractions lightly. I truly feel like this is an epoch defining event.

Keep up, shit roll is the new money.

Whats the status with Tom Hanks?

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Yup, big mates.

Buy some to get their addresses m8.

Nothing ever happens user. Sure, stuff will change, but this isn’t the happening we’ve been hoping for.

mum felt so bad for me that she sent me a bunch of rolls and stuffed them in a kids toy package so the pajeets at the auspost distribution centre didnt steal it. dunno why she bothers t b h but i appreciate it so much

im looking to move out of my parents place
whats the best suburb to live in, in sydney, to easily pull chicks
i dont want it to be too difficult to get them back to my place to fuck

landlets can fuck right off

apparently China is "ramping up production" - all based on electricity use of course. Never mind the CCP directive to factory owners to use it or get a bullet to the head and replaced by someone who will.

you are, the kalergi plan is complete and now we're all monkeys, i think there is a week wait on deliveries now too so you'll have to use your hand or something

How on earth can you say that conclusively with that grainy video? It certainly appears that rigor mortis has set in on the lady in the dinning room.
Also, isn't it winter over there atm

Ivan is my favourite person on mafs

Stop being a degenerate and find a wife.

It's the only good chink, in my book.

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White pants, no Hillary style shit stain.
Corpses void. Thats a fake video.

point piper ;)

>Whats the status with Tom Hanks?
He's trapped on an island in the middle of nowhere.
Just like us Aussies.

Putting to much Vege on his toast

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Happy Saint Brentons day.

Man I so happy I made that shoppe of his head. Its served aus/pol well.

fucking hell, you must be on a bit of coin if you're going to be renting by yourself

depends how much money youve got and what sort of cunt are you a white or blue collar

>Anthony Albanese has urged Australians to approach the COVID-19 crisis with an open mind and an open heart.
It's easy to make comments when you're not in power.

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I don't think anyone cares

>whats the best suburb to live in, in sydney, to easily pull chicks
Anywhere close to the city and the nightlife really. Further out than like... Marrickville or Ashfield is a pain in the ass to get to when the trains stop running.

Maybe. A lot of this shit is outside of living memory though.

Dont reply to the schizoids

He collected his appearance cheque and went home.