CRO Yas Forums Nedjeljom ujutro na misu Edicija

How my fellow Croatians? Other Croatians welcome as well btw
>mountain croatians (slovenes)
>orthodox croatians (serbs)
>muslim croatians (bosnians)
>diaspora croatians (irish)

Što mislite o koronavirusu? Ništaburek ili neštoburek? Sezona nam je sjebana, s obzirom da je turizam 60% bdpa, mislim da će biti jebeno. Dalmaciji/Istri su otkazani bukinzi za ljeto, sezonci potpisivaju ugovore o odgodama, itd. Pošto još nismo izašli iz recesije 2008, očekujem sranje, samo je sad problem što ne možete pobjeći u Njemačku i Irsku.

Sreća u nesreći što nemamo toliko ciganije kao ostatak EU, nisu nas preplavili migranti, nemamo geto-zone (doduše imamo Split i Malu Hercegovinu tj. ZG lol), ali nekako mislim da kod nas neće biti majmuniranja i nereda osim ako voda ne bude do brade pa je sve ili ništa.

Negativno je što skoro nitko nema oružja zbog nenormalno-paranoičnog zakona o oružju (klasični staljinizam), Vlada vjerojatno laže o svemu te će sudnji dan biti kao Sanaderov otkaz, brže-bolje preko granice preko noći, da ne govorim o uvjetima u bolnicama, tko je bio zna.

Pozitivno? Otriježnjenje i shvaćanja osnovne logike da ne možeš bazirati kompletnu industriju na turizmu i imati omjer uhljebi&javni sektor:privatni 1000000:1. Tko zna, možda bude bolje?

Attached: 41OcQk1wgyL._AC_.jpg (500x310, 15.1K)

croats are NOT white

croats are othodox serbs

Any Croat water polo players here? Asking for a friend.

what should the literal borders of croatia should be and why

pusim kurac

Croatian borders include Slovenia, parts of Hungary, Serbia (plus Montengero and "Kosovo"), Bosnia and Hercegovina, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia. Also Trieste of Italy.


>>mountain croatians (slovenes)
>>orthodox croatians (serbs)
>>muslim croatians (bosnians)
>>diaspora croatians (irish)
Fucking based

Začepi budalo jedna

Why not? If we can conquer them, they're ours.

Kako može da imate vi toliko malo korone a mi toliko veliko?
Sigurno su to neki laževi?

but you can't

Teško, naša civilna zaštita je poduzela sve mjere da obustavi širenje virusa i ljudi poštuju mjere samoizolacije. Svaki dan imamo izvještaje u 9 i 16 sati

You guys still got a rarted socialist government with a 40% income tax rate?

No way. Tito found out Tesla's secret weapons in Smiljan, that's why CIA destroyed Yugoslavia. Think about portable black hole, plasma rifles, etc. They will be revelaed to Croatians once they win World cup in football. So in 20 years because we upgrade our medal every 20 years.
>1998 bronze
>2018 silver
>2038 gold

Vjerojatno laganje i prijavljivanje dijela zaraženih svaki drugi-treći dan da se ne stvori panika. Moja pretpostavka je da će sljedeći tjedan izvještavati o 100 oboljelih svaki dan dok ne izjednače. Hrvatska nema nikakvu kontrolu nad ičim, bolnice su nam austrougarske štale izgrađene za Franje Josipa 1.


But if that happens, serbs, and bosniaks are just going to take your land, as well as albanians, and then you will do the same, and the cycle of rape and ethnic cleansing continues.

Best to settle to borders in a fair civilised way based on history, so no more suffering will continue. As i'm sure you would agree that grieving mothers, traumatised men, half dead families, and women with ungodly actions done to them should not happen again

>Sezona nam je sjebana, s obzirom da je turizam 60% bdpa, mislim da će biti jebeno.
Izvrsno, neka bogata rentfag smeca sad placun i kmece za bailoutom jer im opet nisu puni svi kreveti. Ja bi jos povecao porez i ukucao svaki moguci visak i suficit u Slavoniju. Majku im lijenu jebem.

Attached: Karate_WM_2014_(2)_017.jpg (800x533, 70.69K)

Svi Talijani koji su kupili kuće vikendice ili stanove svi su pobježali u Istru ili čak na kraju iznajmili stanove samo da se maknu od Italije

Jel zna netko kako nabavit kurvu u njemackoj? Ja sam u minhenu
Neki tipovi kako da me ne preveslaju?

North East Slovenia(the part responsible for making Horvat the most common surname in Slovenia), Herzegovina and Western Bosnia including Jajce.

Oh and of course our ancestral lands around Lviv.

That's about it.

M tocka ladies tocka DE

Now fuck of cube head phone poster.

and this should be yours because your ancestors settled there first before any other slavic ethnicity?

Can we all come to an agreement.
Croats are NOT white. They are literally serbian and turkish rape babys.

Jel imate miso na fb?

Cope more

>t. catholic serbian

Whats the climate like? People here are staying indoors... except Albanians who are scouting locations for later looting.

>Što mislite o koronavirusu? Ništaburek ili neštoburek?
ako imate više nego 65 godina i pušite i diabetis očete umret, ali drugace skoro nothingburger

ekonomski biče kurba

>People here are staying indoors.
In western slovenia yes. Bit in eastern Slovenia people are outside like nothing happend

dej slovenec, a ti se zdi dežela kr pusta, saj so vsi bosnaci šli domov

tle k jst žvim ni bosancov, sam čefurji.

kko čefurje a niso bosanci? a so šiptarji, al kej?

Autistu memerski

Is he a fag with a specific fetish?

Nista, ove godine kad odemo na more tamo nece bit guzve a apartmani ce biti u trecinu cijene. Bnk

Croatian dijaspora checking in.

