Be Russia

>be Russia
>feudal shithole
>overthrow oppressors
>kick Germany's ass when nobody else could
>operation Bagration was 10 times bigger than D-Day
>took over Berlin
>sent the first satellite, animal, man into space
>pioneered space exploration
>dominated math, chess and science
>meanwhile Americans were arguing over whether or not black people should be allowed on buses
Communism is completely based.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you do this once every fucking day shut up and go outside

and I do it for free

>Communism is completely based.
That was not real communism. And if it was so great, why oh why it all fell apart?

It fell because the USSR got caught up in a shitty war and capitalist subversion

And now Russians ruled by likes, drink themselves to death, Russian women choose chinks and shitskins and Muslim population of Russia grows. But it is all fine?


>shitty war
Afghanistan was a mistake

Just like Roman empire, that had a glorious past, but where is it now user?

So Russia is a shithole now that is being ruled and bled by oligarchs. What does that have to do with communism?

You can say that about any country

>be Imperial Russia
>Fastest growing economy next to USA
>Worlds first oil wells
>Biggest grain exporter
>Politicians working for a better future, trying to bring in gold standard
>Politicians assassinated by Jews
>Tsar family killed by Jews
>Jew media go all in in news papers with fake stories about people starving and communism winning over, in a nation that produces huge abundance of food. Food was biggest export in Russia at that time
>Fuck Russia over, start destroying universities, farms that produce abundance (kulaks) and all religion except Judaism
>Send good people to Sibir
>Soon real food shortages start and people starve
>Go to war with Germany
>Laugh while saving money on executions by sending people unarmed against German fire
>People begging to be liberated by Germans
>fast forward 1970-1980's
>Start bragging about soon being at the same food production as pre communism
Fuck communism

You're an absolute nut. Literally nothing that you write is true except "muh jews bad". Jews got BTFO by Stalin so jewish involvement is irrelevant.
>sending people unarmed against German fire
That never happened. Keep watching schlomo's hollywood shit.

>First oil well

>Russia was amongst the largest exporters of agricultural produce, especially wheat, while the Free Economic Society made continuing efforts to improve farming techniques.

>During the first five-year plan, Stalin's all-out campaign to take ownership and organisation from the peasantry meant "peasants with a couple of cows or five or six acres [about 2 ha] more than their neighbors" were labeled kulaks.[6] Under dekulakization, government officials violently seized farms and killed resisters,[3][7] deported others to labor camps, and drove many to migrate to the cities[8] following the loss of their property to the collective.

>Soon real food shortages start and people starve

There's way more, but I can't remember the politicians names that got assassinated
>Bombs explode in the distance. The soldiers hear the thump of artillery shells and duck away from a strafing fighter. They are urged forward by a political commissar while every other man is given a rifle.
>every other man is given a rifle.
>1 rifle for 2 soldiers

The absolute truth my fellow comrade

Communism is BASED comrade!

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>The above describes the opening scene to the Hollywood blockbuster Enemy at the Gates and sustains a myth that the Soviets sent soldiers into combat without enough rifles. But this concept is mostly a product of Hollywood movies, propaganda, and the disastrous performance of the Soviet army in the early stages of the war.
When your own article proves you wrong two lines later
>my fucking sides

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>War History online
Keep believing Wehrmacht myths lol.
Soviet weaponry was vastly superior to German weapons.

>On December 9, 1941, General Zhukov actually forbade the kind of frontal assaults seen in Hollywood movies. Instead, they focused on solid defensive principles such as a flexible defense in depth, massing anti-tank guns on likely avenues of approach, and infantry assaults coordinated with artillery.
Let this be an experience for everyone here. Actually READ the source you're using as evidence before posting it to support your stupid argument

>believing this
I wonder if there will ever be a day where a rightoid can compete with us

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Too quick on the trigger on one source, but refute any others
The death rate among gunners serving in penal squadrons was exceptionally high. While prisoners assigned as gunners could theoretically clear their sentences after surviving ten missions, like the infantry they were frequently transferred to penal mine-clearing units before reaching this total.[2]
>penal mine-clearing units

Fuck you faggot

They also had laws against child labor and the world's longest railroad system.

OK but living in Russia fucking sucks.

The pre-Stalin Soviet Union was dominated by kikes and after the Stalinist purges many of them remained and eventually killed him, even though he was one of the most important factors in the creation of their ethno-state.

I have better things to do. You already posted one source that literally disproved your own argument. Your new Wikipedia source mentions literally nothing about rifle shortages. Most of the other shit are topics most high schoolers already know. Wikipedia also is not a source. 70 IQ schizo idiots are not welcome in this thread.

>Gets kronstadt-ed
Blacks never get to relax.

Now, yes

Calm down mohammed

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it mentions saving money on executions by sending people who you'd execute in front of enemy fire with the promise of freedom if surviving 10 missions.
But before that happens you'll get mine clearing duty that is guaranteed death sentence.
You didn't even post 1 source, but make this stupid thread every single day, so you obviously have time

There was still a Jew around to butcher loads of Ukrainians during the Holdomor and he worked in Stalin's government.
Stalin did not completely erode Jewish power, he merely shattered it.

