Toilet Paper NPCs

Now that the dust has settled : what the FUCK was that? I knew there were a lot of NPCs out there but we just witnessed millions : MILLIONS of them March out of their homes and buy TOILET PAPER. This begs the question, why? What is this programming? What is the purpose? Who did it? Was it a test run for something bigger?

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its big on facebook

definitely a dry run.

the dust isn't settled. stores are now limiting their operating hours. by the end of the week, a lot of them will be closing indefinitely.

fake pandemic= excuse for economic collapse= police state= global government proposed as solution.

When the eastern block was collapsing 30 years ago in 1988-89, people were buying toilet paper lice crazy, and shelfs in shops were empty. Puppets of western colonizators use that as an argument why "democracy" is better than communism for those 30 years.
I wonder whether panic buying of toiled paper is a sign of major global changes again.

But they were right though because the whole society collapsed lol

The true collapse occurred later in 90's with unemployment, drugs, local mafia, homelessness...
Who knows how the post corona world will look like.
Still too early to tell now, we'll see in upcoming years.


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Just crumble up a newspaper and wipe your ass.

I'm going to buy toilet paper right now (store opens in 7 minutes, 3 minutes walk away). I ran out of it yesterday.

What's the problem with buying toilet paper? You need it anyway.

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Forget the toilet paper. This board is full of NPC's who are hyping something that's significantly less dangerous than the flu just because the Jewish media told them to.

>Now that the dust has settled

It hasn't even begun! Modern supply chains cannot handle that much surge behaviour from consoomers.

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Facebook boomer memes.

An Australian news channel ran a story on items in short supply in Singapore/Hong Kong due to the Wu Flu. Toilet paper was top of the list.

Boomers & normies started spreading it in Facebook and saying "It could happen here!", Missing the fact that Hong Kong/Singapore import the their toilet paper from China whilst most other countries make toilet paper domestically.

Only the most retarded normie NPCs are buying toilet paper.

I could literally wipe my ass with anything I find outside. I'd wipe my ass with a fucking wet rock before I panic buy toilet paper like a dumb faggot.

I cant believe it. When these people are starving to death, dying of illness, and getting raided, they will eat that toilet paper.

These stupid fucking nigger golems have no sense.

Dry food. Water. Guns. Medicine. All else is unnecessary luxury that will be looted or traded.

I heard an NPC saying that they think they need it for blowing their noses and that expensive ones don't give them a chapped nose

someone must have made a joke/meme that corona makes you shit a ton and people just ran with it.
it didnt happen by accident. this was a concerted effort to get people to do this.

It is because of manufacturing. China shut it down and it is still down. A lot of materials and raw materials are not being made.

April is when the "hurt" begins on things not arriving to stores anymore.

But what if a worker at Nabisco in Ohio plant has it? Or three? They shut down the entire plant.

It is a gamble on what will still be made and what will not be. The virus may not be bad, but the issue is the goods are not being made.

Stocking up is the smart thing to do.

My thoughts exactly

I use kitchen paper to blow my nose. Toilet paper can't withstand a heavy blow.

>Dry food. Water. Guns. Medicine. All else is unnecessary luxury that will be looted or traded.
Lol another LARPer who thinks he will be like Immortan Joe when the happening hits. Newsflash: your nearest military base's forces under whatever opportunist general turned warlord will be the ones doing all that you'll just be force conscripted into their ranks, or tortured executed and all your shit taken.

Stocking up is smart. But if I use 1 or 2 rolls a month. I don't need to stock up hundreds.

Just imagine how comfortable the life of this idiots is that a soon as the alarms start ringing the first thing they think of is getting a bundle of shit paper so they can hide and shit their hearts content.

They think all they have to do is close their doors, eat and shit until everything goes back to transsexual book story time and tv shows.
If the system caves in their going to stampede to the FEMA camps and do just about anything in order to get a false sense of security.
This people don't even recognize the word crisis, the closest they ever been to a crisis is their cell phones dying in the middle of a conversation.

I know and both give me a chapped nose. I use the sink and water at home, but I live alone.

my god
the memes are true

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You would only see this in Finland if they gave out free buckets.

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The weird thing is, they dont have issues with running out on toothpaste and soap. I guess NPCs rather stop brushing their teeht and stop washing than using old newspaper or leafes to wipe their ass

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A nice trick is to crumble it up for a longer time so it gets softer and ass friendly

I dont know why I know this, but I think its good to know

I live a block from my grocery store, I just walk over there any time I need something, gets me out of the house. Today I wanted some sweedish fish so I walked over and Jesus, the horror. It's been calm here so I thought the grocery store stuff was just a bunch of shitposting, if you weren't panicked the state that place was in would cause you to think it was the goddamn apocalypse. My area is 98% white and people were behaving like feral nigger animals. The place was completely torn apart, shit was falling off the shelves, half the shelves were empty, people are panicking. I don't know what schlomo is telling the NPCs but he has them spooked beyond anything I've ever witnessed.

But if you got coronachan youre couching, you dont get a runny nose

toilet paper stock be like

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That happened where I am too, good thing I keep lots of stuff just because California is California. I did end up buying a shitload of canned stuff while there so I don't have to deal with that faggotry for a long time.
And about those bottled water fags, don't they know about water purification gear? That's going to be on the same level as guns and ammo if shit stays bad too long.