I can't wait to sneak across the Croatian border as a superspreader and infect your whole country. This will finally be my revenge for the years of hatred and vitriol I received by my countrymen on this very board - countrymen who have betrayed and disowned me, while I have been doing everything in my power to contribute to a positive image of my native land. You have no idea how often I laid in my bed at night with an aching heart, full of sorrow and disbelief that those who I thought were my brothers could abandon me in such cruel fashion.

But soon, everything will change. There is no stopping me.

My time has come.

Attached: based.jpg (1041x2017, 381.32K)

>t. orthodox croatian
Mi smo stigli prvi na područje današnjeg balkana, od svih drugih slavena nitko drugih osim nas, a ovi ostali koji su odlučili napustiti naše pleme u 7 stoljeću upravo su današnji srbi/slovenci/crnogorci

Korona je nista... mozda pobije dio staraca pa manje za penzije budemo morali dati. Corona ce nam ekonomiju spasiti!

I like them the way they are maybe just take a third of Bosnia given that it's an imaginary country
Our shape is this way for a reason and it is a glaring symbol to Europe
This is what happens when Muslims try to invade Europe

Manje testiranja od vas

čefurji niso niti bosanci niti slovenci jiti srbi niti albanci.
neka posebna veja.
Bosanci so ql, čefurji niso.
drgace jutri v službo pridejo vsi, tudi bosanci, tako da zgleda niso šli domov

Kad vam biče loša sezona, šta očete?
Dnevni osječaj da smo vam slovenci najbolji turisti jer nema veze opet čemo svi slovenci dolazit na hrvatsko z obzirom šta bude

i'm serbian, and l want to take some of your land though, like a third of dalmatia, most of bosnia should probably got to croatia and maybe some of banat, not sure.

You sound autistic
Have you heard in the last 20 years any news about Croatia trying to invade Bosnia or Serbia?
As a matter of fact those fucks always come here because Croatia is in terms of wealth crime and natural beauty far better

To i ja kazem, na kratak rok recesija i malo haosa, na dug rok rasterecen penzijski fond.

kako si cute kad pričaš srpskohrvatski

Imagine unironically saying Serbian & Turkish rape babies

probavam kaj nej, boli me kurac za ovaj mongolski sliko anime forum :D

you sound autistic actually, here is why:

I never stated that croatians were going to do this, l was explaining an argument that a croatian dude was saying, that he supports croatia taking over multiple countries in the balkans, including bulgaria.

Ma samo dolazite obožavam vas
Ovo ljeto sam neku slovensku dobru mazno na barci pretvarao sam se da sam židov i ženska pala na foru aj zamisli

What does Dalmatia have anything to do with Serbia
You guys should worry about losing Vojvodina and Kosovo first and then think about others

There seems to be a problem with your thread- it implies Irish are people.

My grandfather was from Karlovac. Any news there?

He was joking
We have nothing to do with Bulgaria besides more than thousand years ago when we waged wars
We have no plans of expansion (again besides a third of Bosnia)

Well, we would like some of it. Kosovo is mostly lost anyway, and Vojvodina is safe since all of you went to Ireland and all Magyars are 65+

vojvodina isn't going to be lost, kosovo is defacto already lost.

What serbs have to do with dalmatia is that about a third of it was settled first by serbians. The furthest reaching serbian principality in dalmatia is pagania, which was inhabited by the narentine tribe, which was a serbian tribe which refused to be baptised by the byzantines so they were pagan vikings.

Attached: Dalmatian_principalities,_9th_century.png (698x486, 46.07K)

My friend is yeah, he likes water polo players because he says they're super alpha and fit so I'm asking on his behalf!

Nistaburger, jedino sto boomeri sad panicare pa kupuju po ducanima en masse, nemogu guzicu da obrisem jer su plodine prazne.

Who ever thought you to say that, got you swindled.

my point still stands, you thought l was saying croats as a whole wanted to invade a lot of countries.

How can you cope with the fact that croats are NOT white and your are a serbian/ottoman rape baby?

Are you Bill Belichick?
He comes from basically Karlovac his grandparents are from there
As far as I know there still weren't any cases confirmed in Karlovac but we're slowly closing things

Attached: SAVE_20200315_104018.jpg (747x1600, 376.99K)

show me your war face Ante?

Attached: war face2.png (450x529, 72.97K)

Losing Vojvodina implies it was theirs in the first place.

>be offered asylum in another country
>150 years later start violently attacking the owners of the land because you've decided you want to own it

Serbs get bombed because they're landgrabbers.

stop acting like an asshole. go work out, read something, work on a skill. You calling others nonwhite on this board, and trolling, will just make like more miserable.

>diaspora croatians (irish)

Aware me on this?

What about other ethnicities there (Slovaks Czechs...)
Do Vojvodinci call southern Serbs turkified?
Kosovo is in the short term lost yeah

I'm just stating a well-known fact
Croats are NOT white

what country are you talking about? I know it's not about this, but kosovo is very similar to this. Since tito allowed many albanians to flee the albanian dictatorship which was very shitty, and they moved to kosovo, which increased their demographics by a lot. Now, it's gone for us, with that migration playing a big part in why it's lost

They are super alpha with extremely wide shoulders but nobody on pol is gonna help you with faggotry

you never go to bed, after a night of doing this shit, happy, and fulfilled, you go to bed with the same hope of not waking up in the morning. I'm just trying to help you bro. By telling you that you can help yourself

Well there is a region of Croatia called Slavonia which is the farthest from the coast
It has beautiful land for agriculture but that region was heavily hit during the war of independence (as they're the closest to the Serbs)
Nowadays they're moving in large numbers to Ireland (probably because you guys are catholics and sort of easy to economically migrate to)