>be russia
>cultural paradise of european arts and literature
>get overtaken by kikes
>murder 10 million people in civil war
>murder another 10 million in force collectivizations
>get ass kicked by based wehrmacht
>saved at the last moment by american lend lease
>perform a bunch of stunts for international prestige
>actual internal economy collapses because there is no incentive for anyone to work
>breadlines & shitty commie blocks
>censorship & political repression
>the people finally rise up against tyranny and overthrow your shitty communist failed state
>living standards instantly begin to rise
>literally no actual citizens of former-soviet countries want to go back
>some upper middle class western trannie on Yas Forums:
"Communism is completely based"

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Source for what? Everything I wrote is common knowledge. You're posting pseudo shit. Quit deflecting, you started this shit with your Enemy at the Gates nonsense claiming one in two soldiers had a rifle when the USSR was pumping out 1000 tanks per month.

Now they're so poor they eat dog food and they have no power whatsoever to stop russia from turning into a giant moslem shithole. Great ideology. Got them so far.

communism is a jewish plot to enslave the working class to jewish overlords. prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't

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>saved at the last moment by american land lease
Western idiots actually believe this

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Refute holodomor


What they failed to achieve within the Soviet Union, they had succeeded in achieving in the US.

like disgusting jannies, gtfo faggot,

What am I supposed to refute? There is a debate in academia over whether or not it's a genocide. I'm not an academic. The countries that recognize it as genocide have politics behind their decision.

You know what has no debate? The holocaust, fascist idiot

The very fact that he had to forbid it proves it was a common occurence.
It's like the Popes releasing a bull every other year forbidding the use of crossbows that nobody gave a shit about.

Yes, I cannot, because you are a conspiracy nut

>Calm down mohammed
Comrade yuo are of racist, go to gulag.

>the fact that frontal assaults were forbidden proves my hollywood schlomo propaganda

>Majority of communist thinkers and organizers are kikes
>just a conspiracy bro

Yes, you fucking retard. It's because it's true. Soviet Russia was a failed state reeling from Stalinization schemes. Without American spam and grains and trucks it would've starved and collapsed at the gates of Moscow in 1941.

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Let's not forget that the USSR was planning it own attack on Germany and the German offensive was so successful because the kikes were caught completely with their pants down, being in total denial of Germany actually attacking them for a whole month.

kek, biggest proof why the commies allways starve right there


> the kikes

You fucking antisemite. Go to hell!!!

No it wasn't. That's neo-nazi propaganda that no actual credible historian believes. What's the average IQ of this board?

no argument

this is sadly true. and as a red pilled european I'm sorry for what the american pigs have done to the middle east to prop up their jewish overlords.

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Dont forget mixing of the people and nations in order to dilute and destroy national identities and make future people into mutts who would support future communist party, thats is communist doctrine which was in part or wholly created by jews. How many millions of people from russian asian republics were transported to white ussr satellites in europe? Even to this day there are more fluent russian speakers in latvia than actual latvian speakers. Its the same situation in most or all post soviet states, thousands of asians arrived and have mixed with local populations. Same thing inside russia itself, moscow is almost a muslim city and white russians are living in fear.
IT hasnt worked as intended though, mutts dont really want socialism themselves and others are just too violent and cant be controlled by the state.

I wish europe, russia and china would unite and stand as a solis communist block
And i also wish the reopening concentration camps and gulags for all kinds of parasites

>Kicked Germanies ass
>Lose like 80% of your working male population in a war against invaders in your own homeland with supply support from allies
>Literally entire 70 year history was just desperately trying to keep up with the old powers and later organic growth of the United States
>Former center of the Union Russia now a beautiful dictatorship coping with vodka

It's not true lmao. I'm not gonna say it didn't help but saying it saved the USSR is a stretch. You just want to discredit the Soviet union. Small reminder that it was 10 million soviet troops marching into berlin. Where did they come from? Oh yeah, it's because Russia is a juggernaut. The Germans were doomed from the get-go, for the simple reason that their stupid blitzkrieg strategy was ineffective in a country that could surrender land, counter attack, and was full of mud and no roads. The end.


Imagine not even getting paid to shit up pol. Then again you wouldn't be a commie if you knew how to make money

jesus, you delusional fucking donut, the only reason they pumped out those 1000 tanks a month is because of ally land lease, and that is too a common knowledge, other wise they would be fucked from all the equipment and men lost in the early stages of war, they literally got fucked in the ass and would keep getting fucked in the ass with their human meat shields if not for ally land lease.

Stalin had all the offensive capabilities of the ussr army massed at the border with Germany, such as attack planes. that's why they got BTFO so hard when the germans blitzed them. but of course, the winners write history

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>What's the average IQ of this board?
Claimed: 140
Actual: 90

Keep spamming hollywood nonsense schlomo. Your country exists because of Russia. Remember that.

I dont care about terminology, did millions of ukrainians die of starvation and famine due to actions of communist goverment or not?

who fucking mentioned that it was a genocide? he asked you to fucking refute holodomor because oh you so much love your enslaving ideology, and believe with all your heart that it works, but cant fucking deny millions of people starving because of it.

Read the part where I said credible historian. You never even read the book, just reciting shit that fits your neo nazi narrative. The USSR military was in disarray and could barely fight with Finland. You have to be seriously mentally disabled to think they would attack Germany.

Small reminder that your shitty country flipped sides to fight with the USSR. Pathetic.

then how the fuck did the Wehrmacht take in 5 Million RussianPOWs in the first weeks alone, when there wasnt a russian army at the border ?
I know you commies hate numbers, but we got those proving that there was a shitload of russians there when Germany invaded

>b-b-but muh nationalists and kulaks died
Very good
Billionaires and traitors can’t be spared

>"refute a historic event"
Ugh.. ok?