>Go to store
>No more TP
>Only disinfecting wipes
Guess I'll wipe my ass with those then
Weird that those are mostly untouched tho


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Saw a old lady buying cotton wipes in bulk today, consider this alternative.

>wipe ass on socks
>wash socks

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

I love this pasta.
How do you even use an entire roll a day? Shit once and throw the rest of the tp at cars from your balcony or what?

But if you wipe your ass with your socks where do you wipe your cock after you fap you disgusting animal?


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>But they were right

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TP is a scam in general, just use fabric and wash it after. Do you throw away pants after u shit in them? No, of course not, that would be a waste. You wash them. Just get old shirts u want to throw away, cut them up in small squares and there u go, reusable toilet paper. If you're like me and don't ever throw away clothes, you can be even more efficient and just use your underwear to wipe your ass, and then get a new pair. You shit once a day and change your underwear daily (at least I hope you do, you gross fucks), why not combine them? Fabric feels much softer to your asshole as well so it's cheaper AND more luxurious.

My god this is actually me...

I throw away my pants after I shit in them. Not that it happens often, but when it does, they go in the bin.

>fake pandemic= excuse for economic collapse= police state= global government proposed as solution.

Finish the equation
>global government proposed as solution

>Implying the USA isn't already a socialist state

>this thread paid for by Big TP
>when you gotta wipe, we're there for you

I had a retarded aunt like these toilet paper fiends. She would go through a 24 pack a day if we let her. If she was going to legit prepare for two weeks on her terms, she would need 14x megapacks of toilet paper. Just a few retarded aunts is all it takes to clear out a walmart.

Who the fuck needs more than 2 rolls/month/person?
This is just npc behaviour. There is no intelligent thought behind it, just seeing everyone else buying it and therefore they must buy too.

How did you stop her? Did you wipe her ass for her?

>driving by
>not spraying the line with paintballs

It's mind control, they probably had a good laugh over it
> pic related

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typical I wipe it on your mother's face

Nice. I'll remember that next time she gives me a rimjob.

They need to dry the leakage caused by the cooling systems you robot racist !

>tfw you witness at least half of humanity literally succumbing to a mental .bat file
It's weirdly terrifying watching people become unthinking drones like that. in know it's happening, but this was a real happening.

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I wish I could upvote this comment. Well done, Sir!

We gave her to an old folks home. There are surely some of these creatures still in the wild in America though.

Everything else is a quilted fabric or non disintehrating paper that will clog your drains in 3 days guy

Florida fag here... I’ve been through my fair share of hurricanes over the past few decades and this ALWAYS happens. People want to be as comfortable as possible and especially for women, TP is crucial for this since they need it for pissing too. I don’t understand why people are so baffled by this but then again us Floridians go through this panic buying shit every hurricane season.

People cant comprehend that they could wipe their ass with a rag if they had too. Also, if shit really hits the fan the toilets will stop flushing eventually. Toilet paper will have to be thrown outside.

Fucking kek

Some retards started hoarding toilet paper and then everybody else was like, oh shit I better get some while there's still some left!
Reacting to panic is not the same thing as panicking.
I'd go buy some myself but I bought like 80 rolls months ago just because it was a good sale and I didn't need much room in my cart that day and I'd rather stick up every now and then then have it taking up space in my cart and truck.

Use leaves, or fucking sand like the arabs. Why oh why can't they have a single moment of retrospection?

>Pictures of a couple people loading up on toilet paper go viral
>Media reports that people are panicking and buying all the toilet paper
>people panic about the people panicking and rush to buy toilet paper

The media literally memed a toilet paper shortage into reality.

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This has to do with loss of control. The anus and sphencter is one of the first things we learn to control neurologically as we grow up. Since this situation is an absolute loss of control over our life, many people go and buy toilet paper. Its totally psychological

for npcs it's not about survival but luxury. most boomers for example can't even conceive of the idea of skipping breakfast. buying toilet paper is probably subconsciously clinging onto a standard of luxury or something. "if I have plenty of toilet paper everything else will be fine". almost like some kind of futile sense of control because normalfags don't know how to do anything but follow orders and consume

this is motherfucking blue beam. these goddam fucking phones are the end game. every single fucking faggot has one with alerts going off telling them exactly what to do and stupid faggots do it. BLUE BEAM BLUE SCREEN SIGNAL FROM THE SKY. virus doesn't matter, earthquake, hurricane, tornado doesn't matter. when that fucking blue screen tells people to do something they do it.

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I would wager that something like 50%+ of things like TP are being hoarded by profiteers or legit sheep idiots which are probably something like 5-10% of the population. Then the average, relatively calm consumer notices the sudden shortage of these materials and then, because they are not acclimated to such scarcity of essentials, starts panic buying themselves for FOMO; it's like a feedback loop.
As per usual, it's just a minority of the population causing problems and fucking over everyone else. Stores should have been enforcing limits desu.

When the alphabet bois or the military fags come knocking on my door they will find a house empty save for explosives and booby traps.

Flock mentality hysteria. Some random person buys a shit ton of toilet paper. Other people sees the TP shelves emptying, everyone starts doing the same. The chain reaction starts.

Moral of the story is that people will do anything just because they feel like they should, even if it doesn't make sense.

Guys I just returned from a discount store, I got my toilet paper!!1! Felt urge to take a dump all the time (I ran out of toilet paper yesterday, didn't take a dump this morning).

this sounds about right

This is based af lol